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  • What Really Counts Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Nov 28, 2015

    We are told what really counts. Paul closes the letter to the Galatians with his own hand and using large letters. It would be like using bold print in an email. It is his way of saying pay close attention to this section of the letter.

    Some things are simply more important than others. When you receive junk mail do you give it the same importance as priority mail? I use a different wake up call system when I have an early morning appointment that is really important. I may set two alarms if I do not want to be late under any more

  • The Gospel Is At Stake Series

    Contributed by Donald Mcculley on Aug 7, 2019

    The following sermon briefs are a collection of discourses and devotionals taken from the book of Galatians. Some of the outlines and thoughts were borrowed from other sources. This is not an expository work – that is a verse-by-verse study but as the title reads, just some gleanings.

    INTRODUCTION: Have you ever written a letter to someone when you were upset? I thought so. Paul did too. When he wrote the Galatian letter, he was beside himself. One writer said, “Paul writes with heat; his language flows like molten lava…He scolds, he pleads, he denounces, he exhorts, he more

  • Fullness Of Time

    Contributed by Sunitha Justin on Dec 2, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    The birth of Christ did not happen all of the sudden. From the beginning of creation, this plan of God of sending His Son into the world was revealed. In Galatians, Paul describes a moment in history when everything was in place and the stage was all set for Christ to be born.

    But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law. Galatians 4:4 What does fullness of time mean? It is like eagerly waiting for something and suddenly the time comes very appropriately. Like a ripe apple ready to be picked. In this context more

  • Walking In The Spirit Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Dec 17, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Believers are commanded to walk in the Spirit, but what does that mean? This message explores how the human spirit is to operate in relationship to the believer's soul. With instruction from Galatians 5 the difference between walking in the Spirit versus the flesh is examined.

    Intro We are investigating the function or operation of the human spirit in relationship to God and the person’s soul. In Proverbs 20:27 we are told: “The spirit of a man is the lamp of the LORD, Searching all the inner depths of his heart.” i What is this saying about the human spirit? It is the more

  • Holy Spirit - The Doctrine And The Ministry

    Contributed by Pastor Renji George on Aug 5, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Another thing to remember is fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) is more important than the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). Gifts of the Holy Spirit without the fruit of the Holy Spirit is a counterfeit.

    From Genesis 1:2 to Revelation 22:17, the Bible records constant references to the Holy Spirit—His person and His work. Like the Father and the Son, He has all the attributes of the Godhead and is especially active in the world scene. Though He is the “Sent One” by both Christ and the Father, He more

  • Justified Through The Faith Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Mar 11, 2025
    based on 2 ratings

    To establish that when it pleased God, He called the Galatians, Paul, and us by His grace; to reveal His Son (Christ) to us, and in us; that we might preach and teach Him among the nations: that all might be justified through the faith in Christ Jesus.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. Who Called Galatia By His Grace 2. Who Called Paul By His Grace 3. Who Called Us By His Grace Introductory Remarks. 1. Today's lesson will discuss “Justified through the faith.” Paul wrote: “God, who hath called the Galatians, him, and us by His grace.” He continued: more

  • The Life That Really Matters

    Contributed by John Lowe on Apr 23, 2014

    These brethren from Jerusalem were strict legalists, which means they believed that the most important thing was to obey all the laws of God and to observe all the ceremonies and traditions of the Jewish church. And under grace, that’s their privilege.

    5-15-04 Title: THE LIFE THAT REALLY MATTERS Text: “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. (Galatians 2:20). Bible more

  • Walking In The Spirit

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jun 30, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    Sowing to the flesh versus sowing to the Spirit.

    WALKING IN THE SPIRIT. Galatians 6:1-16. ‘If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit,’ said Paul towards the end of the previous chapter (Galatians 5:25). The Greek word translated here as ‘walk’ speaks of our deliberately ‘getting in line with’ the Holy Spirit’s leading in more

  • According To Promise Heirs

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jun 15, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    The radical unity of those who are in Christ Jesus. Their oneness in Christ. Their spiritual inheritance.

    ACCORDING TO PROMISE HEIRS. Galatians 3:23-29. The closing paragraph of this chapter is leading to a triumphant conclusion: literally, “If ye are Christ’s, then Abraham’s seed ye are, and according to promise heirs” (Galatians 3:29). This explains the radical unity here: again literally, more

  • The Promise And The Law.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jun 21, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    The immutability of the Promise, and the purpose of the Law.

    THE PROMISE AND THE LAW. Galatians 3:16-22. 1. The Changeless Promise. Galatians 3:16-18. In GALATIANS 3:16, the Apostle Paul demonstrates from Scripture that the promises that the LORD made to Abraham are fulfilled in our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul makes much of the fact that the word “Seed” is more

  • The Truest Freedom

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jun 23, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    We are set free - to the truest kind of liberty.

    THE TRUEST FREEDOM. Galatians 5:1; Galatians 5:13-25. Paul established the contrast between bondage and freedom by the use of an allegory concerning Hagar and Sarah, and their respective sons (Galatians 4:22). When we are born into this world, we are born into bondage to the corruption of more

  • The Life That I Live

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on May 31, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    Justification. By law, or by Jesus Christ?

    THE LIFE THAT I LIVE. Galatians 2:15-21. After giving his biographical testimony (Galatians 1:13-24; Galatians 2:1-10), including an account of his brief contention with Peter (Galatians 2:11-14), Paul appears now to particularly address the Jewish Christians in Galatia: especially the more

  • The Law Versus The Promise Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on May 6, 2005
    based on 23 ratings

    Let’s avoid the mistakes the Judaizers made and focus our thoughts on Paul’s history lesson in Galatians 3:15-22. We will observe the solid, historical fact of justification by faith alone in contrast to the perilous fiction of justification by works.

    Scripture Allen Dale Golding tells the story about when he and his wife were missionaries in the Philippines. They vacationed in Baguio City in the mountains of Northern Luzon. While there, they visited the St. Louis Silver School, where silversmiths are trained. They admired exquisite workmanship more

  • For Such A Time As This

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jan 5, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    A sermon for Christmas based on Galatians 4:4. (Material taken from SermonCentral contributors, from Boyce Mouton’s book "Special Messages for Special Days, and from Rich Warren’s book "The Purpose-Driven Life")

    Sermon for 12/25/2005 For Such a Time as This Galatians 4:4 Introduction: When Leonardo Da Vinci painted The Last Supper on a monastery dining room wall, the monks began to have many questions about his ability, and his integrity. The picture was merely a copy of the dining area in which it was more

  • The Spirit-Controlled Life Series

    Contributed by David Owens on May 27, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    In this section, the Apostle Paul challenges the Galatians to walk in the Spirit, and reminds them of what the Spirit can help us do. I am especially indebted to Warren Wiersbe and have used many of his points from his commentary in this lesson.

    Introduction: A. This morning I want to begin by showing you something amazing – did you know that I own a magic glove? 1. Here is my magic glove – it is amazing because it can pick things up. a. When I drop something, all I have to do is tell it to pick it up and it does it. b. Do more

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