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Sermons on tenth commandment:

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  • The Ascension Of Jesus Christ: The Final Command Of Christ

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 26, 2021

    The moral of that story: It’s your job to share the gospel. And don’t let anyone temper your zeal. Jesus is alive. Everyone needs to know that.

    "D.L. Moody made a deal with God that he would witness for Christ to at least one person each day. One night, about ten o- clock, he realized that he had not yet witnessed; so he went out in to the street and spoke to a man standing by a lamppost, asking him, "Are you a Christian?" more

  • Shine, Honor - The Commands Of Jesus Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Mar 23, 2022

    In this message, Dr. Vorce speaks about how to let our lights shine in a dark world and how to honor God's Word in a Woke Society.

    SHINE, HONOR I. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE-MATTHEW 5:14-16 The emphasis here is on the ministry of Christian character. Actions speak louder than words. A. As Christians, our lights transmit God's glory to a dark world! 1. Shining requires that we take our faith seriously! 2. They are more

  • We Must Believe God’s Commands Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Mar 20, 2023

    We do not need parlor tricks or cute gimmicks to follow & obey God, what we need is faith that He has already done what He said He would do. He rescued Noah and his family because they obeyed His word. In fact … Noah shows us how God responds to our faithfulness!

    Alpha and Omega, Part 12 We must believe God’s commands Genesis 6:1-22 Introduction - We’ve begun 2023 with “one purpose”: Knowing there is a God! -- Continuing our series, “Alpha and Omega”; examining the beginning to the end - Last week: God’s plan of redemption was not a knee-jerk more

  • If You Love Me, Keep My Commands

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Nov 19, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus said, if you love me keep my commands. To be holy as God is holy is an impossible task for us to accomplish on our own! Thankfully, Jesus sent us a Comforter, the Holy Spirit to reveal and empower us to obey God’s commands out of love.

    If You Love ME John 14:15-21 Online Sermon: How are the fallen to come to know, glorify, and obey a holy God of whom is wholly other? No being is like Him for He alone eternally existed before even time began! His ways are truly higher than our ways more

  • The Ten Commandments, 1 Of 6: The People Prepare

    Contributed by Lee Houston on Jan 17, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    God’s plan for Israel: Exodus 19:5-6, “Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”

    Dear reviewer, this is to be a preamble to the five sermon series titles Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments, 1 of 6: The People Prepared Scripture: Exodus 19:5-6, Genesis 15:13-14 Summary: God’s plan for Israel: Exodus 19:5-6, “Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all more

  • The Fifth Commandment: Honor Your Father And Mother. Series

    Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Nov 26, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The fifth commandment is the probably the most important to observe. Because this commandment focuses on the family unit.

    The fifth commandment is the probably the most important to observe. Because this commandment focuses on the family unit. Let me be clear, a family is NOT a child or a group of children who have 2 parents of the same sex! That is an abomination and a disgrace! The family unit consists of a mother, more

  • Five Thanksgiving Commands From Pslam 100 Series

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Nov 29, 2022

    It is not uncommon to compile wish lists at Christmas, and draw up a list of resolutions at New Years. But there is another list we often overlook – a Thanksgiving Day list of all for which we should be thankful. And it is not too late to do that.

    Alba 11-24-13 (Revised 11-27-2022) FIVE THANKSGIVING COMMANDS FROM PSALM 100 This month I have been sharing with you a series of sermons about Thanksgiving. I thought about calling them “Thanksgiving By the Numbers”. The messages have had the following titles: Three Marks of a Thankful more

  • The Seventh Commandment: You Shall Not Commit Adultery Series

    Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Dec 1, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    What do we mean by "Adultery"? The seventh commandment is very simple. Sex outside of marriage is forbidden. It means to keep sexually pure.

    What do we mean by "Adultery"? The seventh commandment is very simple. Sex outside of marriage is forbidden. It means to keep sexually pure. Jesus gave His concept of marriage in Matthew 19:5-6, saying, "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his more

  • When God Breaks His Own Command PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explore the story of Hosea and Gomer in the Bible, emphasizing God's boundless forgiveness and grace, symbolized through Hosea's marriage to Gomer, and how we can apply these lessons in our daily lives.

    Good morning, family! Today, we'll dive into the prophetic book of Hosea, specifically Hosea 1:1-3, and explore God's command, the symbolism of Gomer, God's forgiveness, and the saving grace of His unconditional love. We'll be reminded, as the great Christian author, Philip Yancey, once said, more

  • Base Ten Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Dec 2, 2000
    based on 93 ratings

    Introduction to Sermon Series on the 10 Commandments: Why God gave them, what they say about God, what they say about people.

    How many of you like murder mysteries? It’s one of the most popular genres around. I myself have been a major fan of murder mysteries for years. I excuse the habit because Dorothy Sayers approved of them (She not only wrote the Lord Peter Wimsey mystery stores but was also a rather brilliant more

  • Honor And Freedom

    Contributed by Tim Shepard on Jul 12, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    This is the final of five sermons on the Ten Commandments and teaches that God told us to honor everyone who comes into our lives

    HONOR AND FREEDOM Well I’ve got to tell you, this has been an interesting adventure through the Ten Commandments for me. I’ve learned a lot along the way. In all honesty, when I began this study I don’t think I could have told you what every single one of the Ten Commandments are. I can do more

  • Word 8: Stewardship Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Aug 7, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    God Clearly says hands off other peoples stuff. Is it merely taking things that God says not to? It is so much more. God’s word clearly shows us that stealing is rejecting God!

    Intro: This is another no brainer. Don’t take things that do not belong to you. You would think that all people would respect other’s belongings. How can we in a society that believes that we evolved from some fish like thing that crawled out of the primordial ooze? How can we in a society that more

  • Word 9: Truth Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Aug 7, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Fish fables, politicians, it seems acceptable and expecte for people to lie today. God clealy calls us to truth and Jesus echos it with be people of honesty and integrity. IF we are God’s people we should be known as people of truth!

    The Ten Commandments: Ten Words The World needs to hear Word Nine: Truth Intro: Long before the great fish fables, long before politician became a synonym for liar, liar, God gave this ninth word. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” The original context of this more

  • Putting Life In Order Series

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Aug 4, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The health of family life has a significant impact upon the health of society.

    “Law & Order: SPU – Putting Life in Order” Ex. 20:12; 1Tim. 5:1-16 A Sunday school teacher, in her class of 5 & 6 year olds, had just finished discussing this commandment about honoring your father and mother. She asked, “Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat more

  • Modern Idolatry (2) Series

    Contributed by Ovidiu Radulescu on Aug 30, 2010
    based on 56 ratings

    "...punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand of generations of those who love me and keep my commandments". Three-four generation vs. a thousand of generatio

    ILL. A certain credit card company has a commercial set in the board room of some international corporation. A merger is in progress. The CEO says: everything is set to be finalized on the 28th. The janitor, who happened to sweep around, turns & says, "Sorry, I’m only available on the 12th. There more

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