Sermon Series
  • 1. Answer Number One: The Cross

    Contributed on Mar 3, 2015

    There is really one answer to a divided church and that is THE CROSS. It is the cross that reveals the love of God.

    Up to this point in the first chapter of 1 Corinthians we have been discussing the divided church. There is really one answer to a divided church and that is THE CROSS. So that is our focus this evening. Paul emphasizes in verse 17 that words of human wisdom are not the answer for a divided more

  • 2. Answer Nine: Let God Judge The Ministers

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    One of the serious problems in the Corinthian church concerned former ministers. Some of the church members were esteeming one minister above the other ministers and it caused severe problems.

    This passage tonight goes hand-in-hand with what Jesus said in Matthew 7:1: “Do not judge so that you will not be judged.” We have seen in our studies in 1 Corinthians that one of the serious problems in the Corinthian church concerned former ministers. Some of the church members were more

  • 3. Answer Seven: The Wise Builder In The Church

    Contributed on Jun 9, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Paul continues trying to help the divided Corinthian church by giving yet another answer to one of their problems. There were some troublemakers in the church that were set on destroying the church.

    Paul continues trying to help the divided Corinthian church by giving yet another answer to one of their problems. In this portion of his letter Paul adds to what he had just told the believers when he said, “You are God’s building.” There were some troublemakers in the church more

  • 4. Answer Six: Who Ministers Really Are

    Contributed on May 21, 2015

    Believers don’t need to pit one minister against another, or exalt one minister over another, or to even favor one minster over another, or especially not form a clique around a minister. This passage tonight offers Paul’s 6th answer to this division problem.

    The Corinthian church was severely divided. The division came because the congregation was hung up on the former preachers of the church. I would hate to be called to a church like that. SEBC was a lot like that when I was called here. But in the course of about 9 months, that finally began to more

  • 5. Answer Eleven: Understanding The Spirit Of God's Minister

    Contributed on Aug 20, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    This 11th answer to division is the need to see and understand the spirit of God’s minister.

    For the past 5 months we have been looking at Paul’s answers to some questions that the Corinthian church had asked him about how to reunite their divided church. Paul took each of 11 questions and addressed each one with a specific answer. Tonight, we look at the 11th answer from Paul more

  • 6. Answer Five: The Spiritual Stages Of Man

    Contributed on Apr 29, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Paul continues with his answers to solve the problem of a divided church.

    When you think about the word “division” you find that is a damaging and devastating problem. Divisiveness leads to anger, fights, divorce, murder, and war. One of the answers to solving this division problem is to see ourselves as God sees us. When God looks at a person, He sees more

  • 7. Answer Eight: Stop Kidding Yourself - Renounce Self-Deception

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2015

    This passage is Paul’s 8th answer to them about a specific problem. Paul gives them the root cause for the trouble they were having. It was pride—pride in who they were and what they knew.

    The Corinthian church was having problems. They have asked Paul to help. This passage is Paul’s 8th answer to them about a specific problem. Paul gives them the root cause for the trouble they were having. It was pride—pride in who they were and what they knew. Remember that more

  • 8. Handling Shameful Sin In The Church

    Contributed on Aug 25, 2015

    Too often churches of today overlook the sin and sinful lifestyle of a person because they are a leader in the community, government, or business. So the Corinthian church needed to wake up and learn something.

    Tonight’s passage is a continuation of last week’s passage. The subject is church discipline. To recap, there was sexual immorality in the church at Corinth. A man was either married to or living with his step-mother. He was known in the church and known in the community. His sin more

  • 9. Intro To 1 Corinthians

    Contributed on Jan 27, 2015

    This series is configured for a short 15 minute study or message. We will be taking a close look at the instructions, counseling and guidance that were given, in writing, to the Corinthians.

    Tonight begins a walk-through of Paul’s letters to the Corinthians. For the next year or so we will be taking a close look at the instructions, counseling and guidance that were given, in writing, to the Corinthians. But before we get into this study, we need to know a little background more

  • 10. Foundational Facts

    Contributed on Jan 27, 2015

    Several facts about how a church should be can be found in the first three verses of 1 Corinthians 1.

    The first three verses of 1 Cor. 1 are the introduction to Paul’s letter. It’s only three verses, but they set the scene for the rest of the letter. Let’s look at the first verse. READ v. 1. Notice that Paul didn’t refer to himself as a messenger of himself or of more

  • 11. Believers' Resources

    Contributed on Jan 28, 2015

    Paul encourages the Corinthians believers and reminds them of God's gifts and grace that He bestowed on them.

