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  • Follow The Leader

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Dec 9, 2003
    based on 117 ratings

    The consequences of complaining

    “Follow the Leader” Numbers 11 - 16 Intro: Everyone lift you feet up in the air off of the floor. Okay, I may step on some toes this morning, so if you keep you feet up in the air, I won’t step o your toes! #Illust: Man went to monastery - only 2 words a year - 1st yr “Beds Hard,” 2nd yr - Food more

  • Balaam

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Dec 9, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    Lessons from the life of Balaam

    “Follow the Leader” Numbers 11 - 16 Intro: Everyone lift you feet up in the air off of the floor. Okay, I may step on some toes this morning, so if you keep you feet up in the air, I won’t step o your toes! #Illust: Man went to monastery - only 2 words a year - 1st yr “Beds Hard,” 2nd yr - Food more

  • Limits Of Human Treatments Series

    Contributed by Todd Leupold on May 29, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    There are severe limits on human treatments to cure what ails the soul! We must turn fully to the Great Physician for what ails ourselves and our church.

    PRESCIPTIONS FOR A HEALTHY & HOLY CHURCH: A Study in 1 Corinthians Applied To The Church Today Sunday AM, January 22, 2005 Rev. Todd G. Leupold II. DEALING WITH THE OBVIOUS DISEASES - 1 Corinthians 1:4 - 6:20 CANCER (Divisions in the church) - 1:10 – 4:21 2.Limits of Human Treatments more

  • Plantados En La Casa De Jehova Series

    Contributed by John Cuentas on Aug 13, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Una hermosa reflexion acerca de la importancia de permanecer con la familia plantados en Dios para florecer.

    EDIFICA TU CASA Salmos 92:12-14 12 El justo florecerá como la palmera; Crecerá como cedro en el Líbano. 13 Plantados en la casa de Jehová, En los atrios de nuestro Dios florecerán. 14 Aun en la vejez fructificarán; Estarán vigorosos y verdes, Introduccion: Algo se rompió en la Iglesia. No no more

  • That Sounds Fishy! Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Jul 16, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    There was a lot for Peter and for us to learn from the fish with a coin in its mouth!

    Introduction: A. You’ve probably heard the phrase “That Sounds Fishy,” haven’t you? 1. I got to wondering where that phrase came from and I wondered if it came from the outrageous fish stories that fisherman like to tell. 2. So, I did a little research and discovered that it actually originated more

  • The Benefits Of Love Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jun 20, 2019

    Choose to love and receive God's assurance to your heart, God's answer to your prayer, and God's abiding presence in your life.

    A young bride to be was very nervous on the day before her wedding, so she went to speak with her pastor. “I'm afraid I might not make it through the ceremony properly,” she confessed. The pastor assured her that everything would be fine: “When you enter the church tomorrow and the more

  • The Reality Of Opposition Series

    Contributed by Matthew Sullivan on Mar 30, 2008

    In any good and worthwhile project Satan will throw opposition our way

    Visioneering The Reality of Opposition Nehemiah 4 Matthew Sullivan A Quaker farmer was having a hard time with his mule. No matter what he tried the mule would not get up. He told the mule I am a Quaker and you know I cannot hit you and I cannot curse you. However, I can sell you to my more

  • Friend Of The Shut Out Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Oct 20, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    We are not shut out: Jesus includes us by giving us knowledge, by giving us a place in His mission, and by paying the price to see that we are included in the Kingdom.

    A number of years ago I saw a very provocative poster. It was a depiction of the doors of Washington. Nothing more than a series of doors, arranged in rows on the poster, probably twenty or twenty-five, all photographs of various doors in this city. Some of them were beautifully simple doorways more

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