  • Michael Mays

    Contributing sermons since Feb 6, 2021
About Michael
  • Education: B.Mus., University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (vocal performance) M.C.Mus., Southwester Baptist Theological Seminary (Church Music / voice)
  • Experience: 1996-1997 - New South Daisy Baptist Church (Soddy-Daisy, TN)--music minister 2001-2002 - Edgmont Park Baptist Church (Mesquite, TX)--music minister 2003-2004 - Henderson Street Baptist Church (Cleburne, TX)--music minister 2004-2007 - Sycamore Baptist Church (Sprinfield, MO)--music minister 2009-2012 - First Baptist Church (Dayton, TN)--music minister 2013-2015 - First Baptist Church (Waverly, TN)--music minister 2015-Present - Mays Music Ministries (Chickamauga, TN)--lead singer, director
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: My training is in singing; I approach every scripture from the standpoint of, "How would I convey the truths of God's Word in a concert?" This is not meant to limit the Word of God, but to enhance and focus the concerts I give so that, whatever I sing, it's always couched in as rich and accurate a biblical context as I can give it. Nothing surpasses the Bible, but people will swallow it faster if you sing it at them.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: My favorite is a joke, and I've used it a couple of times in sermons: A man dies and goes to heaven. Upon arrival, Saint Peter asks him his denomination. "I don't know," the man says, "got any recommendations?" Peter nods and takes the man on a tour. They pass a large, regal structure with full organ and vibrant choral sounds. "This is where most Presbyterians worship," he said. Then they pass a small, ramshackle little chapel that just hops with loud, twangy piano strains, hootin' and hollerin', a little tongues. "Here's where the Pentecostals get together," Peter tells him. They pass a Catholic cathedral radiating glorious Gregorian chant, traditional-looking structures with coffee-shop style bands singing lots of Charles Wesley, AME-Zion worshipers in old-looking, stately structures with lots of loud organ sounds and plenty of "Amens" and "Preach!". Along the way, they pass a large, nondescript building with a hint of something going on, but it's generally pretty quiet. Peter indicates to the man to pass silently. After they're clear of the building, the man asks, "Why did have to stay quiet when we passed that building?" "Oh, that's where the Baptists worship," Peter replies. "We have to be quiet around them because they think they're the only ones here." (I am qualified to tell that joke, because I'm a Baptist.) :-p
  • Family: Married to Joy since 1997 Children: Jacob (18), Natalie (16), Elena (15), Caroline (11), Jonathan (9), Chloe (5)
  • What my parents think of my sermons: Not sure my parents have ever heard me preach...
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: Surprisingly, she approves and supports my habit!
  • Books that have had an impact: "The Knowledge of the Holy" (A.W. Tozer) "The Shadow of the Almighty" (Jim Elliot) "Trusting God, Even When Life Hurts" (Jerry Bridges)
  • Hobbies: Songwriting, orchestration, sermon-writing
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Time is running out--Jesus is coming back! Stop treating His Word like a self-help guide or a band-aid for your guilt and act like you actually believe it's true!
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: I have small children. Something funny happens pretty much every time I preach!
  • What I want on my tombstone: Pointed people to Jesus
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