    The name Jesus Christ is mentioned ten times in the first ten verses of 1 Corinthians. I think Paul did this because he wanted the minds of the Corinthian believers to be immediately centered upon Jesus Christ. He knew that the answer to the Corinthian problems didn’t lay in his ability more

  • 12. Answer Ten: Don't Judge Or Compare Ministers

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2015

    Some in the Corinthian church were judging the gifts of believers and preachers. This answer takes off from Paul’s ninth answer about letting God be the judge of ministers.

    Some in the Corinthian church had made the mistake of judging, boasting, and priding themselves in their superior gifts and achievements. They were judging the gifts of believers and preachers. They were usurping the authority of God alone to gift and to judge men. In reality, they were nothing more

  • 13. Divided Church

    Contributed on Feb 5, 2015

    This was the first problem Paul dealt with in his letter to the Corinthians because a divided church won’t last long.

    The church at Corinth was in a sad state. The fellowship of the church was about to collapse. Listen to some of the things that were occurring and see if they sound familiar: verbal accusations, differing opinions, competitive positions, power struggles, envy contention, grumbling, griping, more

  • 14. Human Body Indulgences

    Contributed on Sep 21, 2015

    Paul explains how the human body is not designed for desires and urges but to be a member of Christ. The human body is designed to be the temple of the Holy Spirit.

    The human body is abused more than any other single thing on earth. Man has developed things that really do nothing but kill the human body. On the other hand, little is spent on saving and nurturing the human body. The passage tonight deals with this problem. It is God’s case against the more

  • 15. Answer Eight: Stop Kidding Yourself--Renounce Self-Deception

    Contributed on Jun 17, 2015

    The Corinthian church was having problems. They have asked Paul to help. This passage is Paul’s 8th answer to them about a specific problem. Paul gives them the root cause for the trouble they were having. It was pride—pride in who they were and what they knew.

    The Corinthian church was having problems. They have asked Paul to help. This passage is Paul’s 8th answer to them about a specific problem. Paul gives them the root cause for the trouble they were having. It was pride—pride in who they were and what they knew. Remember that more

  • 16. How To Handle A Sinful Person In The Church

    Contributed on Aug 20, 2015

    We have just finished examining Paul’s 11 answers to some questions he was asked in a previous letter. Now Paul starts to address some more detailed problems. In chapter 5 of 1 Corinthians, Paul addresses the shameful sin of sexual immorality.

    We have just finished examining Paul’s 11 answers to some questions he was asked in a previous letter. Now Paul starts to address some more detailed problems. In chapter 5 of 1 Corinthians, Paul addresses the shameful sin of sexual immorality. Many churches become involved in shameful more

  • 17. Answer Two: God’s Humble And Simple People

    Contributed on Apr 9, 2015

    Every church needs to take this message to heart because one of the most tragic characteristics of modern society is pride and self-sufficiency.

    I said last time that in Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians concerning what to do about their divided church, Paul gives 11 answers to their problem. The first answer, Paul said, was the cross. If the church would refocus on their purpose based upon the cross, the church would begin to more

  • 18. A Case Against Wicked Character

    Contributed on Sep 21, 2015

    This passage deals with a number of sins that are practiced at least to a minor degree in our society today. Most of these sins that Paul mentions are socially acceptable. Yet God pulls no punches.

    Tonight’s passage deals with a number of sins that are practiced at least to a minor degree in our society today. Most of these sins that Paul mentions are socially acceptable. Yet God pulls no punches. No church membership, no religion, no profession, no good works, nothing can save a more

  • 19. A Legal Dispute

    Contributed on Sep 21, 2015
    based on 3 ratings

    As we get into this passage concerning legal disputes we need to note that this passage only deals with disputes between Christian brothers. It doesn’t say anything about going to court against unbelievers.

    As we get into this passage concerning legal disputes we need to note that this passage only deals with disputes between Christian brothers. It doesn’t say anything about going to court against unbelievers. Note the progression of Paul’s argument. He progresses from question to more

  • 20. Answer Three: Sound Preaching

    Contributed on Apr 9, 2015

    The Corinthian church was deeply divided. Two of the issues dividing it were a dispute over what kind of preacher should fill their pulpit, and which former minister had contributed the most to their church. This same problem exists today.

    To recap, a letter was written from the Corinthians to Paul and telling him about how divided their church was becoming. Paul answers that letter and we have it recorded as the book of 1 Corinthians. Paul offers them 11 answers to their division problem. The first answer was the cross. If the more

  • 21. Answer Four: God's Wisdom Is Revealed

    Contributed on Apr 21, 2015

    Paul gives the Corinthian church a fourth answer to the division in the church. That answer basically is that the church should revolve around the wisdom of God that is revealed by the Holy Spirit, and nothing else.

    One of the greatest causes of division in a church is pride. Pride, arrogance, superiority, thinking too highly of oneself—no form or shape of self-centeredness has any part in God’s church. The Corinthians had an intellectual pride that was becoming deeply rooted in the church. This more