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  • Spiritual Leaks

    Contributed by Anoop Samuel on Dec 17, 2022
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    A spiritual leak is a term that describes the loss of spiritual vitality and connection with God that can occur when we blame Him for our problems. It is like a hole in our spiritual armor that allows the enemy to infiltrate and attack us.

    Spiritual Leaks The Lord said to Job, “Do you still want to argue with the almighty? You are God’s critic, but do you have the answers?” Job 40:1-2 Ever had a leaky faucet? If so, you may be aware that ignoring even a small leak can prove costly. When it comes to experiencing God’s peace, there’s more

  • Spiritual Blindness

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Oct 25, 2022

    This passage of Scripture tells the story of how Elisha captures an army.

    Verses 8-23 tell the story of how Elisha captures an army. But what I want us to look at are verses 15-17. Elisha's servant had woken up early and saw the Syrian army encompassed about them. We can sense the fear in his voice as he goes to tell Elisha what he has seen. The devil does the same more

  • Spiritual Warfare Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Nov 10, 2022

    Jesus waged war against the powers of darkness

    INTRODUCTION • There are days when we can feel all alone and defeated. • Have you ever had one of those days? • Or maybe you are having one of those years. 😀 • Please make no mistake; we are in spiritual warfare. • We have to understand the battle going on around us. • Today's passage more

  • Spiritual Barometer

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Nov 16, 2022

    God uses money as an indication of trust in him.

    A. Opening illustration: 2019 Church Giving Report. Compilation of various reports and statistical studies to trends in American church giving. In 1983 U.S. churchgoers donated $21.5 billion. But if churchgoers had donated 10% of income, they would have given $134 billion. 80% of the money given more

  • Spiritual Gifts Series

    Contributed by Donald Mcculley on Mar 19, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Many take what’s called the “supplemental gifts” and have made them the “supreme gifts”.

    SPIRITUAL GIFTS I CORINTHIANS 14:12 INTRODUCTION: A lot is being said today about gifts. Like the issue at Corinth. The subject has arisen again. Many take what’s called the “supplemental gifts” and have made them the “supreme gifts”. I want you to note four things. I. Some Gifts Can Be more

  • Spiritual Empowerment

    Contributed by Rev Dr Opuni-Frimpong Kwabena on Apr 7, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The Lord will ransom and redeem His own.

    INTRODUCTION Empowerment has something to do with ennoblement, resourcing, re-positioning properly for performance etc. Empowerment as a key component in human development takes place not only in spirituality but other areas such as academic (intellectual empowerment), economic (economic more

  • Spiritually Disarmed Series

    Contributed by Shingirayi Gwete on Dec 12, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The word of God is our Sword of Spirit, it is our weapon in this spiritual warfare, but without it we are spiritually disarmed. We shall consider how Israelites were once disarmed by their enemies and extract lessons which we can apply to us today

    In the year 2015, more than two hundred Nigerian soldiers were dismissed from the army for not obeying orders, they were accused of fleeing rather than fighting the Boko Haram militants. One of the dismissed soldiers explained in an interview with a leading news channel that what he did was a more

  • Spiritual Healing Series

    Contributed by Suresh Murugesan on Apr 28, 2020

    Why spiritual healing? Because of the sinful nature. But man sinned again send God Genesis 3:6, Adam and Eve sinned against God. --we are all in sin, We need spiritual healing. --You may ask brother Adam and Eve sinned, I have not sinned.

    Read...Psa 51:5 Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. Explain: Rom 5:12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men because all sinned-- Therefore Rom 3:23 for all have sinned fall more

  • Spiritual Freedom

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Aug 14, 2021

    In this message, Dr. Vorce discusses what it means to be free in Christ, and how to properly adjudicate the blessings of our freedom in our daily walk by serving one another.

    Galatians 5:13-15 INTRODUCTION 1. In Galatians 5:1, the Apostle Paul encourages us to stand in our liberty and explains (in summary) what this liberty entails. Here is a brief overview of his instruction to the churches of Galatia. a. As Jews, you are no longer obligated to keep the Law of more

  • Spiritual Fitness

    Contributed by Michael Monica on May 16, 2020

    How to Remain Spiritually Fit

    INTRODUCTION How can we remain spiritually fit? THE WORD OF GOD The means by which we grow spiritually. It was by the Word of God that Jesus resisted the devil It is by God's Word in our hearts that we can resist sin. The Word of God is foundational to our spiritual fitness. Develop the more

  • Spiritual Power

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Jul 16, 2021

    We have a power through Jesus that is stronger than any power man made.

    SPIRITUAL POWER Luke 24:32And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures? Power to rebuke sin. Micah 3:8But truly I am full of power by the spirit of the LORD, and of more

  • A Spiritual Path...

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Aug 18, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    A Spiritual Path...

    A Spiritual Path... Scripture Matthew 26:36-46 Reflection True joy comes from being God’s partner in love as a distributor of his wealth of love to everyone. But, it is not possible unless I experience it personally in my life. Here, I would like to reflect with you on a spiritual path that can more

  • Spirituality Or Materialism

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Sep 27, 2022

    Jesus spoke about the need for spiritualism as much as the need for materialism. Spiritualism must outweigh materialism.

    Spirituality or Materialism John 6:25-34 Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz 25 When they found Him on the other side of the sea, they said to Him, “Rabbi, when did You get here?” 26 Jesus answered them and said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of more

  • Spiritual Warfare

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Jun 1, 2021

    We must band together as an army to fight the evil of Satan. Satan is roaming free in part because the church is so fractured that it cannot come together for this cause.

    The church interpretation of the feeding of the 5,000 in Mark 6:33-44 has always been about the miracle that only Jesus could take five loaves of bread and two fish and make it feed all those people. Unfortunately, this methodology of telling people the meaning of Scripture as black and white does more

  • Spiritual Ingredients

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 16, 2022

    We all have had the similar experience of having our taste buds seduced by a delicious meal.

    But the moment we took one bite of that delicious food, we immediately knew that one of the main components that would have made this dish taste so good, such as salt or pepper, was missing. There are some ingredients that can be left out of a dish or a drink, and no harm is done, but then there more

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