Sermon Series
  • 1. Compromising Belief

    Contributed on Oct 15, 2019

    The Idsraelites were commanded to destroy take over the Promised Land without compromise!

    About 3 years ago, we studied the Book of Joshua; you can check those messages in; it is wonderful to note that we have had almost 77000 views of those messages from all over the world! Remember that Joshua took the Israelites to the Land God Promised the Israelites. We will now more

  • 2. Revivals?

    Contributed on Oct 21, 2019

    There is a pattern with God and people; People sin, God rebukes and discipline, People confess and repent, God loves and provides, "Revival", People sin again.....

    Please open your Bibles to the Book of Judges……… We noted from last week that the stories in the Book of Judges actually happened after the death of Joshua. Before we read Chapter 2, let us note that Judges 1:1-3:6 is a Prologue to the Book. Judges 2 actually remind us of what Joshua did and more

  • 3. Have We Truly Grasped The Love Of God?

    Contributed on Oct 28, 2019

    God kept providing for sinning Israel but how did Israel respond?

    We continue our learning about our God and people as we now look at Judges Chapter 3; please open your Bibles there…….. Read along with me, Judges 3:1-31……….. As we had noted from Judges Chapters 1 and 2 the last couple of weeks, God’s Chosen People disobeyed God by not only allowing more

  • 4. Honor To Women

    Contributed on Nov 4, 2019

    God orchestrated, called, and empowered 2 women for leadership and godly work!

    Please open your Bibles to the Book of Judges; we are now in Chapter 4….. God instructed Israel (God’s Chosen People) to subdue the land promised to them and rid of all pagan people; but instead, Israel allowed pagan people to live with them and actually married them! Disobedience to God results more

  • 5. Why Praise God?

    Contributed on Nov 11, 2019

    Why should we praise god and how often should we be doing it?

    Last week we learned about Godly Leader/Judge Deborah, Israel’s Army Commander Barak, and a special woman Jael who decided to take the life of an evil person Sisera who was the commander of the Army who went against Israel. Today we will read the praises to God of Deborah and Barak. Open your more

  • 6. Call Of Gideon

    Contributed on Nov 19, 2019

    Gideon responded positively to the initial conversation about God and God called him to save Israel from the Midianites, who oppressed them for 7 years.

    Before we look at our main passage for today, open your Bibles to Hebrews 11 for a moment…. Look at verses 1-2…… and then we read the “ancients” men and women who lived by faith believing in what God said but actually doing it! Look at Hebrews 11:32-35…. God called Gideon a man of faith. Gideon, a more

  • 7. Rid Of Idols

    Contributed on Dec 2, 2019

    Just like Gideon, we Christians are to grow our faith in Christ and a major part of being closer to God is to get rid of idols in our homes!

    Let us continue to worship God by learning from His Word… please open your Bibles to Judges 6……page….. 2 weeks ago, we noted the calling of young Gideon. Read along with me Judges 6:12-16 for our background…. Gideon knew God but his faith was still weak: Gideon questioned God’s abilities and he more

  • 8. Testing God

    Contributed on Dec 9, 2019

    Doubting and testing God is an indication of how strong our faith is!

    Let us continue to worship our God by listening and learning from His Word…… open your Bibles to Judges 6………. We noted a few weeks ago… v1-11: The Nation of Israel sinned again against God and they became slaves to the Midianites! v12-16: Gideon was called by God to be empowered and lead, but more

  • 9. God Will Test Our Faith!

    Contributed on Dec 16, 2019

    God will test our faith to grow our faith!

    Let’s worship of our Almighty Creator God by continuing to learn from the Book of Judges; please open your Bibles to Judges 7……. As a background for Judges 7, we have noted in Judges 6: a. Israel again worshiped pagan gods so God disciplined them by being enslaved by the Midianites. b. God called more

  • 10. People Prone To Sin

    Contributed on Dec 30, 2019

    The Israelites and non-Jews and all people including us are all prone to sin but God gives us a solution!!

