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  • After God Saved, He Destroyed Those Unbelievers & The Most Wicked Of Fallen Angels Examined – Jude 1:5-6 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Aug 11, 2022

    Jude is presenting a God of holiness who will not tolerate sin. Those who left Egypt were destroyed through unbelief. Then the most evil angels - Who are the fallen angels who abandoned their position of authority? Apostasy linked to false teachers. Book of Enoch looked at.

    AFTER GOD SAVED, HE DESTROYED THOSE UNBELIEVERS & THE MOST WICKED OF FALLEN ANGELS EXAMINED – Jude 1:5-6 {{Jude 1:5 Now I desire to remind you, though you know all things once for all, that the Lord subsequently destroyed those who did not believe, after saving a people out of the land of more

  • Lighting The Fire - Light The Fire 4 Series

    Contributed by Spencer Homan on Nov 19, 2009

    This is the fourth of the "Lighting the Fires of Pentecost" sermon series focusing on overcoming the dip in our Spiritual Lives.

    Acts 2:1-21 NIV When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each more

  • Everyman's Journey

    Contributed by Dr. Ronnie Grizzle on Sep 8, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Challenges people to be ready for the journey into eternity. The journey that everyone will have to take.

    Everyman’s Journey Hebrews 9.27 Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Every person must come to the end of this life. Whether the number of years is great or few, we all must come to the end of the way. The Bible tells us about many who lived so more

  • Looking Like Christ

    Contributed by Paul Robinson on Mar 28, 2023

    What does it mean that we are made in the "image" and "likeness" of God? How can we look like Christ in our Christian lives?

    When it comes to replicas, there’s nothing that’s been replicated more than expensive watches. There are entire websites that exist simply to sell you a replica Rolex watch. These watches look like the real deal—they even have the Rolex logo—but actually they were made in China and aren’t worth more

  • When Men Walk With God Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Jun 15, 2018

    God's greatest desire is relationship with us. In this series we will talk about four men in the Bible who walked with God and see what we can learn from their experiences.

    Micah 6:8 ESV - He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? INTRODUCTION: • GOD’S GREATEST DESIRE IS RELATIONSHIP WITH US. 1. Angels were created as messengers and warriors 2. Cherubim's more

  • Blights To Be Reckoned With Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Oct 3, 2016

    Our personal struggles and weaknesses have great bearing upon our relationships. We all have blights that plague us, and today we are going to look at three of them.

    Blights to Be Reckoned With (Ecclesiastes 11:4, 9:18, 9:11b) 1. UPI recently ran an article about a man and his trash: “NEW YORK, Sept. 29 (UPI) -- A man has promised to wear a clear plastic suit containing every piece of garbage he produces for 30 days. A film crew will follow Rob more

  • Noah Found Grace In The Eyes Of The Lord

    Contributed by Ronald Thompson on May 17, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    This sermon is on how Noah found grace with the Lord.

    Genesis 6:8 INTRODUCTION 1. In Gen 6:5-7, we read of God’s displeasure with the world and its wickedness 2. But as God pronounces judgment upon the world, and prepares to destroy it with a flood, we find encouraging words concerning one man: "But Noah more

  • Godly Ways In The Wilderness Of Life

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on May 22, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    When we try to live life in our own power, it only leads to a wilderness of complaining, moaning and groaning. However, as we allow God to have control supernatural results happen. People see us from a distance and say man they are really getting it don

    Intro: Many years ago A.J. Gordon went to the World’s Fair. From a distance he saw a man pumping water with one of those old hand pumps. The water was pouring out and he said as he looked, "That man is really pumping water." But when he got closer, he discovered that it was a wooden man connected more

  • Business As Usual

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jul 2, 2009

    A brief look at the days of Noah and their relevance to the present day

    "Business As Usual" (The Days of Noah) "As it was in the Days of Noah, so shall it also be in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into more

  • Season Of Advent-Ure - Preparation Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Dec 14, 2014

    Message about how we prepare our heart and as we prepare for Christmas season.

    Notes: some notes from Jerry Shirey’s message on Preparing for Revival Title: Season of Advent-ure – Preparation Series: Season of Advent-ure Theme: To show the next step of Advent – Preparation for the Messiah. What changes in us as we prepare. Text: Isaiah 40:1 - more

  • Noah: A Call To Faith Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on May 31, 2022

    Noah will need to commit everything into building this ark. Every ounce of finance and time. It will take his 100% sacrifice. He must trust God at a time when no one else did. And Noah did all that the LORD commanded him

    Noah’s Ark, the flood, what a great and dramatic Bible story. In the midst of a wicked generation God called Noah. Build an Ark: 450 feet long 75 feet wide 45 feet high You can imagine the difficulty of the task. One Architect group could guess the problems Noah would have. This problems more

  • Relevance Of Noah's Flood

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jan 9, 2018

    Is Noah’s flood allegory, myth or history? Is God genocidal? Is the flood story relevant?

    Prelude Is Noah’s flood allegory, myth or history? Is God genocidal? Is the flood story relevant? Purpose: Let’s explore some questions about Noah and the flood. Plan: Let’s look at Genesis 6-9 and the relevance of the story. Who were the Sons of God? Genesis 6:2 says, “the sons of God saw the more

  • Mothers Who Make A Difference

    Contributed by Troy Borst on May 7, 2003
    based on 946 ratings

    A Mother’s Day Sermon. Fleshed out version of Arlen Payne’s Sermon ( contributor)

    MOTHERS WHO MAKE A DIFFERENCE Genesis 3:20 & Other Passages INTRODUCTION … You Know You are A Mom When ( Your feet stick to the kitchen floor.....and you don’t care. When the kids are fighting, you threaten to lock them in a room together and not let them more

  • Stress Relief

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Nov 18, 2002
    based on 196 ratings

    David of old gives us the path of stress relief in Psalms 4.

    INTRO.- David prayed, "Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer." David experienced stress just like us. Stress is not a modern invention, but it does seem like we have more things to cause us stress. ILL.- Outside the Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen, which is more

  • A Tale Of Two Brothers Series

    Contributed by Jeff Francis on Sep 12, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Cain and Abel - Message 3 of a Sunday AM series on the book of Genesis.

    Sunday AM—7/17/05 SERIES: Genesis—The First Soap Opera MESSAGE 3: A Tale of Two Brothers Felt Need Intro: Do me a favor and help me out for a second as we open our message this morning…tell me something that you just can’t live without. Not like your kids, your spouse, or something like more

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