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Sermons on spiritual dangers:

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  • "The Danger Of Not Following Christ-Like Leadership"

    Contributed by Ken Harris on May 3, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to encourage believers to follow Christ-like leadership.

    “This sermon was preached extemporaneously” 3 May 2009 Fourth Sunday of Easter U.S. Army Chaplain (MAJ) Ken Harris Fortress Chapel Contingency Operation Site (C.O.S.) Sykes Tall-afar, Iraq BIG IDEA: Believers should follow pastoral leadership that is Christ-like. REFERENCES: The door, the more

  • Dangerously Busy: Learning From Mary And Martha

    Contributed by Dan Grubbs on Oct 18, 2005
    based on 58 ratings

    An over-crowded life can be a hinderance to our relationship with God and lead us into falling into the deceit of Satan.

    Why do we value our time so preciously? It’s an intriguing question with which we all should try to come to terms. In answering the question, we should evaluate the most relevant word. Many would say the word “time” is the most relevant or most important word in the question. However, I say, more

  • Be Careful Because I’m Armed And Dangerous

    Contributed by Dr. Jwt Spies on May 21, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Knowing that God will help you in the time of need.

    In the world of criminal justice whenever they are in pursuit of a known criminal that has committed a crime, and when they are known for carrying firearms, the dispatcher would always report to the pursuing officers to be aware because the person that you are pursuing may be armed and dangerous. more

  • Beware Of False Teachers Series

    Contributed by Kevin L. Jones on Apr 24, 2010
    based on 17 ratings

    A sermon examining the danger of false prophets.

    BEWARE OF FALSE TEACHERS II Peter 2:1-9 In the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord Jesus issued a sobering warning that applies as much today as it did back then, He said: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” - Matthew 7:15. There are more

  • The Light Of Christ

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Jan 19, 2017

    Darkness is associated with a number of unpleasant things. When we are in the dark, we tend to move slowly or wander aimlessly. We tend to be scared in the dark, mainly because we can’t see the dangers that would be apparent if it were light.

    Have you ever stumbled around in the dark-either at night or during a power outage? It’s not a very pleasant experience, is it? Darkness is associated with a number of unpleasant things. When we are in the dark, we tend to move slowly or wander aimlessly. We tend to be scared in the dark, more

  • Volviendo A Ver

    Contributed by Javier Chavez on May 23, 2003
    based on 92 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to show that spiritual blindness can be more dangerous than physical blindness.

    VOLVIENDO A VER Juan 9:1-12 Introduccion Una de las enfermedades mas complicadas y la que trae mas problemas de adaptacion es la ceguera. La ceguera produce que la persona no pueda percibir ocularmente lo que suecede a su alrededor. El ciego podra aprender a leer pero nunca podra ver lo que lee, more

  • Woes To The Pharisees And Lawyers - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Aug 28, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus pronounces woes upon the Pharisees and lawyers and warns us of the danger of spiritual hypocrisy.

    Scripture Last week I started a two-part message about Jesus’ pronouncement of woes upon the Pharisees and lawyers. Last week we looked at the setting of Jesus’ rebuke and the statements of rebuke to the Pharisees. This week I would like to conclude the message by looking at more

  • I'd Like To Withdraw My Complaint, Your Honor PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 28, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explore the spiritual implications of complaining, emphasizing its dangers and promoting the transformative power of gratitude.

    Good morning, church. Today we're going to dive into a biggie - the issue of complaining. It's something we all do, yet it's something the Lord calls us to turn away from. Hear these words from the apostle Paul in his letter to the Philippians, chapter 2, verses 14-15: "Do all things without more

  • Becoming Desensitized To Sin: The Danger Of Creeping Normalcy

    Contributed by Don Campbell on May 19, 2023

    Satan does not try to ravage us. He seduces us by a process that is sometimes so slow, we do not even notice.

    BECOMING DESENSITIZED TO SIN: THE DANGER OF CREEPING NORMALCY INTRODUCTION A. I am 80 years old and have witnessed moral and spiritual changes in American that boggle my mind and alarm my spirit. B. Alarm bells go off in the hearts and minds of sincere believers when the more

  • The Perils Of The Love Of Money And The Test Of Prosperity

    Contributed by Antonio Manaytay on Sep 6, 2024

    This sermon explores the danger that is present in every Christian - the love of money.

    Introduction: The Rich Man's Dilemma A few years ago, I heard a story about a man named John, who grew up in humble beginnings. His family didn’t have much, but they were rich in faith. Every Sunday, they sat in the same pew at church, and John’s parents always taught him to trust God in all more

  • The Letter To The Ephesian Congregation Series

    Contributed by Scott Coltrain on May 24, 2015

    The danger of being dutiful and pure without love for Christ Jesus.

    Verse 1 - The message is sent by the One Who walks among the congregations and Who supports and holds accountable the leadership of the congregations. Verse 2 - Jesus begins with the statement "I know". Because He walks among the congregations, He knows everything about each congregation. Jesus more

  • "A Fearless Walk Through A Dangerous Valley.”

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Jun 6, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    Going through some valleys with His protection

    Psalm 23: The clock is my dictator, I shall not rest. It makes me lie down only when exhausted. It leads me into deep depression, it hounds my soul. It leads me in circles of frenzy for activities’ sake. Even though I run frantically from task to task, I will never get it all done, for my “ideal” more

  • Threats From Without - Dangers From Within Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Dec 18, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    Do you fear external forces will harm you? You are not alone, but you also don’t need to fear in Jesus. But - perhaps you are not aware of an internal danger that the enemy seeks to use against you.

    What do you fear? One website lists the top ten fears among humans: 1-Fear of spiders, 2-Fear of people, 3-Fear of flying, 4-Fear of open spaces, 5-Claustrophobia, 6-Fear of vomiting, 7-Fear of heights, 8-Fear of cancer, 9-Fear of thunder & lightning, 10-Fear of death. The top five fears that more

  • The Danger Of Making Your Move Too Soon

    Contributed by Mcclinton Hall on Jul 13, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    There are times when we are looking for help in Christ we need to stay stationary and keep our focus on the hill where all of our help comes from.

    The Danger of Making Your Move Too Soon I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence, cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which make heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2 My brothers and sisters, I wonder if there’s anybody here who have played a game of checkers or chess and more

  • You And The Holy Spirit, Part 1: No Shortcuts Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Feb 10, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Part 1 of 3 part on WHO the Holy Spirit is; WHEN He came; and His WORKS on earth in nonbelievers' & believers' lives. Part 1 places special emphasis on the baptism with the Holy Spirt and what it means, and the danger of looking for shortcuts to maturity.

    You and the Holy Spirit, Part 1: No Shortcuts Series: Acts Chuck Sligh February 9, 2014 There is a PowerPoint presentation available for this sermon upon request by emailing me at TEXT: Acts 1:4-8 – “And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should more

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