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  • Be Prayerful & Careful Where You Place Your Stamp Of Approval Series

    Contributed by Ed Taylor on Dec 22, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    Have you noticed how this world system is constantly trying to influence our decisions?

    1. All of us have a STAMP OF APPROVAL. • That is, by our words & deeds, we either approve of things or we disapprove of things. I like that. I don’t like that. • When people ask our opinions, we often quickly share our feelings on a topic or 2 or 3. • I have to agree that there are times when this more

  • Be Careful What You Pray For, You Might Get It Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Dec 15, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    There are only two motives for prayer: fear and hope. If you pray and live in fear, you will live a lie and deny God, and you will become destructive. But if you pray and live in fear, you will find satisfaction and will become a life-giver.

    God answers prayer. Let there be no doubt about that. God answers prayer. God responds to what His people ask. So it has often been said that you had better be careful what you pray for, because you just might get it! There is something awesome, something even dangerous about prayer. more

  • Who Cares...when I Am Feeling All Alone? Series

    Contributed by Chip Monck on Aug 22, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Eighth in a series exploring life crisis, based on the promotional materials provided by Outreach in their "Who Cares" campaign. This message explores the life challenge of loneliness.

    (Extensive inspiration for the sermons in this series derived from the sermon samples in the "Who Cares" promotional series by Outreach Ministries.) (This message opened by showing the video "Never Alone" by Barlow Girl) The song has a good title, "Never Alone." And in it, Barlow Girl echoes the more

  • Does God Really Care About Everyone? Do We?

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Jan 23, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    God challenges us to rethink our attitudes and actions toward all people.

    Recap the story of Jonah for those who may not know the story… Title: Does God Really Care About Everyone? Text: Jonah 3:1-10 Slide 3 Thesis: God challenges us to rethink our attitudes and actions toward all people. Introduction Westboro Baptist is a church in Topeka, Kansas whose more

  • A Messiah Who Provides Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Aug 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Instead of worrying we should place our faith and trust in God.

    A Messiah Who Provides Text: Matt. 6:25-34 Introduction 1. Illustration: Corrie Ten Boom spoke of the unraveling effects of worry, when she said, “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but it empties today of it’s strength.” 2. The Mayo Clinic claims that 80-85% of their total caseload more

  • When Disaster Hits.... God's At Work Doing Far More Loving Than Judging

    Contributed by Richard Schwedes on Feb 15, 2009
    based on 17 ratings

    This sermon is a pastoral sermon exploring the question where is God when disaster hits. It was written following the bushfires in Victoria, Australia.

    How have you coped with the week? Early in the week I was wondering if this was a nightmare? But as the week went on the reality was hitting home. Already 180 lives lost and coroner has allowed for up to 300 deaths.. A national news reader that I watched daily dead. A town completely more

  • God's Provision For You

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Sep 7, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God cares about our natural needs as well as our spiritual needs. Using Jesus’ feeding of the 5000, the author examines God’s wisdom in the way He meets our needs.

    God’s Provision for You Luke 9:10-17 July 5, 2009 Intro I take as my subject this morning, “God’s Provision for You.” God is not only concerned about your spiritual wellbeing; but He cares about your natural needs as well. We are talking about the God who clothes the lilies of the field. Our God more

  • Our Father’s Promises Trump Our Worries

    Contributed by Gregg Bitter on Feb 2, 2010

    God’s promises made the difference for Elijah & the widow of Zarephath. His promises overcome our worries. For through faith in Jesus, you are his dear child. A.The widow’s worries B.Our God is in command C.Trust your Father’s promises and act accordingly

    Text: 1 Kings 17:7-16 Theme: Our Father’s Promises Trump our Worries A. The widow’s worries B. Our God is in command C. Trust your Father’s promises and act accordingly Season: Epiphany 4c Date: January 31, 2010 Web page: more

  • God Of All Comfort Series

    Contributed by Richard S Cussons M.a. on Aug 8, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    Chapter one may be seen as a template in dealing with disappontment

    2 Corinthians 1.1-22 Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians is written about 6 months after the first, in the year 55, from Macedonia. The Corinthian church had been infiltrated by false teachers who were challenging Paul’s personal integrity and his authority as an apostle. Because more

  • Thanks Mom

    Contributed by Bill Butsko on May 7, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Christian mothers are special people selected by God.

    Text: “Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother…” (John 19:25). Today is Mother’s Day and it is nice that the day was set aside as a special day to recognize mothers, but in reality, every day should be Mother’s Day. Mothers deserve to be praised on a daily basis. It was our mother who more

  • Lifetime God

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Jul 14, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    I. EXORDIUM: When there's a fire in your house, which one will you carry first to safety? your idols/images or your money? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers with idolatries. III. OBJECTIVES: To show that GOD can't be compared to idols or ima

    I. EXORDIUM: When there's a fire in your house, which one will you carry first to safety? your idols/images or your money? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers with idolatries. III. OBJECTIVES: To show that GOD can't be compared to idols or images. IV. TEXT: Isaiah 46:4 (New Living Translation, more

  • "Oh Wow!"

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Jan 21, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    The miracle at the Wedding in Cana of Galilee happened in part to save-the-day, but primarily so that Christ would be glorified and people would believe in him as the Son of God and Savior of the world.

    Title: “Oh wow! Text: John 2:1-11 Thesis: The miracle at the wedding at Cana of Galilee happened in part to save the day, but primarily so that Christ would be glorified and people would believe in him as the Son of God. The Second Sunday after Epiphany: The Season of Epiphany is a period more

  • Our God Who Comforts Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jan 24, 2013

    Jesus Christ is our God and He is the God of comfort, but with that comes a responsibility to be comfort for those we come in contact with in our everyday lives.

    Our God who comforts 2 Corinthians 1:3-1:11 Introduction- Last week we began a series “Lessons learned from Apostle Paul” We looked at the unity that is needed in the body of Christ. We saw that the big picture of the church was not only a building that people meet in and where more

  • Living With No Regrets

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Oct 14, 2013

    Life lived without regrets is lived with the awareness that our choices matter and make a difference in this life and the afterlife.

    Title: Living with No Regrets Text: Luke 16:19-31 Thesis: Life lived without regrets is lived with the awareness that our choices matter and make a difference in this life and the afterlife. Introduction: I talked with a man this past Thursday evening whose wife is dying of terminal cancer. more

  • I Lift My Eyes To The Hills Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Oct 23, 2013
    based on 81 ratings

    We look to the Lord for help in life. And what does He do for us? 1- The Lord will keep us from slipping 2- The Lord will watch over us always

    INTRO.- ILL.- Week after week, a man came to his preacher with a big problem. He said, “When I go to bed, I can’t sleep because I’m afraid of monsters under my bed. I know it’s silly, but I can’t help it.” His preacher recommended prayer, reading the Bible, more

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