Sermon Series
  • 1. Thanksgiving For God’s Comfort

    Contributed on Jun 2, 2014
    based on 9 ratings

    One of the many paradoxes of the Christian life is that the grace of God is most keenly experienced not in the best but in what seems to be the worst of times. However much the Christian longs for exaltation it is when he is humble he receives grace.

    2 CORINTHIANS 1: 3-7 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] THANKSGIVING FOR GOD’S COMFORT One of the many paradoxes of the Christian life is that the grace of God is most keenly experienced not in the best but in what seems to be the worst of times. However much the Christian longs for more

  • 2. That The Grace Of God Be Not In Vain

    Contributed on Nov 10, 2014
    based on 6 ratings

    Each one reconciled by Christ is to be involved in reconciling the world to God. But not all those in the church are. They have missed their ministry. According to our text, they have received the grace of God in vain.

    2 CORINTHIANS [5:17-] 6: 1-2 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] THAT THE GRACE OF GOD BE NOT IN VAIN [Luke 16:1-13] The first two verses in the sixth chapter carry on the instruction from chapter 5 concerning our calling and task as ambassadors. God has just finished a passionate plea that each more

  • 3. The Gracious Giving Of Jesus Christ

    Contributed on Feb 5, 2015
    based on 8 ratings

    Here is the supreme argument for Christian giving. Grace giving flows out of the self-giving and self-impoverishing of the Son of God on man's behalf.

    2 CORINTHIANS 8: 9-15 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] THE GRACIOUS GIVING OF JESUS CHRIST [Philippians 2: 1-13 / Mark 12:41–44] Paul has been using the Macedonians as an example but they were an example only because they followed Christ Jesus' example. So at this point is introduced more

  • 4. The Destruction Of Spiritual Fortresses

    Contributed on Mar 23, 2015
    based on 7 ratings

    God wants us to know Him and wants us to tear down anything that keeps us & others from knowing Him. Old patterns of thinking & behavior keep us bound from thinking about & doing the ministry of God.

    2 CORINTHIANS 10: 1-6 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] THE DESTRUCTION OF SPIRITUAL FORTRESSES [Ephesians 6:10-18] Paul now turns to the third part of the letter in chapters 10 to 13. In this section he will vigorously defend himself against the accusations of the stubborn legalistic Judaizers. more

  • 5. The Trials & Paradoxes Of Ministry

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    Those who serve through the difficulties of life & ministry find that God¡¯s grace produces dignity in them & glory for God.

    2 CORINTHIANS 6: 3-10 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] THE TRIALS AND PARADOXES OF MINISTRY [Romans 5:1-5 / 14: ] With an outburst of passion, noble Christian service is described. For those who receive the grace of God, and allow it to carry out its intended working, there is a moving into more

  • 6. Life Controlled By Love

    Contributed on Oct 20, 2014
    based on 7 ratings

    How can we as Christians be sure that our motives are right? We can be certain of our motives if we are, because of our love for Him, living life for God by the power of Christ's death and resurrection.

    2 CORINTHIANS 5: 11-16 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE] LIFE CONTROLLED BY LOVE [Romans 6] [Lost] people were wrongly judging the motives of Paul and accusing him of misleading people. Thus Paul wished to clarify his motives so that men would be willing to open themselves up to his message. How more

  • 7. The Deceiver's Deception

    Contributed on Apr 27, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    As a Christian minister, how would you convince your congregation that you really loved them & that you were authentic in your leadership? Paul compares himself to a father caring for his children for whom he wanted God's best.

    2 CORINTHIANS 11:1-6 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] THE DECEIVER'S DECEPTION If you were a Christian minister, how would you convince your congregation that you really loved them and that you were authentic in your leadership? Paul compares himself to a father caring for his children. more

  • 8. A Father Appeals To His Children

    Contributed on Nov 24, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    God's love is a purifying force. God's love for us seeks to free us from all defiling influences.

    2 CORINTHIANS 6:11-7:1 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] A FATHER APPEALS TO HIS CHILDREN [Ephesians 2:20-22] Love seeks to draw those loved nearer, and as we are drawn near to God our ability to love is enlarged and purified. God's love is holy and is therefore jealous of what would harm those more

  • 9. The Grace Of All-Sufficiency

    Contributed on Feb 16, 2015
    based on 6 ratings

    God's grace enables us to have all-sufficiency so we can abound in giving. God's is able to give us complete sufficiency so that we can abound in every good work

    2 CORINTHIANS 9: 8 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] THE GRACE OF ALL-SUFFICIENCY [Ephesians 2:20-21 / Matthew 6:33] Grace giving is a wonderful liberation from things and from circumstances. Instead of things possessing you, you start to possess them. Instead of money and things controlling more

  • 10. The Inter Stress Of Involvement

    Contributed on Jun 8, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    We may not identify with Paul's physical sufferings as some of our international brethren can who are persecuted for their faith. But in this success oriented society we can identify with the inter-stress of which he speaks.

