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  • Power Of Testimony And Sharing The Goodnews. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Apr 28, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    I want to talk about the power of testimony. A testimony is a personal story of how God has worked in our lives, and it's a powerful tool for sharing the Gospel and encouraging others in their faith.

    I want to talk about the power of testimony. A testimony is a personal story of how God has worked in our lives, and it's a powerful tool for sharing the Gospel and encouraging others in their faith. In Revelation 12:11, we read that the believers overcame Satan "by the blood of the Lamb more

  • Sharing And Accepting The Word Of God Series

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on May 17, 2024

    This is a study of the gospel of Mark regarding the life of Jesus. It is based on my personal study and research of Scripture and many books and sermons I have read over the years.

    GOSPEL OF MARK: GOD’S SERVANT IN ACTION SHARING & ACCEPTING GOD’S WORD A. Mark 4:1-9 (READ) 1. In Mark 3, we see the CROWDS that are FOLLOWING Jesus growing by LEAPS and BOUNDS. a. “Jesus now has His 12 apostles in place to help Him minister to the people”- Mark 3:13-19. b. Among more

  • Internal Sharing Of Jesus’ Light

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Dec 28, 2022

    The church needs to fix its internal spiritual awareness issues now. Then it would be equipped to go out into the world.

    Internal Sharing of Jesus’ Light John 8:10-20 Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz John 8:12 Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” 13 So the Pharisees said to Him, “aYou are testifying about more

  • "share The Vision" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Sep 23, 2024

    This is a series I preached through the OT book of Nehemiah. Although the series covers various topics, it is intended to follow the vision God gave to Nehemiah and apply those principles to churches and Christian business leaders as well.

    “Share the Vision!” Nehemiah 1 So, every pastor has numerous responsibilities, usually more than one person can tend to. At times, just too many hats you must wear. You have likely felt the same way at times about the responsibilities you carry as well. For me it comes down to figuring out which more

  • 31) Why Share The Gospel! Series

    Contributed by Brandon Max on Feb 27, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    True believers have always been called to share the Gospel - but why? Today we look at four reasons through the Scriptures: 1) Jesus Did It; 2) The Disciples Did It; 3) Paul Did It; and 4) We Are Told To Do It.

    31) WHY SHARE THE GOSPEL! Text: Matthew 24:14 INTRODUCTION Brethren we are now nearing the end of another year. It’s now November, next comes December - and then the year 2021 will be all over. And some of us may well welcome that change – because it has been a tough year for many. Globally It has more

  • Clever Sharing Of The Good News

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Nov 5, 2024

    Looking at the story of the wasteful servant without trying to be too specific can be helpful to us today.

    Friday of the 31st Week in Course 2024 Parables from Jesus struck the listeners as stories that might help them understand God’s kingdom. Often the real challenge is to look at the story as a whole, and ask what general lesson Jesus is trying to help us learn. The parable we just heard is one of more

  • An Authentic Church Shares Christ

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Nov 6, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Today we're going to use several familiar passages of Scripture to stress the importance of us sharing Christ with the world. Telling others about Jesus is what helps to make a church be an authentic church. Authentic, because we truly care about other's salvation.

    It is mind boggling to think about how much information is shared through social media. People record videos, they filter photos, and they post updates. It's common in today's world for people to share private moments and public thoughts about anything and everything--- almost. The more

  • Sharing Compassion Like Christ PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 16, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    To encourage us to not only help those in need but to actively work towards creating a world where such needs no longer exist, as exemplified by the parable of the Good Samaritan.

    Good morning, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Today, we gather together to engage with a powerful parable from the Gospel of Luke, a story that speaks volumes about the compassion of Christ, the desperate needs of our fellow human beings, and the call to take action. In the words of the more

  • Sin Of Not Testifying

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Apr 18, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    I. EXORDIUM: Have you testified something in court? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Blessed believers III. OBJECTIVES: To prove that we need to testify about GOD's goodness. IV. TEXT: Leviticus 5:1 If you are called to testify about something

    I. EXORDIUM: Have you testified something in court? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Blessed believers III. OBJECTIVES: To prove that we need to testify about GOD's goodness. IV. TEXT: Leviticus 5:1 If you are called to testify about something you have seen or that you know about, it is sinful to more

  • Sharing The Lord’s Supper

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Apr 14, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Think about all that we have in common with these first disciples: 1. We share the same Friend. 2. We share the same fellowship. 3. We share the same forgiveness. 4. We share the same future.

    Sharing the Lord’s Supper Matthew 26:14-30 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - January 29, 2012 BACKGROUND: *This morning we will worship the Lord by sharing the Lord’s Supper. Think back to the scene on the night before the cross. Jesus was gathered with His disciples to more

  • Confidence And Success Living The Scriptures

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Mar 7, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    To meditate the God’s word is to ponder, mutter or consider it in your mind until it becomes personal revelation. When you discover the deeper meaning behind a scripture, God seems to manifest Himself just for you. He becomes your personal God.

    Confidence and Success Living the Scriptures Joshua 1:8-9 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and more

  • Practice Hospitality Series

    Contributed by Richard White on Feb 4, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    Looking again at the First Church, another aspect that made them so effective was that they practice hospitality. It is more than sharing lemonade and cookies.

    Practice Hospitality Acts 2:43-47 Heb 13:2 Matt 25:31-46 The effective church practices hospitality. In Romans 12 Paul commends the Roman Christians to practice hospitality. Yet what is that exactly how do we practice hospitality? Do we: 1. Open our homes to take in strangers? 2. Do we work to more

  • How To Share Your Faith With Others

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Feb 19, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    Four prinicples for sharing Christ

    Dr. Jones wrote, “The concealing and neglect of certain truths and certain aspects of Christian truth has always been the chief characteristic of every period of decline in the history of the church. When the church did not seem to count at all you will find without exception the thing that has more

  • Sharing Your Faith Your Way

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Oct 22, 2002
    based on 47 ratings

    Telling our story in a way that fits our personalities. Adapted straight out of "Becoming A Contagous Christian" material

    Sharing YOUR Faith YOUR Way: Acts 3-4 October 19-20, 2002 Intro: Last week my wife came home from work and said, “I feel bad. I realized on the way home that I had an opportunity to share my faith with a co-worker and I blew it. She had asked a question about how we balance life with both of us more

  • How To Be Effective In Sharing The Good News

    Contributed by Bledar Valca on Mar 27, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    gives a hint of how to become effective in sharing the Gospel

    How Do I Plan To Become More Effective In Sharing Christ? “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.” 2 Cor 5:20 Introduction: I. The preaching of the good news, the sharing of Christ is the more

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