This sermon explores Jesus's command to deny oneself, encouraging believers to abandon their old ways and embrace the abundant life offered by Christ.
Good morning friends! I am excited to be with you today as we begin a brand new sermon series called “All In”! Now, maybe you have used these two words before to describe something in your life that you were doing. In my life, I’ve used them to describe a sport I played growing up.
This principle is one that is absolutely paramount when it comes to our relationship with Jesus Christ. Now, maybe you are new to church and this whole Jesus thing. Essentially what I mean is that we believe the Bible lays out for us the best way to do life here on earth. This is what Jesus calls Abundant Life. In John 10:10, He actually uses this exact phrase…
So, if we want to experience abundant life and even eternal life (which we will talk about throughout this series), we have to commit our lives to Jesus Christ, being guided and directed by the Holy Spirit all along the way! This means that we have to go All In for Jesus if we want to live like Him and for Him. That’s the heartbeat behind this series, so let’s get started.
This means that we have to go All In for Jesus if we want to live like Him and for Him.
To begin, I want to go ahead and share with you one of the verses we will be using throughout the next few weeks. This is a 3-step command from Jesus. Here, Jesus is speaking with His disciples (earliest followers) and He says this…
Now, that may sound like a lot, but for the next few weeks, we are going to use this one verse as a launch point for what I believe God will speak to us about following Jesus as best we can ... View this full sermon with PRO Premium