Sermon Series
  • 1. The Gospel Is At Stake

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2019

    The following sermon briefs are a collection of discourses and devotionals taken from the book of Galatians. Some of the outlines and thoughts were borrowed from other sources. This is not an expository work – that is a verse-by-verse study but as the title reads, just some gleanings.

    INTRODUCTION: Have you ever written a letter to someone when you were upset? I thought so. Paul did too. When he wrote the Galatian letter, he was beside himself. One writer said, “Paul writes with heat; his language flows like molten lava…He scolds, he pleads, he denounces, he exhorts, he more

  • 2. Why The Law

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2019

    It is amazing how many of “us” have a performance-based religion! There are many who believe that a right relationship with God can be attained through the performance of the law.

    INTRODUCTION: It is amazing how many of “us” have a performance-based religion! There are many who believe that a right relationship with God can be attained through the performance of the law. Read Ex. 20:3-17; Deut. 5:6-21; Matt. 22:35-40. God did not give the law so that people could become more

  • 3. R You?

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Ever noticed how “text-messengers” take shortcuts – “R” instead of are? There’s no reason or excuse for taking a shortcut with this text! “R” You:

    “R” YOU? GALATIANS 2:20 INTRODUCTION: Ever noticed how “text-messengers” take shortcuts – “R” instead of are? There’s no reason or excuse for taking a shortcut with this text! “R” You: I. REALIZING YOUR POSITION? A. The Past Position Note the word “crucified”. It’s in the past tense. This is a more

  • 4. The Joy Stealers

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2019

    Let me briefly introduce and describe for you three “joy stealers.”

    THE JOY STEALERS GALATIANS 3:1-3 INTRODUCTION: How many people have lost their joy? Go to the average Baptist church on any given Sunday and observe. One would think it was a morgue. Vance Havner once told a congregation, “I’ve seen happier faces on an iodine bottle.” To hear some, life is more

  • 5. What's Your Status

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2019

    Paul writes to affirm the true status and position of every true believer. Just what is that status and position?

    WHAT’S YOUR STATUS? GALATIANS 3:26-4:7 INTRODUCTION: Paul had preached the Gospel. Many people had believed. In his absence false teachers had infiltrated the camp and begun to misguide people. They were saying that grace and faith was not enough. Until you adopt Judaism you are more

  • 6. When Jesus Showed Up

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2019

    Jesus showed up, not by chance or by accident but by divine providence. Have you ever wondered why He came when He did? Paul answers our question for us.

    WHEN JESUS SHOWED UP GALATIANS 4:4-6 INTRODUCTION: One preacher delivered a sermon on these verses entitled “When God’s Clock Struck”. God always keeps His appointments. God’s timing is always perfect. Someone once said, “He may be slow but He’s always sure.” Jesus showed up, not by chance or more

  • 7. Free At Last

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2019

    Let’s study three things that Paul lists as great perils or dangers to Christian freedom.

    FREE AT LAST GALATIANS 5:1-15 INTRODUCTION: Picture me in handcuffs or sitting in a jail cell. Now, picture me unshackled or walking about freely. I think I might use the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “Fee at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, I’m free at last.” That’s the story and more

  • 8. Operation Restoration

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Many today are broken by sin and bound by guilt. How are we to respond?

    OPERATION RESTORATION GALATIANS 6:1-2 INTRODUCTION: Here is a touching passage with a tremendous word. It is an admonition and a commandment. Not only does He want to redeem the lost, He wants to restore the saved. All of us, at times, have fallen. Many today are broken by sin and bound by more

  • 9. Dealing With Life's Burdens

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2019

    Burdens are a fact of life. What’s yours?

    DEALING WITH LIFE’S BURDENS GALATIANS 6:2-5 INTRODUCTION: There’s an old Spanish proverb that reads, “No home is there anywhere that does not sooner or later have its hush.” There are some people today who are so low they could play racquetball on the curb. We all find out that every path has a more

  • 10. The Glory Of The Cross

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2019

    The greatest need of our world today is the need for men of the cross, preaching the message of the cross and bearing the marks of the cross. This is a picture of Paul.

    THE GLORY OF THE CROSS GALATIANS 6:11-18 INTRODUCTION: Paul ended the letter where he began – at the cross. The second verse of that great hymn “When I survey the wondrous cross” says, “Forbid it Lord, that I should boast, save in the death of Christ my God, all the vain things that charm me more