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  • The Time Has Come Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Feb 5, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    Turning to Christ involves repenting of sins, rejecting selfish living and all that is unjust, renouncing Satan and all evil. It’s living every day as a disciple of Christ, loving God with our whole heart, and our neighbour as our self, until life's end.

    Sermon by Rev George Hemmings ‘1, 2, 4, 7, 9, Here we come.’ That’s how my sons, Micah and Joshua, like to count down when we play hide and seek. There’s usually not much time to get ready! Actually every time they count down differently. One moment they’re more

  • Tithing Your Time

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Dec 5, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    What we do with our time is God's business. How can we honor God with what we do?

    Tithing Your Time August 19, 2012 Matthew 9:35-38 Words can carry a great deal of power. They carry us to various destinations. Sometimes we're transported to places we like and other times, places we loathe. Words can be powerful reminders of people and things . . . painful and joyful. One more

  • It's Time For A Change

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Dec 29, 2012

    The only resolution that can be effective is the one made with God in mind.

    December 30, 2012 Morning Worship Text: Romans 8:1-17 Subject: New Years Resolutions Title: It’s Time for a Change It’s that time of the year. You know what I’m talking about. It’s the time when we all have to stop and evaluate our lives and try to come to some more

  • Time To Grow Up

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Jan 20, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    Salvation is a life changing event. When a person receives the gift of salvation the Bible states that they have become a new creation and have been born again.Too many have remained infantile and need to grow up.

    Time to Grow Up Hebrews 5:12-6:3 Salvation is a life changing event. When a person receives the gift of salvation the Bible states that they have become a new creation and have been born again. 1 Corinthians likens the life of a born-again believer to laying a foundation and then building upon more

  • Abundance In Times Of Austerity

    Contributed by Nnaemeka Durueke on Oct 26, 2016

    When we fail to tithe, the door to the devil is left open

    TOPIC- ABUNDANCE INSPITE OF AUSTERITY LESSON 3- THE BLESSINGS OF TITHING TEXT- MALACHI 3:10, MATTHEW 23:23, GENESIS 14:20, PROV 3:1-3 Tithing is directly associated with opening the windows of heaven. This opening is what releases the blessings of God, His abundant provision upon His people. No more

  • It's Harvest Time

    Contributed by Dr. Abraham Obadare on Oct 29, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon urges all Christians not to delay soul-winning activities. Now is the time to introduce Christ to people all over the world

    John 4:35-37 speaks of Jesus response to His disciples who marveled at Him after He spoke with the woman at the well. In verse 35 Jesus made them realize that we often think and say that harvest time is still in the future, but the truth is that the time of harvest is now. Go ahead, say to more

  • It's Harvest Time

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Nov 19, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    Did you know that bringing the good out and someone is a harvest.. and bringing a smile to someone's face is a harvest.. Did you know that Complementing someone is a planting a seed and someone feeling good about themselves as a result of a harvest

    It's Harvest Time! Gal. 6:7-10 Msg. 7-8 Don’t be misled: No one makes a fool of God. What a person plants, he will harvest. *The person who plants selfishness, ignoring the needs of others—ignoring God!—harvests a crop of weeds. *All he’ll have to show for his life is more

  • Looking To The End Times Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jul 9, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    There is a lot of excitement generated in the Christian community around the return of Jesus. Jesus' men were excited too, but what Jesus tells them is not a timeline or series of events, but how they should act while waiting. It's good advise for us too

    There’s one thing that is pretty clear—no one understood Jesus’ mission as the ultimate action hero. The people that followed Him closely were starting to get that He was the Messiah—but what did that mean? As I’ve mentioned several times in our journey through Mark, more

  • Help In Times Of Trouble

    Contributed by David Henderson on Mar 14, 2016

    How children can find help when they feel threatened.

    Help in Times of Trouble There are times when we all have a bad day. Sometimes because one thing goes wrong it ruins our day. We walk out the door and it’s raining and we don’t have our umbrella so we think, great this day is really off to a bad start. Or walk out and we have a more

  • 4 Times For Joy

    Contributed by Harvey Earls on Mar 14, 2016

    Having Joy based on the past, future, eternity, and now.

    As we lead up to the Easter Season, I want to talk about one of the biggest paradox’s of the Christian faith. You know what a Paradox is, don’t you? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, it is something (such as a situation) that is made up of two opposite things and that seems more

  • The Right Time For Love Series

    Contributed by Dennise Ogalesco on Apr 22, 2015

    There is a big difference between love and lust and infatuation which most of our young people today has difficulty in dealing with this issues in their generation. Some of them have wandered from their school, lost their dreams and erred from faith.

    THE RIGHT TIME FOR LOVE? When is the right time for Love. The following verse gave us an idea that we should be wise to control our emotions at the right time. Song of Solomon 2:7 I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or the wild deer of the field, that you not stir up or awaken more

  • The Time Has Come Series

    Contributed by Diana Tyler on Jul 3, 2023

    Will you be silent or speak up?

    When Esther found out Mordecai was in such a state, it distressed her, and she sent him garments instead of his sackcloth. When Mordecai refused to accept them, Esther sent her appointed eunuch Hathach to find out what was going on. Mordecai told Hathach everything he knew and gave him a copy of more

  • Daniel – Key Of Time

    Contributed by Samuel M on Jul 5, 2023

    Daniel was ahead of time and ahead of his time. Daniel was ahead of time because he got a future understanding and knowledge about God and presented this to people in his own generation.

    Daniel was ahead of time and ahead of his time. Daniel was ahead of time because he got a future understanding and knowledge about God and presented this to people in his own generation. Daniel was ahead of his time means he had a better understanding and knowledge about God than people in his more

  • Troubled Times Ahead Series

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Jan 25, 2021

    Are we ready for the time of Tribulation that lies ahead? All Scripture quotes are from the NASB.

    As we look at the events of recent history, in this country and around the world, we wonder are we seeing the beginnings of the end times? We ask the question, when will Jesus come back? Will we, the church, be raptured out before it all gets bad? Often, I feel like we are one big family, more

  • When? Time Is Precious!

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on May 8, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The disciples came to Jesus to learn: WHEN? Many people seem to never understand time? Divine timing? Jesus is coming! We do not know when? So we need to stay ready!

    WHEN? TIME IS A PRECIOUS GIFT! By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Romans 13:11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to more

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