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  • You Were Shaped For God's Service Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Sep 6, 2003
    based on 48 ratings

    Part of a series on Rick Warren’s The Purpose-Driven Life. Worship without service is idolatry; fellowship without service is self-indulgence; discipleship without service is perfectionism. Pay the price of service.

    Not long ago an insurance salesman called, wanting to sell me long-term care insurance. I was tempted to tell him I had an unbeatable plan for long-term care, called heaven, but I didn’t. Not this time, anyway, because some aches and pains we had been feeling did remind us that we might actually more

  • Who Prevented You From Obeying The Truth? Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on May 24, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    We must take responsibility for our failure to obey the truth. Two personality factors that contribute to disobedience are self-indulgence and competitiveness. Final message in revival at Emmaus Baptist Church, Quinton, VA

    I’ve lived in the Washington area long enough now that I know the lingo. I understand what you do when you get caught doing something you are not supposed to do. I’ve discovered that if you cannot get away with a “no comment” and you don’t have a lawyer to send people to, you stand up and you more

  • Human Body Indulgences Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Sep 21, 2015

    Paul explains how the human body is not designed for desires and urges but to be a member of Christ. The human body is designed to be the temple of the Holy Spirit.

    The human body is abused more than any other single thing on earth. Man has developed things that really do nothing but kill the human body. On the other hand, little is spent on saving and nurturing the human body. The passage tonight deals with this problem. It is God’s case against the more

  • Supersize Me!

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Mar 12, 2006
    based on 44 ratings

    In order to avoid the trap of self-indulgence, we need to: 1. Reject the spirit of entitlement and embrace a spirit of gratitude. 2. Reject excess and move toward moderation. 3. Reject the temporal and focus on the eternal.

    Two years ago Morgan Spurlock created a film documentary called Supersize Me, which won several international film awards. It was based on an experiment to see what would happen if he would eat nothing but McDonald’s fast food for one month. He had three rules for this experiment: 1. During the more

  • Faithfulness Is Diligence, Not Indulgence Series

    Contributed by Guy Glass on Oct 5, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    This is a passage that challenges the reality of our Christian faith, the diligence of our walk with Christ, and the error we may harbor in our minds concerning our security in Christ, and His blessings towards us.

    FAITHFULNESS IS DILIGENCE, NOT INDULGENCE 1 CORINTHIANS 10:1-13 INTRODUCTION: The passage before us this morning is one to ponder. It is a passage that challenges the reality of our Christian faith, the diligence of our walk with Christ, and the error we may harbor in our minds concerning our more

  • Indulgences: Grace Or Scandal? Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 28, 2017

    When pious Germans dropped money in Tetzel’s collection plate, they were doing so out of love, or maybe fear, but they were intending to do good.

    Thursday of 30th Week in Course All souls day We shall all die, but what then? That is perhaps the key question of human existence. As Christians, we believe that the Father did not abandon us to the effects of original sin, and He does not leave us writhing in our personal sin. Instead, He, with more

  • Ivd2 While Having Appearances Of Wisdom, Such Practices Have No Value (Col. 2:23) Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Dec 8, 2019

    I am amazed at the way educated people in America flock to see and hear gurus and other Eastern spiritual leaders whose teaching cannot change the human heart.

    1/2/19 Tom Lowe IVD2 WHILE HAVING APPEARANCES OF WISDOM, SUCH PRACTICES HAVE NO VALUE (COL. 2:23) Scripture: Colossians 2:23 (NIV) Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack more

  • Self/ Helper And Destructor

    Contributed by Lisa Foy on Oct 24, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    We determine where we go in God and how we fall short of his glory.

    Proverbs 25:11 "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver." We are what determines where we go in God and how we fall short of his glory. God has your life’s plan mapped out before you are born. We are familiar with Jeremiah 1:5 "Before he formed thee he knew more

  • Relying On Self

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Aug 2, 2023

    Nowadays, it's all about instant gratification. It has become a reality. But advertisers weren't the first to use this strategy. From the beginning, Satan has used instant gratification in his bag of tricks to entice us.

    Were any of you tempted this past week? Sure, you were! If you watched any TV or listened to the radio you were more than likely tempted to purchase something. Advertisers often make self-indulgence a part of their marketing strategies. They say we'll be happier if we drive this vehicle, use more

  • The Choice Of Self Or Surrender Series

    Contributed by Dan Proctor on May 23, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    In order to become a true Christ-follower, it takes a heart of surrender.

    The Choice Of Self Or Surrender Luke 9:23 Introduction: 1. In order to become a true Christ-follower, it takes a heart of surrender. 2. Humanly speaking, this presents a problem because our nature wants its own way. This preoccupation with our own self-interest and self-desires has been true of more

  • The Character Of Self Control Series

    Contributed by Scott Bradford on Mar 20, 2007
    based on 18 ratings

    This sermon is in a series on fruit of the Spirit, namely The Character of a Christian: Self Control.

    I. I have really enjoyed preaching this series on the "fruits" (character) of a Christian, and then I came down to this last one and read it again "Self Control". I sort of did one of those Lucille Ball takes (uggh!) on it! Like it is easy for me to talk about joy, and love, and peace, but "self more

  • Friends Of God

    Contributed by Rick Pendleton on Dec 17, 2012

    There is a war raging between our self-indulgent nature and God. That war sets us at enmity with our brother, shuts the window of heaven and makes us Friends of the world .... and enemies of God. What can we do to avoid this and be friends of God?

    Friends of God James 2:23 James refers to Abraham as, "a friend of God." What a title, what an epitaph. Wouldn't you like to have that said of you? I would. How do we become a friend of God? We will learn that in today's sermon. But first we will look at James's discussion in 4:1-10 He begins more

  • Cow Tipping - Self Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Nov 21, 2017

    Cow tipping has to do with tipping over and destroying idols in our life that usurp God. They come in many forms and shapes.

    Cow Tipping: Self Thesis: Cow tipping has to do with tipping over and destroying idols in our life that usurp God. They come in many forms and shapes. Introduction: They myth of cow tipping: Wiki notes: Cow tipping is the purported activity of sneaking up on any unsuspecting or sleeping upright more

  • Self-Limited Liberty Series

    Contributed by David Welch on May 24, 2018

    Message 23 in our exposition of Paul's first letter to the Corinthians. I discuss Paul's admonition to be willing to limit our freedom for a higher purpose. We discuss some probing questions related to decision making.

    Chico Alliance Church Pastor David Welch “Self-limited Liberty” 1 Cor 8 Review I. Reproof for fleshly behavior 1-6 A. Reproof for a divided church 1-4 B. Reproof for a defiled church 5 C. Reproof for a defeated church 6 1. Defeated by lawsuits 2. Defeated by misuse of God’s more

  • Part 10 - Self-Control Series

    Contributed by Rev. Bruce A. Shields on Sep 13, 2006

    Self-control is important for releasing the other fruits to grow in our Spiritual life.

    The Fruit of the Spirit Part 10 – Self-Control Rev. Bruce A. Shields First Baptist Church Tawas City Michigan WELCOME We are continuing our Series on The Fruits of the Holy Spirit. INTRODUCTION Each of the different characteristics of the Fruit of the Spirit focuses on how more