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  • Worship And Communion Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Apr 6, 2016

    The Epi center of Easter week still sends shock waves rippling through people’s heart and souls today. The earthquake’s which occurred back there in time are still shaking and quaking throughout this world thousands of years later!

    Opening Video: Gateway video on Aftershocks Series: After shock! Thesis: Easter left an aftershock which has shook the world throughout the last few thousand’s years. You can still feel the aftershocks of Easter weekend today in our churches, in communion, in worship and all over the world. more

  • The Storm Before The Calm Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Aug 24, 2006
    based on 194 ratings

    [Hurricane Katrina--1 year later.] Jesus and His disciples are on a stormy sea, and we can learn much about our voyage thru life by way of this passage. Link included to formatted MS Word text and PowerPoint Presentation.

    The Storm Before the Calm Matthew 8:23-27 1 year ago this week a powerful storm and devastating surge came to the Gulf Coast. Though it’s calm now and the waters receded, left in the wake is devastation still to this day. Oft in literature life is compared to a voyage at sea. The same is so in more

  • Sheltered Series

    Contributed by Joe Tilton on Nov 18, 2013

    The earth won't last forever, according to Jesus. Troubling times are ahead, and those are Messiah's words. Is there an escape? Yes, but only one way. Hey, it's not my words! Go to Luke 21

    Message November 17, 2113 Sheltered One day a lady was driving on the highway. She frequently checked her speedometer to be sure she was within the speed limit. She looked into the rear-view mirror, and much to her dismay, she saw a police car not far behind. And, to make things worse, the more

  • Hurricanes, Terrorists And Tsunamis - Who Is In Control?

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Mar 15, 2011
    based on 30 ratings

    Where is God in the midst of tragedies?

    God is Sovereign in Disasters God has Purpose for Disasters God Loves Us in Disasters How Should we Respond? For the Christian Respond with Repentance Respond by Living for Christ For the Seeker Respond by Receiving Christ Slide 1 Hurricane Katrina Over these past 2 weeks, I have seen on more

  • Where Is God Today?

    Contributed by Mitchell Leonard on Jun 22, 2014

    Elijah didn't feel God in the wind, earthquake, or fire, though God is in all three of these things. He felt Him in a still small voice.

    6/22/14 A.M. I Kings 19:1-14 Where is God Today? I believe some of us if not most of us have asked this question. God, where are you at? or Where were you at? When mama got sick and passed away. When more

  • Storms That Give Us Strength

    Contributed by Steve Taylor on Nov 26, 2017

    Struggles and devastation: we've felt them, we've seen them, and we've experienced them. They hurt, they linger, they hold us down, and they discourage us. We must understand that there will be storms.

    Struggles and devastation: we've felt them, we've seen them, and we've experienced them. They hurt, they linger, they hold us down, and they discourage us. Struggles are a part of our lives. The life we all live. So at some point in each of our lives, there will be struggles. But we must more

  • The Cross Is Powerful Series

    Contributed by Mike Lewis on Dec 29, 2022

    The Cross is Powerful

    WELCOME & INTRODUCTION BAY BRIDGE WORLD SERIES EARTHQUAKE There are so many events in history where you may have had this question posed to you: “Where were you when…?” One of the most recent in history is where were you when you heard that a plane had hit the World Trade Center tower(s)? We more

  • Why Does God Allow Tragedy?

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Jan 4, 2005
    based on 99 ratings

    Discussion about the earthquake and tsunami in SE Asia and Africa.

    Why Does God Allow Tragedy? Various Scriptures January 2, 2005 Introduction As you all know, a major tragedy struck southeast Asia last Sunday. An earthquake registering 9.0 on the Richter scale set off tidal waves that hit 12 countries including India, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia, where the death more

  • A Spiritual Encounter With God

    Contributed by John Butler on Aug 11, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Learn from Isaiah and Jacob what a face to face experience with God will do to the believer.

    An Encounter with God Turn to Isaiah 6:1-8 I. Something More Than A Shout (Introduction)... I’m glad I go to a church where I can lift up the name of the Lord right out loud! Amen? I love singing songs, clapping and shouting in church just as much as the next guy, maybe even more! But more

  • "God, Send A Spiritual Tsunami!”

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jan 10, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible’s clear that we’re in the Last Days. A tsunami of Judgment is coming! But God has another kind of tsunami He wants to send: A tsunami of the Holy Spirit to sweep multitudes into the Kingdom of God. Let's pray for this Tsunami!

    “GOD, SEND A SPIRITUAL TSUNAMI!” Mt. 24:37-39 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. A pastor and song leader at one church weren’t getting along. When the pastor preached on giving, the song leader sang, “Jesus Paid It All.” 2. The next Sunday the pastor preached on gossip and the song leader sang, “I more

  • How To Beat Spiritual Depression

    Contributed by Darrell Stetler Ii on Mar 2, 2004
    based on 69 ratings

    What do you do with those "tough weeks?" Does everyone have them, or is it just me? How can I climb on top when I feel like God is 1,000,000 miles away? We find answers in Elijah’s story... *HANDOUT INCLUDED*

    I Kings 19:1-6, 9-12 INTRODUCTION: How many of you have a Christian person you really look up to – someone you really admire as a Christian? Perhaps it’s someone you admire because of the way they’ve been used by God. Perhaps you can just sense a closeness to God in them. Now, when you feel more

  • This Week In Haiti (Or, Don't Be A Walnut)

    Contributed by R. Joseph Owles on Jun 22, 2011

    Yes, of course I am proud of the human response and the Christian response to such tragedy. But I am saddened that this is the exception and not the norm. I am saddened that among Christians, we aren’t doing this every day, for every one, earthquake or no

    So, as everyone knows, there was an earthquake in Haiti, leaving hundreds of thousands of people dead, thousands and thousands of people buried alive awaiting rescue, and nearly everyone else scrambling for basics–water, food, shelter. It was a tragic event. No one can deny the severity of more

  • Philadelphia: An Open Door Spiritually Series

    Contributed by Scott Chambers on Apr 8, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This is the sixth message in this series that looks at the letters to the seven churches in the book of Revelation. This message examines the letter to the church at Philadelphia examines the open doors that God so often puts in our path.

    Attalus Philadelphia, king of Pergamum, who died in 138 BC, built this city, and it was named after him by his brother Eumenes. The city was located 25 miles southeast of Sardis and about 100 miles due east of Smyrna. This was the youngest of the cities addressed in the seven letters. The city was more

  • Unwrapping Your Spiritual Gift: "Survey Of The Spiritual Gifts”

    Contributed by Nathan Parker on Mar 10, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    A survey of the Spiritual Gifts by Dr. Craig Price.

    The Difference Between Talents & Spiritual Gifts Natural Talents Source: God through parents Possessed: From birth Process: Benefit mankind on natural level Function: To be dedicated by believers to God for His use and glory Spiritual Gifts Source: God through Holy Spirit independent of more

  • Helping Others Grow: Spiritual Infants And Spiritual Children Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Mar 20, 2014

    Making Disciples; Making a Difference Helping Others Grow: Spiritual Infants and Spiritual Children

    Making Disciples; Making a Difference Helping Others Grow: Spiritual Infants and Spiritual Children 1 Cor 3:1-9 We started this series seeing that Jesus describes the win for us as making disciples. We saw that a disciple is someone who follows Christ; is being changed by Christ; and is committed more

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