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  • Sent Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Feb 1, 2016

    Jesus is rejected at Nazareth, sends out the twelve and hears about the death of John the Baptist.

    Mark 6:1-29 “Sent” INTRODUCTION We continue to work with the central point of Mark’s gospel as it is stated in Mark 1:15, “The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is upon us, Repent (change your mind and perspective) and believe (trust and live in the truth). An more

  • And God Sent You

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Jan 27, 2014

    Sermon examining the commission of every Christian to take the gospel into the world.

    Kim Duk-Soo will never forget November 20, 1950. That was the day Communist troops found him hiding with his father in a root cellar. He had been among the thousands of Christians who escaping the North for free South. Kim says, “When we heard the soldiers coming, I was sure we would be more

  • Called To Be Sent Series

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Apr 10, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Being a light in the world involves worship, welcome, work and witness

    CALLED TO BE SENT A few years ago a guy named Ron Schatz went into a bank and filled out a withdrawal slip. He took the slip up to the teller and gave it to her, but noticed the teller was acting very strangely and seemed to be taking a long time getting his money. Suddenly the police burst in more

  • The Messiah Was Sent

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Dec 7, 2021

    The Messiah was sent to save the world. Yes, even the people who reject Him.

    The Messiah Was Sent Mark 12:1-11 Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz 1 And He began to speak to them in parables: "bA man PLANTED A VINEYARD AND PUT A WALL AROUND IT, AND DUG A VAT UNDER THE WINE PRESS AND BUILT A TOWER, and rented it out to vine-growers and went on a journey. 2 "At the more

  • Sent

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Oct 7, 2022

    What is the church’s mission? Studying the church’s mission is called missiology. Let’s discuss a mission trip from Luke 10:1-20.

    What is the church’s mission? Studying the church’s mission is called missiology. Let’s discuss a mission trip from Luke 10:1-20. 70 Apostled Short term mission trips are as old as when Jesus sent the 70. They were 1) “sent” or “apostled” as the Greek says. The eastern churches call these the 70 more

  • Sent

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jul 1, 2019

    The term Apostle can refer to the twelve disciples of Christ. Broadly it means anyone sent on a mission with a message. Let’s look at 70 or 72 others who were “apostled” by Jesus and what their mission was in Luke 10:1-11, 16-20.

    The term Apostle can refer to the twelve disciples of Christ. Broadly it means anyone sent on a mission with a message. Let’s look at 70 or 72 others who were “apostled” by Jesus and what their mission was in Luke 10:1-11, 16-20. 70 Apostled? (vs 1-2) Luke 10:1 The Lord now chose seventy-two more

  • Sent Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Oct 6, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    This is the 27th sermon in the Action Series. This series began during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Series: Action [#27] SENT Acts 13:1-12 Introduction: One of the main themes of the Book of Acts is the work of the Holy Spirit. The Early Church did not grow because of their hard work. They grew because of the work of the Holy Spirit. I want you to notice today, that as a Child of God, you more

  • Sent, Not Settled Series

    Contributed by Apostle Dr. Ruben L. Broadnax Jr. on Oct 23, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    The early church, described in the book of Acts, was anything but comfortable. It was a church that was sent, not settled—a church that moved beyond the familiar to reach a world in desperate need of hope.

    We are living in a time when comfort has become king. We love to settle down, get comfortable, and create spaces that are predictable and safe. We build churches with padded pews and air-conditioned sanctuaries, and we attend services that are carefully planned and well-executed. And yet, if we’re more

  • As Jesus Was Sent, So We Are Sent Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Jun 26, 2014

    The Incarnation Tells Us: As Jesus was sent, so We are Sent

    The Incarnation Tells Us: As Jesus was sent, so We are Sent John 17:18-21; 20:21-22 We are in the last week of a four week series on the “What the incarnation tells us.” The first week we saw that the incarnation tells us that God is on a mission: God is committed to winning people to more

  • A Mission From God Series

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on Mar 29, 2022

    Are your feet beautiful? They are when they carry us out into the world with the good news.

    Let’s talk about shoes. Guess Those Shoes by showing images on the screen. We have unique tastes. Do people recognize us by our shoes? How about our faith? Using the pattern set by Jesus to describe being sent into our world with the good news. ? Two By Two Mark 6:7 NLT 7 And he called his twelve more

  • The Sent Ones Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    The sermon introduction discusses the idea of the church acting as a 'trailer' for Christianity, aiming to live in such a way that it entices others to want to learn more about the faith.

    Are you the kind of person who enjoys watching the trailers for upcoming movies? Maybe you get to the theater early especially to see those trailers on the big screen. Trailers are tasters, short film versions of the soon-to-be-released feature, and they usually include the best special effects or more

  • Who Jesus Is Not Series

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on Dec 25, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Many strange ideas about Jesus being sent throughout the world. Here are a few.

    6. Who is Jesus according to Albany Park Religionists? Here are some other revelations about Jesus, taught by people in this very neighborhood. Strange things have been added to the record since the record first was published by God's men, the prophets and apostles, starting in the centuries more

  • Sent, Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Feb 19, 2012

    In Matthew 10, we have Jesus’ sermon commissioning the disciples for his mission in the world, sending them out to minister in His name. The word “apostle” and “sent” are the same in Greek. That means every Christian is a missionary, one who is sent-out i

    James Emery White tells the story a college history professor who was a Christian. The professor would go down to a local nursing home and visit with the elderly men and women there on a weekly basis. Though some were lovingly visited every day by their families – having been sent there more

  • Sent Ones Series

    Contributed by Scott Turansky on Dec 25, 2022

    Nobody can argue with the fact that you once were blind, Jesus did something, and now you see. We can have the confidence to go out and share that with others.

    You know, one of those things that we receive when we become Christians is we receive a testimony. You get a testimony and that testimony is pretty powerful. It's a testimony that helps you to be able to communicate a message to the world. There's a world waiting out there for a message more

  • Sent On A Mission By Jesus

    Contributed by Sterling Franklin on Apr 17, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Just as Jesus had authority, told His disciples what would happen, and told them what to do, He has the same in our lives and has sent us on a mission to make disciples in this dying world.

    Matthew 21: The Triumphal Entry Parallel Passages: Mark 11:1-10 Luke 19:28-40 John 12:12-19 There are many stories unique to various Gospels, especially in John, but many are also shared between one or more Gospels. This was a very important event that took place the week of His more

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