    2 CORINTHIANS 11: 28-33 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] THE INTER STRESS OF INVOLVEMENT [Acts 9:22-25] Paul now changes from outward sufferings that he was called upon to endure as a minister of Christ to the daily pressure of concern that he bore for the churches and their leaders. These more

  • 11. Hope In God

    Contributed on Jun 9, 2014
    based on 10 ratings

    Paul knew what placing everything in God’s hands had done for Him. He wanted others to place everything, their very existence & its priorities & activities in God’s hands also. God proves Himself totally trustworthy to those who place their life in His Ha

    2 CORINTHIANS 1: 8-11 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] HOPE IN GOD The hope in God which sustained Paul in his relationship with the Corinthians had to first grow and mature in his own life. Paul had an experience in Asia during a missionary Journey that had caused him to hope only in God. more

  • 12. The Law Of The Harvest

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2015
    based on 6 ratings

    Giving is not simply an act, it flows out of who we are, out of our love for God. Then we will be the cheerful givers who are loved by God

    2 CORINTHIANS 9: 6-7 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] THE LAW OF THE HARVEST [Luke 6:38 / Phil. 4:10-20] Can a man lose by doing that which pleases God? These verses are an eloquent tribute to the blessedness of Christian giving. Grace giving always rebounds with multiplied blessings for the more

  • 13. Boasting About Our Church

    Contributed on Jan 19, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    God would have us boast about our church and encourage each other. He would not have us criticize & shame one another. Churches that encourage one another bring refreshment to all who enter their fellowship.

    2 CORINTHIANS 7:12-16 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] BOASTING ABOUT OUR CHURCH The Corinthians church's awakening by Paul's harsh letter cause them to repent, to wake up and realize what was really going on in the church and their responsibility to correct it. Their awakening to their church more

  • 14. Our Eternal Home

    Contributed on Oct 6, 2014
    based on 8 ratings

    What knowledge do you possess concerning life after death? What are you certain of? The Spirit-filled Christian longs to be clothed in a body fit for all eternity.

    2 CORINTHIANS 5:1-5 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] OUR ETERNAL HOME [John 14:1-6 / 1 Corinthians 15:34-54] What knowledge do you possess concerning [life and] life after death? What are you certain of? Man can be described as dwelling in a body during this time, but how does he live in the more

  • 15. Integrity Of Motive & Conduct

    Contributed on Jun 23, 2014
    based on 6 ratings

    God is the source of all stability. In Jesus and through the promises of God we too are stabilized & become stable.

    2 CORINTHIANS 1: 18-22 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] INTEGRITY OF MOTIVE AND CONDUCT [Galatians 5:21-22] Some of the trouble makers in the church discredited Paul by pointing to inconsistency and saying he was at the least insincere, and more likely two-faced, in his relationship with them. more

  • 16. The Fragrance Of The Christian Ministry

    Contributed on Jul 28, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Thoughts of Paul’s miraculous encounter with Titus will evoke memories that cause a long reflection on the subject of the glory of the Christian ministry.

    2 CORINTHIANS 2: 12-17 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] THE FRAGRANCE OF THE CHRISTIAN MINISTRY Paul has been relating his personal situation and tying it to the situation in the Corinthian Church. These thoughts will evoke memories that cause a long reflection on the subject of the glory of the more

  • 17. The Masqueraders

    Contributed on May 4, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    The devil and his workers will not appear as satan & deceivers. They will appear to be on your side & on God’s side. But they will take your attention off God, off Jesus Christ, off sharing His Gospel & place attention on man & his frailties.

    2 CORINTHIANS 11: 11-15 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] THE MASQUERADERS [Matthew 24: 1-5 / 1 John 4:1-3] A attack on the purity of Paul's motives was a disguise for the false preachers actions. They acted like they were concerned for what was right so that they could divide the unity of more

  • 18. The Spirit Gives Life

    Contributed on Aug 4, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    God gives maturity & Christian growth as we follow His Spirit not as we follow the law. The Spirit gives life, the letter of the law kills

    2 CORINTHIANS 3: 1-6 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] THE SPIRIT GIVES LIFE [Acts 15:1-11 / Jeremiah 31:33 & Ezekiel 11:19; 36:26] Whose endorsement is more important to you, the endorsement of men or the endorsement of God's Spirit? Would it be an endorsement of a letter of reference or the more

