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  • “the Person Of Christmas” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Dec 8, 2014

    Thoughts on Christmas from 2 Corinthians 8:9.

    Christmas is a big deal! It is estimated that each year in this country, Americans use 28,497,464 rolls and sheets of wrapping paper, 16,826,362 packages of tags and bows, 372,430,684 greeting cards, and 35,200,000 Christmas trees during the Christmas season (Garbage magazine). Yet, despite the more

  • “the Purpose Of Christmas” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Dec 8, 2014

    Thoughts on Christmas from 2 Corinthians 8:9.

    Paul sums up the purpose of Christmas is one word, “grace.” Someone has pointed out that GRACE could be defined as: God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense - All that God is free to do for you and me because of all that Christ has done for us. He humbled Himself so that we might more

  • The Sanctity Of Human Life

    Contributed by John Lowe on Aug 1, 2012

    In the Southern Baptist Convention, today is Sanctity of Human Life Day, and that is the subject of our Bible study. It’s sad that not all people believe that human life is precious. Suicide bombers, terrorists and murders have no regard for human life

    Title: The Sanctity of Human Life In the Southern Baptist Convention, today is Sanctity of Human Life Day, and that is the subject of our Bible study. It’s sad that not all people believe that human life is precious. Suicide bombers, terrorists and murders have no regard for human more

  • What Is Spirituality? (3 Of 7)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 1, 2022

    Most of us at times have looked at someone we thought was attractive physically, and thought we certainly would like to look like them if we could.

    Sometimes this is the motivation for some to: (1) DIET EACH DAY Illus: Much has been said about diets, such as: • It's something most of us do religiously: We eat what we want to eat, drink a diet coke and pray we don't gain weight • Someone else said that the problem with curbing our more

  • That Makes No Sense Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Sep 7, 2021

    There will be times that what the Lord tells you will make no sense to you. But His ways are higher than your ways and His thoughts are higher than your thoughts.

    That makes no sense Matthew 20:1-16 Introduction- Good Morning Everyone If you would turn to Matthew Chapter 20 we are going to look at the parable of the workers in the vineyard. We are still working our way in the series of “Navigating the Journey.” Everything we go through here on earth more

  • Purify Yourself!

    Contributed by Pastor Amos Dele Dada on Jun 11, 2020

    He (Hezekiah) said to them, "Listen to me, you Levites! Purify yourselves, and purify the Temple of the LORD, the God of your ancestors

    He (Hezekiah) said to them, "Listen to me, you Levites! Purify yourselves, and purify the Temple of the LORD, the God of your ancestors. Remove all the defiled things from the sanctuary' 2 Chr 29: 5 don't know what you are hearing Jesus saying to the church more than what Hezekiah more

  • The Danger Of Isolation And The Delight Of Fellowship

    Contributed by Wayne Solomon on Mar 21, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    “Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?” John made this statement partly because he was isolated. Isolation is one reason behind the increase in crime, domestic violence, suicide and mental health illnesses during COVID 19.

    Theme: The Danger of Isolation and the Delight of Fellowship. Text: Matthew 11:1-3. Now it came to pass, when Jesus finished commanding His twelve disciples, that He departed from there to teach and to preach in their cities. 2 And when John had heard in prison about the works of Christ, he sent more

  • The Language Of Faith

    Contributed by Clement Manenga on May 25, 2024

    It’s important for us to understand that faith has a language. If we want to be people who walk in faith and believe God for things that goes beyond the natural realm - beyond our 5 senses, then we must learn to operate in the language of faith.

    The Bible in 2 Kings chapter 5, introduces us to two characters: the little Jewish slave girl and Naaman the Syrian army commander The Jewish slave girl, could be a former servant of the prophet Elisha. The Bible does not mention the name of the girl. All we know about her is that, she was a slave more

  • John Series Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Sep 27, 2021

    This passage is one of the summits of Scripture. In fact, it probably reaches the highest of human thought. What is the thought that reaches the height of human concepts? It is this: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is …

    Jesus the Living Word: The First Witness of John the Apostle, 1:1–5 (1:1–5) Introduction: this passage is one of the summits of Scripture. In fact, it probably reaches the highest of human thought. What is the thought that reaches the height of human concepts? It is this: Jesus Christ, more

  • Leaving Well. Series

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Aug 23, 2024

    Leaving well, we journey with God or take our own path. Only one leads to life. His thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways.

    So today we have looked at the “Art of Leaving” ...... is back from YWAM and ewill be leaving us again. Why talk about leaving? Because we will be addressing the Exodus of the Hebrew people, the people of Israel from Egypt for a while on coming Sundays. Leaving for you might be a case of more

  • A Secret No Longer Sermon V: Coping With Personal Discomfort Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Apr 6, 2020

    Unwelcomed crises put Christians to the test of commitment to Christ and oftentimes requires us to change our perspective from that which is temporary to that which is eternal.

    Coping with Personal Discomfort on the Way to Glory The afternoon I began writing down my thoughts concerning our Scripture for today, I had planned to be on my way to Florida with a friend who had asked me to conduct a private ceremony in more

  • Using Your Gifts To Serve Others - Part 1

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Jan 30, 2020

    1 Peter 4:10 admonishes us to "use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." What is the greatest gift all believers have received? What gift does this poor, lost world need most?

    Using Your Gifts to Serve Others Please stand as we read our newest memory Scripture together … 1 Peter 4:10 “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” And our memory refresher verse(s) for today is(are) more

  • Como Se Pierde La Justicia De Dios Series

    Contributed by Carlos Camarena on Mar 27, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    The Spirit of the Lord manifested in the life of the believer in pure thoughts and actions

    Suciedad y maldad: Perdiendo la justicia de Dios Texto: Santiago 1:21 Lectura Bíblica: Colosenses 3:8-10 I. Introducción A. 1:21b, “recibid con mansedumbre la palabra implantada...” Fue con estas palabras que concluimos el tema de la semana pasada, y es con estas palabras que deseamos comenzar more

  • A Sensible Relationship With God Series

    Contributed by Guy Glass on Nov 30, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    This message is a continued thought of the previous message -- Faithfulness is Diligence, not Indulgence

    A SENSIBLE RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD 1 CORINTHIANS 10:14 – 11:1 INTRODUCTION: Last week we looked at the sobering thought of our own relationship with Christ. We saw how passionate Paul was regarding his walk with Christ. Paul, the greatest missionary of all time was concerned that he might be more

  • Father's Day 2001

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Jun 16, 2001
    based on 149 ratings

    Scriptural thoughts from the book of Proverbs in an effort to honor Fathers.

    FATHER’S DAY 2001 INTRO.- It’s Father’s Day and someone wrote, “What my dad taught me.” - My dad taught me about religion - “You better pray that stain will come out of the carpet!” - My dad taught me about behavior modification - “Stop acting like your mother!” - My dad taught me about time more

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