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  • Worship The Lord For The Miracles Of The Cross Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on May 11, 2023

    Worship the Lord for the miracle... 1. Of the darkened sun (vs. 45). 2. Of fulfilled Scripture (vs. 46). 3. Of His sacrificial death (vs. 46-50). 4. Of the splitting veil (vs. 51). 5. Of the saints' resurrection (vs. 51-54).

    Worship the Lord for the Miracles of the Cross The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 27:45-54 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared May 11, 2023) MESSAGE: *Our God is a miracle working God! I am sure that He is working miracles in our world every single day. I am sure, because people we know have experienced more

  • The Cross: Where Jesus Died

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Apr 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Has the cross become too cultural. Is it more popular than powerful. The cross is where jesus died.

    Intro: Is it possible that we have become too familiar with the cross? Is it possible that it has become more popular than powerful? Is it possible that the cross is more cultural than critical to the salvation of people separated by from the life of God? The cross doesn’t seem to be as more

  • From The Cross To Hell & Back Series

    Contributed by Chris Mccall on Oct 21, 2011

    With understanding of what has gone on we can see the truth & understand how to live & succeed in the midst of the “Spiritual Warfare”.

    “From the Cross to Hell & Back” Matthew 28:6-8 NLT Spiritual warfare has been going on since the fall of Lucifer. Isaiah 14:11-13 MSG This is where your pomp and fine music led you, Babylon, to your underworld private chambers, A king-size mattress of maggots for repose and a quilt of more

  • His Shame, Our Glory

    Contributed by Michael Reeves on Oct 3, 2002
    based on 56 ratings

    A message that examines the spiritual truth that Christ was unclothed so that we might be clothed upon.

    Introduction: Today we continue our studies through the most exciting but also the most dreadful story in all the Word of God - the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. I started off with the idea of comparing the four soldiers of verses 23-24, and the four saints (women) of verses 25-27. But as I more

  • When They Look On Whom They Have Pierced

    Contributed by Charles Scott on Oct 16, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    We look on him who was pierced and we see the heart of God; we also see ourselves and are moved to tears of repentance and amendment of life.

    TRINITY 2 ZECHARIAH 12__8-10 AND 13__1 WHEN THEY LOOK ON WHOM THEY HAVE PIERCED The 3 year lectionary has been a great gift to us. Today’s conjunction of Zechariah and Luke 9__18 gives marvelous insight into Jesus’ understanding of Himself and the way in which he taught his disciples more

  • Magnify The Cross Of Jesus Christ! Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Nov 28, 2022

    Magnify the cross of Jesus Christ... 1. Because it was God's perfect plan. 2. Because it confirms God's prophecies. 3. Because it is the greatest proof of God's love. 4. Because it is the source of our greatest peace.

    Magnify the Cross of Jesus Christ! The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 20:17-19; Mark 10:32-34; Luke 18:31-34 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared November 28, 2022) BACKGROUND: *Please open your Bibles to Matthew 20:17. In this verse of Scripture, Jesus has started His trip to Jerusalem to die on the more

  • Saved And Healed At The Cross Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Apr 27, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus is our Lord and Saviour, we have the certain hope, the assurance, God has forgiven us of all our sins because of what Jesus has done on the Cross. The sacrifice of Jesus has paid the price for our salvation and also our healing.

    Saved and Healed at the Cross of Christ We continue in our series on Hope Found Here and this month our focus is on Hope in the Cross. If we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour we have the certain hope, the assurance, God has forgiven us of all our sins because of what Jesus has done on more

  • The Scandalous Cross: A Curse Or A Blessing Series

    Contributed by Andrew Chan on Feb 26, 2004
    based on 63 ratings

    Part One of “The Passion of the Christ – Curious? Find out more!” Message Series

    The Scandalous Cross: A Curse or a Blessing Part One of “The Passion of the Christ – Curious? Find out more!” Series at Grace International Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC Mel Gibson’s new movie The Passion of the Christ opened to about 3,000 screens this past Wednesday. Some here may have already more

  • Am I A Soldier Of The Cross?

    Contributed by Paul Etterling on Jun 7, 2001
    based on 185 ratings

    The call of Christians around the world to be brave, strong soldiers of the cross. In this day of evil, are you standing and fighting, or are you cowardly and running?

    Introduction For many years in the church christians have been spurred on to fight the fight of faith not just from scripture but also from hymn writers such as Barring-Gould. He wrote the words to this hymn that we many times sing in the the church. Onward Chrisitian soldiers, marching as to more

  • The Cradle, The Cross, & The Crown

    Contributed by John Gaston on Dec 16, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Three great milestones mark the life of Jesus Christ: His Incarnation, His Sacrifice, and His Resurrection/Ascension. These three are symbolized by “The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown.”

    THE CRADLE, THE CROSS, & THE CROWN Lk. 2:6-7; Isa. 9:6 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. Q: What’s the difference between the Christmas alphabet and the ordinary alphabet? A: The Christmas alphabet has Noel. 2. Q: What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus? A: Claustrophobic. 3. more

  • A Blood-Stained Gospel Series

    Contributed by Derrick Strickland on Feb 27, 2016

    To abandon the blood-stained cross is to abandon the power of the gospel.

    INTRO: 1. Mel Gibson’s movie called “The Passion of the Christ” has stirred a great deal of response throughout our nation…some I truly expected, some I find more disturbing. a. It came as no surprise to me when the press, which glorifies the filth and immorality of more

  • "The Old Rugged Cross"

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Oct 3, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The old rugged cross reaches, reasons, reaps, and redeems humanity.

    “The Old Rugged Cross” I found this description of what it was like to be a victim of the Cross • Crucifixion was one of the most cruel and barbarous forms of death known to man. It was practiced, especially in times of war, by the Phoenicians, more

  • Good Friday - Come To The Cross Series

    Contributed by Martin Wright on May 15, 2007
    based on 28 ratings

    Everything you need for a memorable Good Friday message. 6 reponses to the cross.

    “COME TO THE CROSS” (A MEMORABLE GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE) Six Responses To The Cross Of Christ An Interactive Sermon By Martin Wright (RESPONSE CARDS: You will want to make sure you have distributed response cards prior to beginning the sermon. Our cards were 5.5” X 8.5”. One side had an image of more

  • Lessons Learned From The Cross Series

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Apr 14, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    If you wear a cross then that is you preference, but when we look at the cross in our church, it should serve as a reminder to us of what Jesus did for us, and again today we will learn five lessons from the cross.

    A Journey to Calvary; His Passion our Deliverance Lessons learned from the Cross Am Service April 5th 2009 Luke 23:26-49 Introduction What is the most common religious symbol in the world? In our part of the world, the most common religious symbol is the cross. You see the cross on churches. You more

  • The Power, Wisdom And Glory Of The Cross

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Apr 25, 2008
    based on 15 ratings

    There were contentions that is, (quarrels; arguments) among the church at Corinth because they were glorying in human leaders. These divisions in the church at Corinth were caused by pride, for “only by pride cometh contention” (Prov. 13:10).

    The Power, Wisdom, and Glory of the Cross 1 Corinthians 2:1-8 There were contentions that is, (quarrels; arguments) among the church at Corinth because they were glorying in human leaders. Some were glorying in Paul; some were glorying in Apollo’s; and some were glorying in Peter. All this more

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