  • 19. A Journey To Paradise

    Contributed on Jun 22, 2015
    based on 5 ratings

    In this vision Paul is caught up to heaven & received communications & revelations that he can not make known (CIT). This was to him, & to all who believed his word, a more reliable evidence of the favor of God upon an apostle than anything prior

    2 CORINTHIANS 12: 1-6 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] A JOURNEY TO PARADISE Paul now moves to the account of a remarkable spiritual experience which was granted him as an apostle by the Lord. He was reticent to write about this experience but has been forced to substantiate his more

  • 20. A Ministry Of Death Or Life

    Contributed on Aug 18, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Here Paul contrasts the glory of the Ten Commandments with the glory of the life-giving Spirit. If the Law that leads to death was glorious, how much more glorious is God’s plan to give us life through His Spirit

    2 CORINTHIANS 3: 7-11 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] A MINISTRY OF DEATH OR LIFE [Exodus 34:29-35 / Hebrews 9:11–28; 10:11–22] In our study on 2 Corinthians 3:1-6 we again heard that by works of law no one shall be justified or sanctified (Gal. 2:16, 3:11). Only by accepting more

  • 21. Unregretted Sorrow

    Contributed on Jan 5, 2015
    based on 5 ratings

    God desires to bring about repentance so that we might be cleansed & not lose the blessings of salvation. This repentance may not be instantaneous but may take time spent in sorrow. Godly sorrow brings about repentance that brings new faith, deeds & zeal.

    2 CORINTHIANS 7: 8-13 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] UNREGRETTED SORROW [Luke 24:44-49/ Matthew 26:75-27:5] Near the close of Paul's missionary career the apostle summed up his preaching around two points, as "repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ"(Acts 20:21), These two, more

  • 22. A Defense Of God Given Authority

    Contributed on Apr 13, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Those called of God are to use their spiritual authority to build people up & not to tear down. Those who have been granted authority in Christ have within them the ability to call forth the true exercise of authority.

    2 CORINTHIANS 10: 7-11 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] A DEFENSE OF GOD GIVEN AUTHORITY As I read these words, I am appalled at the attacks that were leveled at Paul and the pain he must have felt. What spiritual battles he must have fought yet he still maintained the meekness and gentleness more

  • 23. The Surpassing Grace Of God

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2015
    based on 7 ratings

    God abundantly supplies so that we having been blessed can in turn bless others which results in everyone blessing God. The grace of Christian giving pours the blessings of God on all involved, the giver, the recipient, those concerned, & God.

    2 CORINTHIANS 9: 8-15 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] THE SURPASSING GRACE OF GOD [Psalms 112] Christian giving always rebounds with multiplied blessings for the giver. But not only is the giver blessed, the recipient is also. With so many unselfish blessings flowing around, thankfulness and more

  • 24. The Reflection Of His Glory

    Contributed on Aug 25, 2014
    based on 8 ratings

    As we look to Christ and follow His leadership, God transforms us into His image.

    2 CORINTHIANS 3: 12-18 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] THE REFLECTION OF HIS GLORY [Exodus 34:29-35] In this section Paul uses the experience of Moses and his veil to illustrate the glorious freedom and openness of the Christian life under grace. We, as Christians, are allowed to look upon more

  • 25. Beholding The Glory

    Contributed on Sep 11, 2014
    based on 6 ratings

    Despite the entire Gospel's truth & power, it remained hidden to most. Here the Apostle tells us why the Gospel is hidden to the lost & so clear to the saved.

    2 CORINTHIANS 4:1-6 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] BEHOLDING THE GLORY Any of us who try to serve God in any way often have reasons for being discouraged. The awareness of our human limitations and our imperfections gnaw at our self-confidence. The indifference of people to whom we try to more

  • 26. Walk A Mile In My Shoes

    Contributed on May 19, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    God's grace is sufficient for our every trial & affliction. Trials are an integral & authenticating aspect of our ministry. Let us journey for a while through the life of Paul as he authenticates to us that he is a true servant of Christ.

    2 CORINTHIANS 11: 22-27 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] WALK A MILE IN MY SHOES [Philippians 3: 4-11] Do you serve Christ so that all will go well with you here and now? Has all been easy for you in your service of Christ? Ease in Zion was certainly not the Apostle Paul's experience. more

  • 27. A Christian View Of Death

    Contributed on Jul 25, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    But what happens when this life is all over? Does it make any difference how you lived or what you did for the love of Christ? Do we have any responsibility to please God?

    2 CORINTHIANS 5:6-10 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] A CHRISTIAN VIEW OF DEATH [Romans 14:8-10; 1 Corinthians 3:10-15] Paul is full of confidence toward life, death, and the hereafter (vv. 6, 8) because God has provided believers with the Holy Spirit as a guarantee that we will receive more