Sermon Series
  • 1. The Value Of Participation

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2008

    This sermon is about the significant value of participation when it comes to the work of the Lord.

    Visioneering: The Value of Participation Nehemiah 3 Matthew Sullivan Now, it’s probably pretty safe to assume that most everyone here today knows about Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Because just a couple weeks ago, that was the only thing anyone in town seemed to talk about. Extreme more

  • 2. The Reality Of Opposition

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2008

    In any good and worthwhile project Satan will throw opposition our way

    Visioneering The Reality of Opposition Nehemiah 4 Matthew Sullivan A Quaker farmer was having a hard time with his mule. No matter what he tried the mule would not get up. He told the mule I am a Quaker and you know I cannot hit you and I cannot curse you. However, I can sell you to my more