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  • I Met Him When I Was Hopeless Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Mar 14, 2021

    With every pound of the nail, the leprosy of our sins disappeared. With every drop of his blood our spirits became whiter and cleaner and brighter. When He walked away from the empty tomb we were spiritually new creations with hearts and souls as pure and clean as the day that we were born, amen?

    Hello … my name is Joram. I was born and raised in the sleepy little Samaritan town of Shiloh. Never heard of it? I’m not surprised. It’s about a 100 miles south of nowhere. The only people who know about Shiloh are the people like me who live there or the occasional stranger who is lost or more

  • Building Up What Was Broken Down

    Contributed by Chris Medina on Jun 11, 2003
    based on 120 ratings

    The exiles who returned to Judah from captivity bgan the rebuilding process for the Temple. However it was their own hearts that needed restoring and it was God Himself who became the builder.

    Ezra: Building Up What Was Broken Down” Ezra 3:1-13 Read Ezra 3:1-13 Last Monday morning, a young man named Sgt. Sean Peterson was in our home. Sgt. Peterson is a recruiter for the Army here in Merced and was telling Laurie and I about the arrangements for Kevina going up to Stockton to take the more

  • The Flash Point

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Dec 5, 2013
    based on 45 ratings

    There is a point when a fire will reach a temperature withing a structure where it will hit the "Flash Point". A point where every thing that can burn, will burn. Beloved, is your Spiritual life at the "Flash Point? (Updated November 2022)

    There was a fiery old revival preacher named Peter Cartwright ...... who was famous .... for telling it .... like it is. He was preaching near Washington D.C. ... And the people of the church ....... heard that President Andrew Jackson was coming to visit them. So, they pulled Cartwright more

  • The Victory Of The Suffering Of Christ

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jan 1, 2014
    based on 7 ratings

    In His victory we are made victorious, even when we suffer unjustly, and for His cause.

    THE VICTORY OF CHRIST’S SUFFERING. 1 Peter 3:13-22. Who will harm us if we do that which is good (1 Peter 3:13)? The question is rhetorical. If God be for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)? Yet even if we do seem to suffer for righteousness’ sake (1 Peter 3:14), we have the blessing of more

  • Accuser Of The Brethren Outline Series

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on May 12, 2020

    Forgive because you have been forgiven and maybe of worse things than the other person did to you!

    Accuser of the Brethren To live above with Saints we love, o that will be glory, But to live below with Saints we know, now that's another story! Have you ever failed and asked forgiveness, but did not get it? Proposition: You must forgive the sins of the Brethren. I. Because of your more

  • The Covering For Sin Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Mar 28, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    God gives us a new name and a new nature when we receive His Son as our sacrificial substitute.

    The Covering for Sin Genesis 3:20-21 Rev. Brian Bill March 25-26, 2023 An aptronym is a compound word consisting of the adjective “apt,” meaning aptitude, and the Greek word for “name.” An aptronym is when someone’s name and occupation line up perfectly, when what they’re called describes what more

  • "the Coming End-Time Revival."

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Hulse on Mar 22, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Throughout history, great men have confidently prophesied a coming spiritual awakening. God's miraculous works will be so evident that even skeptics will be amazed, leading to a widespread turning towards God and exposing hypocrisy for what it is: worked-up flesh.

    SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES (Joel 2:28-29) [28] And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young more

  • Healing Scriptures

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Jan 2, 2025

    We are vulnerable to sickness and disease. But it is the POWER of GOD that Raises you up. Let the WORD of GOD wash over, in and around you, to cleanse you. Rise Up and Walk and BE HEALED in JESUS Name! (Acts 3:6)

    2025.01.02 HEALING SCRIPTURES - All scripture from the NKJV BIG IDEA: We are vulnerable to sickness and disease in this earthly vessel... Aren't you glad it doesn't end there? BUT GOD... IT IS the POWER of GOD that will Raise you up. Let the WORD of GOD wash over, in and around you to more

  • The Indwelling Of The Holy Spirit And The Early Church Fathers

    Contributed by Scott Coltrain on Jul 11, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The doctrine that the Holy Spirit comes to abide inside or indwell the person who obeys the Gospel is not new. The Early Church Fathers believed and taught this doctrine. Herein, we look at a sampling of their words.

    The belief that the Scriptures teach that the Holy Spirit personally comes to abide within the Christian is not new. Writings from the first three centuries of the Church indicate that it was an accepted doctrine of the Early Church. The writings indicate the belief that the Spirit was given to more

  • What A Deal! Series

    Contributed by James Wallace on Mar 22, 2021

    The New Covenant is an incredible deal available to us from the Lord. It has made the Old Covenant obsolete, and when we consider it, it is a deal we cannot afford to pass up!

    My wife Jeanie is a shopper par excellence! She loves to shop. But what she loves to shop for is the great deal—she loves finding and getting something of great value for pennies on the dollar. So she’s an expert garage saler. She’s always checking out the sale racks at the back of stores. more

  • Following God's Lead Series

    Contributed by David Owens on May 18, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    In this second sermon in this series, we explore how Israel follows God's lead after King Cyrus gives them permission to return and rebuild the Temple of God.

    Introduction: A. Many of us have our favorite songs. Maybe it’s a song that describes the theme of our lives or of our relationships. 1. Major league baseball now uses what are called a player’s walk-up song – It is used as a player heads to the mound or walks to the more

  • Finding God Series

    Contributed by Doug Johnston on Jan 2, 2002
    based on 61 ratings

    Jesus’ first independant action, teaching in the Temple at the age of 12, introduces His life-long urgency of helping people find God.

    Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right. Proverbs 20:11 “I must be about my Father’s business” -Jesus We must teach others how to find God. I. Through Worship (41-42) A. Habit-forming B. Family oriented C. Centers on praise for God’s help and more

  • Restoring Conisistency

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Mar 26, 2002
    based on 15 ratings

    Jesus demonstrated that preparation for Easter demands consistency regarding the Temple & its services. Thus, Restoring consistency to worship requires conformity to...

    RESTORING CONSISTENCY—Mark 11:15-18 Restoring consistency/harmony to a place of worship. Jesus demonstrated the need for consistency regarding the Temple & its services. All aspects surrounding worship must be consistent. What consistencies are to characterize God’s place of worship? 4 more

  • A Call To Courage In The Lord

    Contributed by Paul George on Jul 6, 2003
    based on 27 ratings

    In chapter two we have three messages from the word of the Lord by Haggai to Zerubbabel, Joshua, and the remnant of the people for their encouragement in restoring the temple.

    In this chapter we have three messages from the word of the Lord by Haggai to Zerubbabel, Joshua, and the remnant of the people for their encouragement in restoring the temple. They are told the temple they are building will in respect to the spiritual will exceed that of Solomon’s temple. In the more

  • The Final Door Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Apr 8, 2007
    based on 39 ratings

    When Jesus died, the veil of the Temple was torn from top to bottom. What does this teach us about Jesus and the message of Christianity?

    OPEN: Several years ago I was flipping thru the channels on my TV set and came across a scene of a well-known sitcom of the day. It was a courtroom comedy that I really didn’t like all that much, but what I saw on the screen at that moment caught my attention. The judge was sitting alone in his more

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