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  • Do You Want To Get Well? Series

    Contributed by Ken Hubbard on Feb 11, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon discussing how God can help you take the initiative in your life to improve your situation rather than just continuing to endure what's wrong.

    INTRO: For 38 years this man is stuck in a disappointment Paralyzed in a situation 38 victory...everyday the same! It seemed as though he would forever be the victim...stuck in a rut „« 38=== 3 Resurrection „« 8 New Beginning * The question is one that's a bit more

  • Overcoming Fear Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Jan 5, 2015

    Is fear paralyzing your witness? Has the Enemy been able to hurt your walk with Christ by using fear? We are not called by God to live in fear...but we have IN HIM power, love and self-control!

    SERMON BRIEF Date Written: January 5, 2015 Date Preached: January 4, 2015 Church: OPBC (AM) Sunday FOUNDATIONAL ELEMENTS Title: Overcoming Fear Text: 2 Timothy 1:7-9 ETS: Paul told Timothy fear is NOT an option in serving God. ESS: Today’s passage is clear to the believer today, that more

  • Happiness With Small Children

    Contributed by David Parks on Sep 18, 2002
    based on 33 ratings

    Today I would like to focus on the need to instill happiness in our children by giving them a sense of self esteem or self worth.

    HAPPINESS WITH SMALL CHILDREN: SELF ESTEEM TEXT: Mal. 4:5?6 INTRODUCTION: 1. In his book The Relational Revolution, Bruce Larson tells of a rather unusual experience from a past vacation. 2. Quote from page 131?132 of book. 3. Give a guided tour of Joe Christian’s house on a Sunday more

  • You Have Been Raised With Christ

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Nov 13, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Pentecost 11 (C) - Believers have been raised with Christ in order to put on the new self and in order to put off the old self.

    “YOU HAVE BEEN RAISED WITH CHRIST” (Outline) August 16, 2009 -- PENTECOST 11 -- Colossians 3:1-11 INTRO: Today’s scripture text are words specifically pointed at believers. By grace God calls the believer out of darkness into his marvelous light! The life a believer lives after being more

  • Put Off... Put On.... Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Dec 8, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Christians are to put off the old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires and put on the new self created to be like God!

    Sometime this morning, you decided you were going to go to church. And so, you decided what to wear to church and you put on the clothes you are wearing now. We do this daily don’t we? We decide what clothes to put on for the day! Of course, some of you took a little longer than others to decide more

  • The Gracious Giving Of Jesus Christ Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Feb 5, 2015
    based on 8 ratings

    Here is the supreme argument for Christian giving. Grace giving flows out of the self-giving and self-impoverishing of the Son of God on man's behalf.

    2 CORINTHIANS 8: 9-15 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] THE GRACIOUS GIVING OF JESUS CHRIST [Philippians 2: 1-13 / Mark 12:41–44] Paul has been using the Macedonians as an example but they were an example only because they followed Christ Jesus' example. So at this point is introduced the more

  • Brought To Life; Brought Together Walking Worthy: How Can We Be Angry Yet Not Sin?

    Contributed by David Taylor on Dec 10, 2024

    Last week we saw that walking worthy means putting off the old self and putting on the new self, applied to lying and truthfulness.

    Brought to Life; Brought Together Walking Worthy: How Can we Be Angry Yet not Sin? Ephesians 4:26-27 May 10, 2020 David Taylor We are continuing our series in Ephesians, Brought to Life; Brought Together. As I have said, Ephesians can be divided into two sections, chapters one through three more

  • The Open Door Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Dec 10, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    Jesus describes Himself as the doorway for our access to God

    THE OPEN DOOR JOHN 10:7-10 INTRODUCTION… Model House in Industrial Arts (p) READ JOHN 10:7-10 I. CHRIST IS THE WAY OF SALVATION FOR ALL A. He is the only access to the Father- When Jesus was born, the entire manner of relating to God changed. Who changed it, you ask? God changed it! In more

  • Boldly Grow

    Contributed by Clarence Peters on Aug 24, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    Spiritual growth is ignited by passion, fuelled by the power of God, and sustained by self-discipline.

    Central Verses: 1:6-7 Behavioural goal: The listener will set a growth goal for the coming months and pursue it. Last Sunday many of you heard a message from Psalm 90 on making your life count. I want you to think way back to that time to reflect for a moment. Did it make any difference in more

  • 'tis The Season To Live, But For What?

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Dec 10, 2008
    based on 34 ratings

    1- Tis the season to live for sin - not 2- Tis the season to live for self - not

    INTRO.- ILL.- One man said: "Ever since we got married, my wife has tried to change me. She got me to stop drinking, smoking and running around until all hours of the night. She taught me how to dress well, enjoy the fine arts, gourmet cooking, classical music, even how to invest in the stock more

  • Four Paths To Happiness--Two Are Dead-Ends

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Feb 9, 2014

    Of the four roads supposed to lead to happiness, two are dead-ends--the pursuit of pleasure and the pursuit of honor and power--but the paths of service and union with God actually get us there.

    Seventh Sunday in Course 2014 Our family has for several years tried each February 2, or thereabouts, to watch the Bill Murray film, “Groundhog Day.” For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, the movie follows Bill Murray as Phil Connors, a weather forecaster for a 2nd rank TV more

  • What Kind Of Church Do You Want?

    Contributed by David Seeley on Mar 5, 2004
    based on 95 ratings

    There are many types of churches today. Some are doing great things for God. Others...well, they just need to be reminded of their purpose. This message is a challenge to churches of all denominations to refocus upon what God has called them to do.

    What Kind of Church Do You Want? Mark 2:1-12 I. A Museum? A lot of old relics lying around—You can look, but don’t touch. Many of these relics have never been moved in 30 years. They last evangelist that tried to move them was overcome so badly with the dust that he had to evacuate the building. more

  • Paul Massage To The Galatians Series

    Contributed by Dr Kory Letoa on Sep 29, 2011

    Purpose and Goal

    GALATIANS MESSAGE 1 MESSAGE TO FOLLOW 1:6 I can't believe your fickleness—how easily you have turned traitor to him who called you by the grace of Christ by embracing a variant message! 7 It is not a minor variation, you know; it is completely other, an alien message, a no-message, a lie more

  • The Ups Of Working In The Vineyard Of The Lord

    Contributed by Dove Inspirations on Nov 8, 2021

    Our LORD s faithful and just, we do not labour in vain

    The LORD is a good and benevolent MASTER. Omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent, yet asking you to partake in the affairs of HIS Kingdom. Beloved, then how about you give it your best shot. Some of the benefits of working in the Vineyard of The LORD are: i. HE takes great care of you. HE puts more

  • Are You Comfortable?

    Contributed by Gerry Pratt on Jan 29, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    We may be lulled to sleep and even to spiritual death by self-satisfaction.

    One of the greatest problems facing the Church, today, is that far too many of us are comfortable. A. If a person is satisfied, there is no challenge or drive to go any further or do any more. 1. This satisfaction can show itself in many almost all but one, it is more

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