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Sermons on movie metaphors:

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  • The Sent Ones Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    The sermon introduction discusses the idea of the church acting as a 'trailer' for Christianity, aiming to live in such a way that it entices others to want to learn more about the faith.

    Are you the kind of person who enjoys watching the trailers for upcoming movies? Maybe you get to the theater early especially to see those trailers on the big screen. Trailers are tasters, short film versions of the soon-to-be-released feature, and they usually include the best special effects or more

  • Mixed Metaphors Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Oct 10, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    3 of 5 messages in Colossians. This message deals with spiritual growth and the source of spiritual strength. Several illustrations and thoughts came from Brian Bill - Sermon Central Contributer.

    Life 101 Deeply Rooted Mixed Metaphors In Colossians 2:6-7, Paul mixes several metaphors in order to describe the process of spiritual growth: Many commentators believe that this is the theme of the entire book, sort of like the hinge point of Colossians. Spiritual progress is an orderly more

  • A Metaphor Of A Vine

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jul 13, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    You turn us, O LORD, You shine on us. Without You there is no salvation.

    A METAPHOR OF A VINE. Psalm 80:1-2; Psalm 80:8-19. There are two metaphors in this Psalm: that of God as Shepherd (Psalm 80:1-7), and that of Israel as a vine (Psalm 80:8-16). It is upon the second of these that I wish to concentrate our attention. But first we must remind ourselves of the more

  • Metaphors Of Mortification

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Feb 2, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Entering into the spirit of what is behind the Law.

    METAPHORS OF MORTIFICATION. Matthew 5:27-42. Sometimes the Sermon on the Mount has been the called the new Law. This is not necessarily helpful. We are not under law, but under grace (cf. Romans 6:14). 1. When Jesus says, “But I say unto you,” He is entering into the spirit of what more

  • A Metaphor For Prayer.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Aug 26, 2022
    based on 3 ratings

    Such outpouring of ourselves, painful perseverance, tenacity in prayer - will cause us also to prevail. Thus, like Jacob, we will procure the blessing

    A METAPHOR FOR PRAYER. Genesis 32:22-31. “The ford Jabbok” (Genesis 32:22) is significant, first, in that it was the border of the land of promise (cf. Numbers 21:24). Second, it was here that Jacob had a lifechanging encounter with God, and had his name changed from Jacob to Israel (Genesis more

  • Movies And Fruit Series

    Contributed by Chris Thron on Sep 8, 2002
    based on 40 ratings

    The world offers us fruit: some with "bad spots", some unripe, some rotten. We need God’s wisdom to separate the good from the bad.

    Series: Sunday Morning at the Movies Sharing #1: Movies and Fruit I. EXPOSITION: 1. (Bring a bruised apple). Look at this apple. Does this apple look good? But see what it looks like when I cut it open How many of you agree that the world offers you fruit which looks good from the more

  • Deliverance Not The Movie

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Oct 5, 2012

    What calamity do you face today? Could you use a little deliverance in your life? Have you been taken prisoner in some way by some oppressive power or influence? Do you feel burdened by chains that tie you down to a life of mindless toil? God can help

    Deliverance Not the movie Genesis 1:6-2:10 Moses Have you ever been invited to a friends house for a visit or special occasion only to end up feeling like you are a prisoner to the events surrounding you? Hey I know lets watch the video of the trip we took last summer. Or You dont mind giving me more

  • Western Movies Series

    Contributed by Randy Stephenson on Jan 8, 2012

    Recall those days of the Western Movies when the White Hat guy rode in? Jesus Christ is our Redeemer.

    Mark 1:4-11 How do you keep faith when your hopes seem hopeless? Consider when God sent John the Baptist into preaching how that provided their symbol of hope during a time that seemed hopeless. Maybe if you can envision the hope the good people felt in our old Western movies when the white hat more

  • Noah, Not The Movie Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Mar 23, 2014

    The story of Noah is about more than a lot of rain and a lot of animals, ultimately it is about a promise.

    Has everyone heard about the movie coming out next week called Noah? That was the trailer for it. Now understand that Noah, the Movie is not the same as Noah the Bible story. And they’ve tried to tweak it to make it work, as a biblical epic, but it just doesn’t. They’ve tried more

  • Athletic Metaphors By Paul

    Contributed by Joey Nelson on May 5, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    What was it that made the difference in Paul’s life? His conversion was dynamic. But, there have been other dynamic conversions that have not resulted in the kind of life that Paul lived. The Holy Spirit was powerfully at work within him. But the Holy Sp

    INTRODUCTION Opening Statement: Sometimes in my life a kind of “melancholy of the soul settles over me.” I feel like retreating into a cave and not coming out for a long, long time. When that pessimism of spirit comes over me, I take great inspiration from a man who left his footprints all over more

  • Study About Metaphors Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jeremy Simpson on Mar 11, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Second Introductory Sermon on Metaphors in the Bible about the Bible

    Metaphors Series: Metaphors in the Bible - Sermon 2 Proverbs 1:6 We began this series a few weeks ago and took last week off to Preach on the Christmas Story But I want to get back to the Series on the WORD OF GOD I began the First Two Messages on WHY WE BELIEVE THE BIBLE IS THE WORD OF GOD I more

  • Care: The Metaphor Of Love

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Sep 19, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    How can we speak of a God of love in a situation characterized by pain and suffering, death guilt and hopelessness?

    Care: The Metaphor of Love Reflection Matthew 8:1-4 Roshini (name changed) was outcast, called dirty and sunned by her village from the day she was raped at the age of 16. After four years, she had to run away to Mumbai city with a boy who abandoned her and their infant boy. Roshini more

  • Gate Is A Metaphor For Leader, Guide.

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Apr 20, 2017

    This is NOT the voice of the Shepherd, "I told you so," "You're just like your mother!" "Can't you do anything right?"

    Easter 4A Our Responsorial Psalm today from Psalm 23 is very personal. There are no references to "we" or "us" or "they," but only "my" and "me" and "I" and "You." This is David's testimony, his personal experience with God. “He guides me in right paths,” the second part says. In our Gospel we more

  • The Bible (The Movie) Series

    Contributed by Bob Hostetler on Jun 6, 2002
    based on 35 ratings

    The first of a series that presents "what the Bible teaches, how Hollywood treats it, and how you can learn from it to improve your life."

    The Gospel According to . . . Hollywood? The Bible Scripture: Genesis 3:1-24 Today is Father’s Day, and as a way of honoring our fathers, I thought we should all just take a few moments to reflect on all the things we’ve learned from our dads. Okay? I think that was plenty of time, don’t more

  • The Passion Of The Christ Movie

    Contributed by Neil Richardson on Mar 17, 2008
    based on 13 ratings

    Why we should not watch the movie, how to discover the true passion of the Christ

    Facts and figures re Mel Gibson’s ’Passion’ movie 12 years ago he started thinking about it 1774-1824- German nun’s life $25-$30 million of his own money $48m- box office gross by day three 48- Mel Gibson’s age 38053 page views of discussion site since January $27.99 xtra large Nail pendant 124- more