  • Pastor Jeff Hughes

    Contributing sermons since Dec 31, 2013
Pastor Jeff's church

Resurrection Bible Church
Sycamore, Pennsylvania 15337

About Pastor Jeff
  • Education: West Greene High School, 1977 Penn State/Fayette Campus Insurance School, 1977/1978 Tyndale Theological Seminary
  • Experience: Lay Speaker, 1996-1999 Interim Pastor, Pursley Baptist Church, 1999 Senior Pastor, Victory Bible Church (now Resurrection Bible Church) 2000-current Part time Telecommunicator, Greene County 911, Greene County PA 2005-2008 Field Assessor, Greene County PA 2008-2009 Full Time Telecommuicator, Greene County 911, Greene County PA 2009-current
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: My sermons are no more copywrited than the Bible is (or should be). Feel free to use.
  • Family: Pastor Jeff Hughes Kathryn W "Kay" Hughes Jeff Hughes II Sadie and Hemi, our labrador retrievers!
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: "You tell 'em, you tell 'em, then you tell 'em again."--referring to Bible teaching, about keeping doctrines in the eye of the flock constantly!
  • Hobbies: Taking our dogs lake jumping and trail walking Photography
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Newest Sermons

  • The Majesty And Glory Of Your Name Part Iii: The Crown Of Creation

    Contributed on Apr 8, 2014

    What does it mean "the crown of creation"? In short, God created mankind above all animals.

    We now come to the third and final installment in this series in Psalm 8. We have studied verses 1 and 2, and this week we will finish the chapter. So far, we have learned: LORD is the Hebrew YHWH, pronounced Yahweh by the Jews with vowels inserted and today the transliteration would be more

  • The Majesty And Glory Of Your Name Part Ii: Out Of The Mouths Of Babes

    Contributed on Apr 8, 2014

    Kids say the darnest things, Art Linkletter used to say. In this message, we see how children often "get it" when we don't have a clue!

    The Majesty And Glory Part II: Out of the Mouths of Babes Over the next few weeks, we will be studying King David's Psalm 8. It is one of the Psalms that shows, as the title of this short series describes, the "Majesty and Glory" of God. There is a song by the same title, performed by both more

  • The Majesty And Glory Of Your Name

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The first message in a short series on Psalm 8, inspired by Clay Crosse's rendition of "The Majesty and Glory of Your Name" and Psalm 8 itself! God's creation is wonderful and beautiful--but how God and man is above it all. Why is God mindful of man?

    The Majesty and Glory of Your Name Psalm 8:1 The Majesty and Glory of Your Name Over the next few weeks, we will be studying King David’s Psalm 8. It is one of the Psalms that shows, the title of this short series describes, the “Majesty and Glory” of God. There is a more

  • The Church Beyond The Church Walls: Just For The 'religious'

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The final sermon in the Kindred United Series, this sermon shows the difference between "religion" and "relationship", and shows how we should do more than just sit in a pew on Sunday; we should serve others in need, and do so in love.

    Beyond The Church Walls--Just For The Religious This week, we wrap up the teaching series "Kindred United". This series, nine messages in all, ended up going much longer than I had expected. We have learned, first of all, that the overarching thought of "loving God, loving others" starts with more

  • The Church Beyond The Church Walls: Even Dead Dogs!

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Why Jesus saved me, I have NO idea. It surely wasn't because I was a good person. The story of David's love for his best friend Jonathan is shown in the love shown toward Jonathan's son Mephebosheth. This beautiful story shows how God saves anyone!

    The Church Beyond The Church Walls Part II: Even Dead Dogs! Love God...Love Family...Love The Brotherhood...Love Others! We've been on a journey here at Resurrection for the past two months this being the ninth message in this series, Kindred United. The overarching idea is that we must, as more

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  • Miss America And Elephants

    Contributed on Feb 1, 2014

    Matt 24:24-25 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you beforehand. Back years ago, I heard a well known salesman that regularly competed with the number one company in his industry. Those more