  • Clement Manenga

    Contributing sermons since Jun 8, 2019
Clement's church

Bread Of Life Church International. Roan Luanshya. Zambia
Luanshya, Copperbelt 01010

About Clement
  • Education: MATCD
  • Experience: 20 years
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Newest Sermons

  • The Curse Of Divisions

    Contributed on May 29, 2024

    The Corinthian church was Infiltrated by; disentions, Idolatry, sexual immorality, and worldly wisdom. But disunity was the thing that was consuming them most. They were a divided force. Today we see a lot divisions and infighting in the church of believers, just like the church of Corinth.

    Good morning saints! Today I would like for us look at the effects of divisions and disentions and it's effects. Divisions and disentions have been part of human "social existence". Arguments and divisions are common in families, communities, countries and the world at large! It has more

  • The Language Of Faith

    Contributed on May 25, 2024

    It’s important for us to understand that faith has a language. If we want to be people who walk in faith and believe God for things that goes beyond the natural realm - beyond our 5 senses, then we must learn to operate in the language of faith.

    The Bible in 2 Kings chapter 5, introduces us to two characters: the little Jewish slave girl and Naaman the Syrian army commander The Jewish slave girl, could be a former servant of the prophet Elisha. The Bible does not mention the name of the girl. All we know about her is that, she was a slave more