    Before we learn from Judges 8 this morning, open your Bibles to Judges 6 and summarize with me what happened: Judges 6:33-34…. Judges 7:22-23…. Keep those truths in mind as Janet Hansen comes up now and read for us Judges 8…….. Let us read along with Janet……. If we look at the story more

  • 11. Challenges Require Decisions/Actions

    Contributed on Jan 6, 2020

    Because we sin and the world sins, there will always be challenges in life and so today, tomorrow, this week, this month, this new year, let us commit to making decisions and actions with pure hearts and motives for the Lord!

    Before we worship with Communion and remember the love of God through Jesus Christ, let us worship God by listening to Him… please open your Bibles to Judges 9……… Let us remind ourselves of what happened at the end of Judges …. Judges 8:28-35….. Gideon (Jerub-Baal) led Israel back to God and they more

  • 12. Repentance

    Contributed on Jan 22, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    God is always looking for our repentance because He loves us and desires for us to be right!

    We have been noting God’s People Israel, even after being freed from slavery out of Egypt and given a land filled with milk and honey and instructed by God to be holy and not associate themselves with paganism, over and over again they kept sinning! So, because of sin, the Israelites kept getting more

  • 13. Conditional Prayer?

    Contributed on Feb 10, 2020

    We must never pray to God with conditions!

    Let’s continue to worship our Lord by continuing to learn from the Book of Judges; open your Bibles to Judges 11……… I’ve asked Janet Hansen to read for us this morning…….. We will note today a very sad ending to a young girl……. Let us summarize the story and highlight notes for us. v1: Jephthah more

  • 14. "fights" From Other Believers?

    Contributed on Feb 17, 2020

    We can expect "fights" from outside and within the church and we must know how to handle them.

    Please open your bibles to Judges 12…… Last week we learned about Jephthah who led Israel to victory over God’s enemies the Ammonites. Read along with me now Judges 12…… Let us summarize what happened… First of all, who is the Tribe of Ephraim?? Let us note…………… Ephraim is one more

  • 15. Faith/Growing Faith

    Contributed on Feb 24, 2020

    Good godly results in life will only happen with true faith in God which leads to a growing faith in God!

    Please open your Bibles to Judges 13….. I’ve asked Daniel Pryor to read for us this morning… As we read along with Daniel, let us think about what God wants to teach us this morning….. As we read in v1…. And again, because is faithful in His promises, we will read in the next chapters of Judges, more

  • 16. God Can Use Anyone!

    Contributed on Feb 25, 2020

    Although none of us are perfect and we can still have fears, God can take one godly thing we do in life and grow the Kingdom of God exponentially!!

    Again, part of worshiping God is to listen to His Words and learn godly applications for our lives. Please open your Bibles to Judges 9….. Last week we noted one of Gideon’s sons, Abimelech, proclaimed himself king and killed all of his brothers; but the youngest brother Jotham escaped. In Judges more

  • 17. Foolishness Of Samson

    Contributed on Mar 3, 2020

    We Christians today are to be encouraged by those who went before us in their faith and growing faith in God, throw off sin and whatever holds us back with our faith, persevere in faith and live out the life God called you to live, and always, always, see and listen to Jesus Christ!

    Please open your Bibles to the Book of Judges and let us quickly revisit Chapter 13…. How were Samson’s parents supposed to raise Samson to be?? Judges 13: Samson was to be raised to be a Nazirite! (Numbers 6… to be set apart for God) Now before reading Judges 14, look with me Judges more

  • 18. From Downfall To Restoration (Samson)

    Contributed on Mar 16, 2020

    What should we learn from Samson's downfall and his restoration?

    Today we will finish the story of Samson in Judges 16… as you open your Bibles there, let us remind ourselves of Samson. What can we say about Samson so far from Judges 13-15?? In the Book of Hebrews in the New Testament, Samson is listed as one of the heroes of faith for Christians…. Why? The more

  • 19. Sins, Fears, Anger, Revenge, Pain.... Wisdom?

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2020

    Sin produces sin and more sins; and sins will bring bad consequences!

    Let us continue our worship of our Creator God by learning more from the Book of Judges. Open your Bibles to Judges 14 first and remind ourselves of Samson’s bad decisions. What 3 things wrong did Samson do in Judges 14:1-3?? Samson lusted after a woman; Samson decided to marry a Philistine (a more