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  • The Great Impostor

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Aug 16, 2009
    based on 4 ratings


    Impostor - a person who practices deception under an assumed character, identity, or name. Ferdinand Waldo Demara Jr was a prison warden, a monk, a lawyer, a sheriff’s deputy, cancer researcher, teacher and a religiously-oriented psychologist, Died a Baptist Minister Surgeon - In reality he more

  • The Great Omission

    Contributed by Michael Stover on May 4, 2001
    based on 44 ratings

    When we take word "commission" and drop off the first letter, we have the word "omission." A slight change in spelling, but a serious change in meaning.

    Evangelism is not a side line! It is the LIFELINE of the church. When we take the word “commission” and drop off the first letter, we have the word, “omission.” A slight change in spelling, but a serious change in meaning. What does the letter “C” stand for in the word COMMISSION? I. “C” more

  • The Great Promise

    Contributed by Douglas Wood on Oct 29, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    The great promise is one that Jesus gave to all people.

    In this day and time, we as Christian’s and non-Christian’s alike, tend to make promise’s to our friends, to our co-workers, and to our family’s. Now I know for the most part, we all try to keep our promise, and for the most part we do. But, there is always that {something} Thatcomes up. Then we more

  • The Greatness Of Golgotha

    Contributed by Clint Shrum on Jan 9, 2007
    based on 30 ratings

    Golgotha has never been known as a place of beauty, In this message we see how that wretched place became a place of greatness

    THE GREATNESS OF GOLGOTHA Mark 15:22-25 Intro: Three times in the Bible you find the word Golgotha, Matthew 27:33, Mark 15:22 and John 19:17. Only once in the Bible do you find the word Calvary in Luke 23:33. Both of these words speak of the same place and have the same meaning. Golgotha more

  • The Great Change

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Jan 7, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    This Sunday I look forward to being back among family. My message will be my personal vision for change, or transformation. It comes from Paul’s letter to the Philippian church. And my prayer is that you will join me on this quest to allow God to do His great change in our hearts and in His church.

    The Great Change Philippians 2:5-11 Watch on YouTube Channel: Today, I’d like to share with you, my vision. A vision for myself, and hopefully for the church, but the church cannot really have a vision without that vision being a part of those who more

  • The Great Escape

    Contributed by John Gullick on Sep 5, 2018

    A sermon that looks at escape much of what the world and the flesh throw at us by going backwards and looking at the goodness of God

    The Great escape Genesis 1:26-29 New International Version (NIV) 24 And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds:the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. 25 God made the wild animals more

  • The Great Adventure

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Jan 5, 2018

    Jesus calls us to take the Great Adventure when He says "Follow Me!" But will we follow Him?

    The Great Adventure Matthew 4:18-25 January 7, 2017 In his book, The Island of Lost Maps, author Miles Harvey shared something I think many of us can relate to. He wrote ~ In my 30's I spent a great deal of time at the Kopi [a travelers' café in Chicago] whose walls were adorned with masks from more

  • The Great Adventure Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Jan 13, 2018

    Christ calls us to follow Him on the Great Adventure in life.

    The Great Adventure Matthew 4:18-25 January 7, 2017 In his book, The Island of Lost Maps, author Miles Harvey shared something I think many of us can relate to. He wrote ~ In my 30's I spent a great deal of time at the Kopi [a travelers' café in Chicago] whose walls were adorned with masks from more

  • Inspired To Greatness Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Sep 30, 2014

    Share your heart, possessions and money, and so be an encouragement to the entire body of Christ.

    A young man took a short cut home through a cemetery late one night and fell in an open grave. He cried for help and tried to climb out, but it didn’t work. There was no one around to hear his cries or to lend a hand. So he settled down in a dark corner of the grave to wait for morning. A more

  • Great Crowds Series

    Contributed by Mike Lewis on Feb 1, 2023

    Before Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, the people began to gather around forming Great Crowds. Why did these crowds form? What kept the crowds satisfied? What drove them away?

    WELCOME & INTRODUCTION I. CHILDHOOD a. Raised in a tough neighborhood. Parents taught us well but it didn’t prevent me from being picked on. Thankfully never really got into trouble. I don’t like bullies. In 1986 we moved to a much better neighborhood, but it was my job to walk my little more

  • The Great Samaritan

    Contributed by Howard Parnell on Oct 3, 2002
    based on 41 ratings

    When Jesus told the parable of the good Samaritan, He answered a lot more than just, "Who is my neighbor?" He detailed the entire history of man and man’s need for a Savior.

    THE GREAT SAMARITAN Luke 10:30-35 INTRO. This parable is probably among the most well known of all the parables. Everyone is familiar with the story of the "Good Samaritan". But far too many people do not understand the primary meaning of the parable. This is not a parable told to highlight more

  • The Great Exchange

    Contributed by Gary Washburn on Jun 25, 2002
    based on 84 ratings

    You will either accept the truth or suppress the truth. You will either believe the truth and change your ways or change the truth to believe your ways!

    The Great Exchange Romans 1:18- 32 Intro: Where did man come from? Where is man going? These 2 questions are at the heart of every human being at one time or another. The answers to these questions determine how a person values life and the lives of others. For example; If a person believes in more

  • Blueprint For Greatness Series

    Contributed by David Asch on Jan 18, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    In our passage today, Jesus gives us God’s blueprint for greatness.

    BLUEPRINT FOR GREATNESS Mark 9:33-50 INTRO: A TV news camera crew on assignment in southern Florida filming the widespread destruction of Hurricane Andrew. Amid the devastation and debris stood one house on its foundation. The owner was asked, "why is your house the only one still standing?" He more

  • Great Gain Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Mar 25, 2020

    The world is moving to acquire great gain in the form of wealth and luxury. The stand of a Disciple of Christ on these matters determine his religion and life life goals.

    Theme: Great Gain Text: 1 Timothy 6:3-10 Introduction: Paul's letters to Timothy and Titus are known as Pastoral Letters. The first letter to Timothy is concerned about Christian worship and Church administration. Second letter challenge to endure sufferings and be bold witness till death. more

  • This Great Faith!

    Contributed by Robert Laymance on Feb 3, 2001
    based on 88 ratings

    A scriptural view of THE FAITH.

    This Faith Issue among religous denominations should be, and can be ,verified and justified by God’s Holy Word. Saving Faith is what ALL men need today. Serving Faith is Christ living through Us. Scriptural Faith is the Topic We want to look at. After all, when you stand before the Lord, and one more

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