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  • The Solution To Sin

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Nov 9, 2022

    What’s the origin and solution to sin?

    What’s the origin and solution to sin? Sin actually began in the angelic realm. Who deceived Eve? “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” (2 Corinthians 11:3 KJV) How was sin more

  • God's Solution For Sin

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Sep 2, 2001
    based on 105 ratings

    Three ineffective ways to deal with sin and three effective ways to deal with sin.

    John wrote this letter to counter the false teachings that crept into the churches. This morning, we will look at three ineffective ways to deal with our sin and three effective ways to deal with our sin. The passage we will look at is 1 John 1:5-10. Because the word, sin, is not always more

  • The Problem & Solution To Sin Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Feb 18, 2013

    Sin is one of those things we don't want to talk about or face. But it is the central problem facing us every day. There is a solution, but it starts with facing sin head on.

    In Psalm 38, David is greatly afflicted from sin. I think this psalm really reveals to us how deeply David felt about sin—and it offers hope for us who also feel that guilt deep in our souls—that God our Savior is always there to forgive the humble in heart. 1 – 2 Here in more

  • A Simple Solution To Suffering Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 12, 2021

    Paul was a great sufferer of all kinds of unjust pain, and it was not because of sin, but because he was a servant of Christ.

    One of the good things to come out of suffering is this: It forces those who cannot see any sense in it to grapple with the mystery, and strive to squeeze some meaning out of it. Almost everyone who writes on suffering does so out of their own personal encounter with this mysterious monster. In more

  • "But Wait! There's More!" Series

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Mar 16, 2015

    If grace sounds too good to be true, it isn't!

    Title: “But wait! There’s more!” Text: Ephesians 2:1-10 (John 3:1-18) Thesis: If grace sounds too good to be true, it isn’t! Introduction Commercials are designed to get us to do something. My current favorite commercial is the AutoNation commercial. A pretty young more

  • The Problem Of Sin Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Feb 12, 2020

    Paul’s point in our text today is that when it comes to sin, we are all in it together. We are all sinners and stand guilty before God.

    THE PROBLEM WITH SIN Text: Rom. 3:9-20 Introduction 1. Illustration: One of the greatest powers of rationalization ever seen is the ability of people to explain away their sin. Our society finds all types of excuses, like poor parenting, social disadvantages, mistreatment by others and so on. more

  • The Solution Series

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Jul 12, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Perhaps it's time for us as Christians to move out of our advisory mindset and into soiling our hands in the work of transformation.

    “A Nation Under God: The Solution” Jer. 3:6-4:4 As a story goes, there was once an elderly man who used to get up regularly at the prayer meeting in his church, always with the same prayer: “Use me, Lord, use me – in some advisory capacity!” Whether or not more

  • There Is A Solution

    Contributed by Charles Forshee on May 14, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    It doesn’t matter What you are up against.....or what’s gone wrong in your life.... You need to know that there is a Solution to Every Problem you face in life.... You just have to know where to look..... John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way

    It doesn’t matter What you are up against.....or what’s gone wrong in your life.... You need to know that there is a Solution to Every Problem you face in life.... You just have to know where to look..... John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto more

  • The Solution

    Contributed by John Lowe on Mar 16, 2017

    “These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication . . .” (Acts 1:14). It means that the apostles wanted to make this their constant and main objective, and for this to happen they must not be distracted by the cares of life, and even by....

    December 17, 2013 By: Tom Lowe Series: The Early Church Title: The Solution (6.2-6) Acts 6.2-6 (KJV) 2 Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, It is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables. 3 Wherefore, more

  • No One Can Sin Alone!

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 23, 2022

    We all have heard the battle of Jericho many times in Sunday school and the many sermons we have heard.

    There is a reason the battle of Jericho is preached and taught so much. First, A small child in Sunday school and can hear it and understand it. Secondly, Joshua 6 and 7 teaches us some very important things about obeying God. Thirdly, But another important thing about these two chapters is more

  • God's Final Solution

    Contributed by James May on Oct 27, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    There is coming a day when all that is evil, corrupt and sinful will be destroyed. God has a final solution to the sin and rebellion.

    Disclaimer: Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. These sermons are original to the author and the leading of the Holy Spirit. While ideas and illustrations are often gleaned from many more

  • Problem, Purpose, Plan, Solution

    Contributed by Preacher Fo Real on Aug 10, 2001
    based on 36 ratings

    This sermon is on Christian sin.

    From the view of the outside world, the defeat and exile of the Jewish race demonstrated the failure of their God. It exhibited to the Gentiles that the Jewish religion was without foundation. The Israelites were so discredited by their defeat that the surrounding nations said that it was foolish more

  • People Prone To Sin Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Dec 30, 2019

    The Israelites and non-Jews and all people including us are all prone to sin but God gives us a solution!!

    Before we learn from Judges 8 this morning, open your Bibles to Judges 6 and summarize with me what happened: Judges 6:33-34…. Judges 7:22-23…. Keep those truths in mind as Janet Hansen comes up now and read for us Judges 8…….. Let us read along with Janet……. If we look at the story more

  • The Problem With Sin

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Mar 19, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Defines sin and explains the solution to the problem

    “The Problem with Sin” March 18, 2018 1 John 3:4-10 “Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin. No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him more

  • God's Solution

    Contributed by Dr. Fred W. Penney on Sep 10, 2020

    The sermon outlines the problem of sin and God's solution

    Title: “God’s Solution” Text: 1 Cor 15:1-8 Big idea: “God’s solution is substitution” 1 Cor. 15 Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. 2 By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word more

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