Sermon Series
  • 1. You Will Be Called Peter

    Contributed on May 22, 2018

    This sermon begins a series on the life of Peter. This sermon gives a brief background and looks at Peter's first encounter with Jesus when Jesus gives him a new name.

    Introduction: A. We begin today’s sermon and sermon series with a poem written by Myra Brooks Welch in 1921. 1. I was first introduced to this poem by Avon Malone, a professor at Harding University, and preacher at the Highway Church of Christ, where I worked part-time as a youth minister while I more

  • 2. The Call To Follow Jesus

    Contributed on May 29, 2018

    The call to follow Jesus includes acceptance, obedience, and the willingness to become fishers of men and women.

    Introduction: A. Let’s begin today’s sermon with a story from the Reader’s Digest. 1. As you know, hospital regulations require a wheelchair for patients being discharged. 2. One student nurse tells the story of arriving at a hospital room to transport a discharged patient. 3. When she more

  • 3. First Lessons In The Master's College

    Contributed on Jun 4, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Soon after Peter's call to follow Jesus he was taught three very important first lessons in discipleship.

    Introduction: A. Once there was a school teacher who had injured his back and had to wear a plastic brace around the upper part of his body. 1. The brace fit under his shirt and was not noticeable at all. 2. On the first day of school, with the cast under his shirt, he found himself assigned more

  • 4. To Walk On Water, You Must Get Out Of The Boat

    Contributed on Jun 12, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    The Christian life is supposed to be an adventure in which we walk by faith and step into the unknown. But we can't do that if our lack of faith keeps us in the boat.

    Introduction: A. Once there was a tourist who was taking a tour of biblical sites, when he came to a beach on the Sea of Galilee, he saw a boat and a sign advertising, “FREE BOAT RIDE TO THE EXACT PLACE WHERE JESUS AND PETER WALKED ON WATER!!!” 1. He boarded the boat and enjoyed the ride to the more

  • 5. Who Is Jesus?

    Contributed on Jun 18, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    With God's help Peter answered the most important question that all of us must answer - Who is Jesus?

    Introduction: A. One day a crowded airline flight was canceled. 1. There was a single gate agent at the desk who was responsible for rebooking the long line of inconvenienced and irritated travelers. 2. Suddenly, an angry passenger pushed his way to the desk and slapped his ticket down on the more

  • 6. The Devil In Blue Jeans

    Contributed on Jul 2, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    In this episode from the life of Peter, we learn how to avoid being used by Satan to stop the progress of God's kingdom.

    Introduction: A. The story is told of a minister who parked his car in a no-parking zone in a large city because he was short of time and couldn't find a space with a meter. 1. So he put a note under the windshield wiper that read: “I have circled the block 100 times. If I don't park here, I'll more

  • 7. We Have Seen His Glory

    Contributed on Jul 9, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    God's glory can be seen and experienced through worshiping and serving.

    Introduction: A. Have you ever had a “Mountain Top” Experience? 1. “Mountain Top” Experiences are those moments in our lives when we feel God’s presence in a glorious and powerful way - in a way we don’t experience every day. 2. Perhaps for you, one of those moments came when you were in a more

  • 8. That Sounds Fishy!

    Contributed on Jul 16, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    There was a lot for Peter and for us to learn from the fish with a coin in its mouth!

    Introduction: A. You’ve probably heard the phrase “That Sounds Fishy,” haven’t you? 1. I got to wondering where that phrase came from and I wondered if it came from the outrageous fish stories that fisherman like to tell. 2. So, I did a little research and discovered that it actually originated more

  • 9. Nowhere Else To Go

    Contributed on Jul 30, 2018

    Just like Peter learned, there really isn't anywhere else to go and no one else to go to, other than Jesus.

    A. As you are well aware, we live in a day that can be described as an age of pluralism. 1. Pluralism has many meanings, but one meaning has to do with there being many different options from which we can choose. 2. Just like there are many channel choices in cable television (200 or 300 or more

  • 10. Peter Learns To Serve

    Contributed on Jul 30, 2018

    When Jesus washed Peter's feet, he learned that he needed cleansing and that he needed to become a servant like Jesus.

