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  • God’s Infallible Guarantee Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Oct 30, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Have you ever bought a product and received a guarantee or a warranty that says if anything goes wrong with it, you get your money back? Romans 8:28 is “God’s Infallible Guarantee!”

    INTRODUCTION Last year I read the book entitled, Into Thin Air, written by John Krakauer, an account of the ill-fated expedition to climb Mt. Everest in May of 1996. This was the expedition where some of them got caught at the top of Mt. Everest during a terrible storm and of the five people who more

  • The Power Of Vision

    Contributed by Mike Hays on Nov 16, 2000
    based on 116 ratings

    God's Sovereignty gives us vision beyond our present circumstances so that we can know His hand of love is at work.

    The Power of Vision Job 42 I have been waiting to share with you the message that God has burned into my heart while I was away with my family on vacation. I have been sharing this lesson every chance I have been given since I have returned home. I shared it with our staff on Monday morning, I more

  • God Is For Us Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Oct 6, 2008
    based on 24 ratings

    This passage gives us 3 ways in which we see that "God IS For Us."

    GOD IS FOR US Romans 8:26-30 * Don Moen is a name which is well known among modern day musicians. He has written some of the most beloved and sung songs of our time. As a writer/producer/publisher, he and the team at Integrity Music developed and released Worship projects for choirs. One of more

  • God's Protection SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Oct 27, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Help to give assurance of God's protection in troubled times.

    Good morning, brothers and sisters in Christ. As we gather here today, we find ourselves in the midst of a world that seems to be in constant turmoil. The news headlines are filled with stories of conflict, disaster, and uncertainty. It's easy to feel overwhelmed, to feel as if the ground beneath more

  • The Song Of The Ascension

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Oct 31, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    The gates are open wide, never to close again.

    THE SONG OF THE ASCENSION. Psalm 24. David, the sweet Psalmist of Israel (2 Samuel 23:1) takes us on a journey from the Cross in Psalm 22, under the guidance of the Shepherd’s Crook in Psalm 23, to the Crown in Psalm 24. These three Psalms belong together, and all ultimately speak of Jesus, more

  • Time, An Ever-Rolling Stream

    Contributed by Raymond Lu on Apr 2, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Time points out man’s limitation and God’s sovereignty.

    TIME, AN EVER-ROLLING STREAM Rev. Raymond Lu Psalm 90 It has been estimated that in an average lifespan of seventy five years, a Christian will spend twenty-three years asleep, nineteen years at work, six years in travelling, seven and one-half years in dressing and attending to personal toilet, more

  • Discovering Genesis, Part 16 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Dec 8, 2011

    This message focuses on the birth of Isaac as well as the casting out of Ishmael and Hagar and God's sovereignty and protection displayed which reveals the coming redemption of Christ.

    Discovering Genesis, Part 16 (The Tale of Two Families, Part 2) Genesis 21:1-21 Introduction (Summary of Part 1) - Last time, we saw the response of Abram to God in a two-part phase - (v6) The Bible tells us 1) Abram believed then, 2) God credited righteousness - It is something that we have to more

  • Reflections On America's Tragedy

    Contributed by David Swensen on Sep 17, 2001
    based on 39 ratings

    Reflections on the tragedy in New York and Washington on September 11, 2001.

    REFLECTIONS Fiery plane crashes. Billowing smoke. Imploding buildings. Contorted metal. Mountains of rubble. Burned out fire trucks and police cruisers. Walking wounded. Dead bodies. Anguished, broken-hearted loved ones. Bone weary rescue workers. We have all seen the heart-wrenching sights. And more

  • Finding God's Will Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on May 14, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    Exposition of Acts 1:12-26 as it relates to determining the will of God for your life

    Text: Acts 1:12-26, Title: Finding God’s Will, Date/Place: NRBC, 5/20/07, AM A. Opening illustration: Talk about Chris West, and the days that I moved in to my seminary apt with him as a roommate, and finish with the plaque on his bedpost underneath the skull… B. Background to passage: The scene more

  • Our Security Is In God

    Contributed by David Quackenbush on May 3, 2003
    based on 171 ratings

    The assurance and security of those who make God their refuge and tower

    Our Security Is In God Psalm 91:1-11 Introduction •The consideration of the past month with S.A.R.S here in Toronto •The perplexity of the medical profession •The worry and fear among the elderly •The announcement of World Health Organization (Read Travel Advisroy) •The general worry and anxiety more

  • How Big Is God?

    Contributed by Donny Granberry on Jun 29, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    A great reminder of the power of God.

    How Big Is God? by Pastor Donny Granberry 2 Chronicles 2:1-6 And Solomon determined to build an house for the name of the LORD, and an house for his kingdom. 2 And Solomon told out threescore and ten thousand men to bear burdens, and fourscore thousand to hew in the mountain, and three thousand more

  • God Exalting Church PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 3, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    To emphasize the importance of humbling ourselves, decreasing in our own importance, to allow God to increase in our lives, and how this surrender can positively impact our church and community.

    Good morning, Church! Today's message is one of humility, of sacrifice, and of the power that lies within a church that lifts God high above all else. We're going to unwrap the profound truth hidden in John 3:30 which says, "He must increase, but I must decrease." It's about The Necessity of more

  • Why We Wait

    Contributed by Larry Grant on Jun 16, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    All that is required for me to have victory is faith in His Person, His Plans, His Purposes and His Power. Whether we know it or not, whether we live it or not, whether we accept it or not, God's people are a victorious people! And, we do not have to live defeated and discouraged lives!

    Isaiah 25:9 WHY WE WAIT June 16, 2024 President Eisenhower said, "There are no victories at discount prices!" Our military knows that truth on every field of battle. Victory always demands a very high price! The victory that you and I have in Jesus this morning is ours because God paid more

  • The Gentile Pentecost

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Apr 25, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for today?

    The Gentile Pentecost Acts 10:42-46 Some time earlier in Jerusalem at the Temple an extraordinary event had happened. The believers in Jesus were gathered together in an upper room, probably called Solomon’s Porch to attend to the morning prayer and sacrifice which occurred every day at 9AM. The more

  • Helping The Handicapped

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 5, 2021

    God in His sovereignty uses accidents and handicaps to change lives for good, but it does not mean that He wills everything, for then He would be the author of evil.

    Joni Eareckson Tada is one of the most famous handicapped persons in the Christian world. She tells of a girl she knows named Betty who cannot speak, cannot walk, and cannot feed or dress herself. She has no control over her bowels or bladder, and needs constant care. She often wakes in the more

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