The Great Commission
Contributed by Timothy Smith on Nov 15, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: This week we want to look at a passage that is probably familiar to many of you. What do you think of when you hear the word, “commission?”
MATTHEW 28: 16-20
This week we want to look at a passage that it probably familiar to many of you.
What do you think of when you hear the word, “commission?”
You might think of a salesperson earning a “commission,” or maybe of a person in the military receiving a “commission,” given certain authority maybe as an officer, or you might think of someone being arrested for the “commission” of a felony.
It's a word that can be thought of in different ways but as we look at our text this morning it is defined as “an order to complete a certain task or duty.”
That’s why what we study today is called “The Great Commission” because this order or command is given by Jesus Himself.
And my prayer is that we will find that He is giving us one of the greatest privileges and opportunities in life.
We find it in Matthew 18:16-20. (Turn to it in Bibles, devices)
I want us to look at three parts of what Jesus says here so that we can understand His expectation and practically see ways we can do what He desires of us. But before we dive in let’s ask God to bless our time together.
I want to go down two side roads before we get into the three parts or steps Jesus wants us to take to fulfil His commission.
First, notice in v.17, how the disciples were feeling in this moment.
They had been with Jesus for 6 weeks after His resurrection and they come to a mountain and when they see Jesus what did they do in that moment?
Ask questions? Pester Jesus for answers as to why “such and such” was happening?
No. It says, “They worshipped Him.” (v:16) When you understand who Jesus is… that He has forgiven all sin, defeated all death and has proven again and again that He is God… questions or opinions don’t matter. All that matters is you are in His presence.
Secondly, notice what I think may be the most overlooked and yet maybe the most important statement in the whole N.T.
The church should organize around this statement. Jesus says: "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." (Mt. 28:18 NIV)
Please understand: Jesus said this 300 years BEFORE there was a bible. So, this isn’t just “another” bible verse it’s our Savior saying He's the ultimate authority for everything!
He says He has: " all authority." Jesus is saying, “Everything before me is a shadow and anyone after me that doesn’t recognize this statement is in error.” He’s laying down quite the gauntlet here. “If someone does something different than what I’ve asked or countermands what I say then they’re outside my authority because “I have (say it with me) ALL Authority!”
Where? “…in heaven and on earth.” No wonder the disciples worshipped Him. Who can say such a thing? Only the One who created us, saved us and rose from the dead. What can such a One ask of us? Anything.
And that lays the groundwork for what he tells us to do with this authority.
First, let’s see this is an intentional command.
Jesus says to “Therefore, (because I have all authority) Go and make disciples…” This wasn’t just a last-minute thought or something that came to Jesus in the spur of the moment. This was something he wanted them and us to realize what the entire intention of His ministry. In fact, He said His whole purpose was “to seek and to save the lost.” (Luke 19:10 NIV)
Now, He commands us to “Go.” Go where? How are we to go? What does He mean, “go”?
Well, after three theological degrees, 3+ decades of ministry and studying the original language I have found the profound meaning of this word… It means… “Go!” Don’t just stand here, get out there! I’ve got something I need you do to!”
Now, some well-intentioned teachers, pastors and authors tell us that the original meaning of “Go” is more accurately translated “as you go.” In other words, “As you go about your daily life, look for opportunities to help people follow Jesus.” Now, certainly, a part of what Jesus is saying here is everyone, everywhere should make disciple making their priority. That’s for every church and every Jesus Follower.
But let’s not make a mistake here and think it only means that God’s people are to engage in outreach and discipleship wherever they are. The Great Commission certainly includes that, but this is so much more than a lifestyle command. It’s a summons to join God on his mission to redeem a people from every single tribe and language and people and nation! “Go” means go. And what are we to do when we go?