    Introduction: A. In the opening monologue of the movie Forrest Gump, Tom Hanks’ character recalls his mother’s words about shoes: “My mama always said you could learn a lot from other people’s shoes; where they been…(Pointing to the shoes of the woman sitting next to him on the bench). Those look more

  • 11. Hope For The Fallen

    Contributed on Aug 13, 2018

    Peter's denial of Jesus gives us the perfect example of how a person who falls can be forgiven and start over.

    Introduction: A. The year was 1779. 1. He was a loyal patriot, a prosperous businessman, a natural leader and an obvious choice to be captain of the Connecticut State Militia. 2. He proved to be a good military leader. 3. He received much praise and acclaim, but when Congress created five more

  • 12. Peter's Wonderful Surprise

    Contributed on Aug 20, 2018

    After denying Jesus three times, Peter must have felt that Jesus would want nothing more to do with him, but on resurrection morning Peter received two wonderful surprises that told him he couldn't be more wrong about that.

    Introduction: A. One day an attorney gathered the entire family for the reading of the will of their wealthy relative. 1. Kinfolk came from near and far, to see if they were included in the bequests. 2. The lawyer somberly opened the will and began to read: “To my cousin Ed, I leave my ranch. more

  • 13. A New Beginning

    Contributed on Aug 28, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Even after Peter's wonderful surprises when Jesus was raised from the dead, he was still struggling to get past his failure. In John 21, we see Jesus giving Peter the opportunity to be reinstated to his role of apostle and leader.

    A. I want to begin this morning with a poem by Louisa Fletcher: “I wish that there were some wonderful place Called the Land of Beginning Again. Where all our mistakes and all our heartaches And all of our poor selfish grief Could be dropped like a shabby old coat at the door And more

  • 14. A New And Improved Peter

    Contributed on Sep 3, 2018

    When Pentecost arrived, Peter was a changed man. In this sermon, we explore what brought about the transformation.

    Introduction: A. One day an Amish family visited a mall in the big city, something they had never done before. 1. The family split up into smaller groups and moved about the mall, being amazed by almost everything they saw. 2. The father and one of his sons were especially amazed by the two shiny, more

  • 15. An Influential Life

    Contributed on Sep 10, 2018

    Peter's influence on the early church cast a long shadow for good.

    Introduction: A. There is a Peanuts cartoon that shows Peppermint Patty talking to Charlie Brown and she says, “Guess what, Chuck? It was just the first day of school, and I got sent to the principal’s office. It was your fault, Chuck.” 1. Charlie Brown responds, “My fault? How could it be my more

  • 16. Time For A Big Change

    Contributed on Sep 17, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    When Peter was sent to the home of Cornelius, God was trying to change Peter's and the churches perspectives toward Gentiles. Peter had some prejudices against Gentiles that needed to change. Perhaps we also have biases and prejudices that God wants to change.

    Introduction: A. One day a preacher went to his monthly meeting with the elders and presented an idea that he believed he had received from God. 1. After giving his most impassioned plea and really “selling” the idea to the elders, they voted down the preacher’s proposed changes 12-1. 2. The elder more

  • 17. God Is In Control

    Contributed on Sep 24, 2018

    In this sermon on Acts 12 and Peter's miraculous escape from prison, we wrestle with the truth that God is in control. This leads to a lot of assurance, but it also leads to trust.

    Introduction: A. You have probably heard the glib saying, “Every cloud has a silver lining.” 1. Although it is true that suffering can lead to blessing, it is easier to say it than experience it. B. One day a young man who sold magazine subscriptions door to door, came home with $25 which he more

  • 18. What A Legacy!

    Contributed on Oct 1, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    In this summary of the series on the life of Peter, we explore the end of Peter's life left to us through history and tradition, and we explore how to leave a legacy like Peter's.

    Introduction: A. There’s a story told of a group of tourists who were on a sightseeing tour of the Holy Lands. 1. The group came to one of the historical areas and a local exhibit owner offered to take the group into his exhibit to see the bones of the apostle Peter, for a small fee, of more