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Sermons on seeing beyond:

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  • Come And See

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Jan 13, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus invites us to come to Him and see what God can do through us.

    Come and See – John 1: 29 - 42 Intro: A young conservative pastor came to his first parish determined that every person in that town should be baptized. As he walked down Main Street, he came across a homeless man. He asked the man, “Do you know Jesus?” The man answered, “No.” The Pastor more

  • Eyes To See

    Contributed by Rich O' Toole on Feb 8, 2023

    Jesus is rejected in Nazareth and then He sends out the Twelve to do ministry

    Eyes to See Mark 6:1-13 Good morning. There is a narrative in John 5 where Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath Day and of course, the Pharisees were mad at Him. John 5:17 But Jesus answered them, "My Father has been working until now, and I have been working." John 5:18 Therefore the more

  • Blieving Is Seeing

    Contributed by Rev. Duraimony Dickson on Feb 24, 2023

    According to Jesus, believing is seeing. Believe the Lord before you receive anything from Him.

    Henry David Thoreau, the famous American author and philosopher once said, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” Today, we are going to study an encounter that Jesus had with a man who was desperate. He had reasons to be desperate. He was hurting. He was helpless. And he was hopeless. more

  • See Jesus! Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Oct 13, 2023

    If you want to see Jesus this week, go to the place of death and go to the place of service. Find life in death. Find honor is service, because there you find Jesus Christ.

    It was the Depression. The father was able to keep bread on the table, but that was it. When his little boy burst into the house excitedly talking about the circus coming to town, the father knew that he could not afford the $1 admission. The boy had never seen the circus and it wasn’t right that a more

  • Waiting To See

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Aug 19, 2023

    It is not reasonable for us, like Thomas, to insist on seeing Jesus' wounds for ourselves before we believe; We have clouds of witnesses whose lives proclaim the truth of their words. What more do we need?

    Not too long ago I had some serious computer problems. I took my printer in to be repaired only to be told that it was a software problem. So I downloaded new installation software off of the Internet only to find that in doing so I had messed up my operating system. I tried to reinstall the more

  • Come And See Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on May 2, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The 5th sermon in our series from John's Gospel. We discuss principles of personal evangelism

    Come and See (John Part Five) Text: John 1:35 – 42 In 2014 the Barna Study Group polled teenagers about lying, cheating, and illegally downloading music. 92% of teens admitted that they lied at least once a week, and out of that 92%, 90% of them said it was “no big deal”. 75% admitted to more

  • Seeing And Believing

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on May 20, 2019

    "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

    In a Peanuts comic strip, Charlie Brown is talking with Lucy as they walk home on the last day of school. Charlie Brown says to Lucy: “Lucy, I got straight A’s; isn’t that great!” Lucy in her typical fashion shoots down poor Charlie Brown and says: “I don’t believe you Charlie Brown. Unless you more

  • Seeing Is Believing Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Apr 23, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon focuses on the resurrected Christ appearing to His disciples. Along with us having the ability to see Jesus in our everyday life.

    So, the ladies have been to the tomb and found it empty, they have told the others and Peter and John have seen for themselves. Everyone has left the tomb except Mary and that’s when strange sightings, supernatural sightings, unbelievable stuff, begins to happen. Mary has an encounter with a more

  • The Blind See

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Mar 16, 2020

    We often don’t know what we cannot see, because we’ve never seen it. There is a way to gain spiritual sight. What is it? How can we see what we are blind to in our world? Let’s learn what Jesus taught about it in John 9:1-41.

    We often don’t know what we cannot see, because we’ve never seen it. There is a way to gain spiritual sight. What is it? How can we see what we are blind to in our world? Let’s learn what Jesus taught about it in John 9:1-41. Fault-Finding John 9:1-5 As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man who more

  • See The Vision Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Apr 23, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    A Holy Spirit given vision is a snap shot of the way the church will be in the future.

    SEE THE VISION Text: Acts 10:9-33; 44-48 Introduction 1. Illustration: Walt Disney never lived to see the opening of Disney World. During the opening ceremonies, someone is reputed to have said to Walt’s wife, "It’s a shame Walt is not here to see this." To which she responded, "He more

  • Believing Is Seeing Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Jan 13, 2020

    This is our 29th sermon on a series from the Gospel of John. In this sermon we look at how Jesus healed the blind man, and both the progression of faith, and the progression of apostasy.

    Believing is Seeing (John Part 29) Text: John 9:1-41 There’s an old saying that goes, “Seeing is believing.” But you know sometimes, old sayings are just that… old sayings. The reality is, sometimes, seeing doesn’t equal believing. Sometimes, a person can see something, and still not believe, more

  • Seeing The Possibilities

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jan 1, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    Paul faced much opposition in ministry. He was forced to change his plans on numerous occasions, and yet he chose to see the possibilities instead of the obstacles. We too will face difficulty, but we must maintain our perspective, seeing possibilities.

    Seeing the Possibilities 2 Corinthians 2: 12-17 As you read and study Paul’s letters to the Corinthian church, you discover his ministry there was difficult at best. The church was situated in a city that was morally corrupt, and its influence was showing up in negative ways within the church. more

  • Come And See

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jan 15, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    A lesson left for us by John the Baptist

    Intro What are we here for? What is the purpose of the church? Goal Let’s understand how important pointing to Jesus is. Plan We will look at John 1:29-42 and John the Baptist’s example of pointing to the Lamb of God. John 1:29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look! more

  • Is Seeing Believing Series

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 15, 2016

    Faith vs science

    A wife comes homes and catches her husband in bed with another woman. The husband denies it, saying, “Who are you going to believe, me or your eyes?” Though silly, the line has important implications for all of us who experience so much of reality the way it appears in our own sight. more

  • Seeing Clearly Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Sep 5, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    The message of the gospel always remains the same but God uses different methods to reach different people.

    Seeing Clearly Mark 8:22-26 Rev. Brian Bill September 3-4, 2016 I love hearing how people come to Christ, don’t you? Here’s the main point of our passage today: The message of the gospel always remains the same but God uses different methods to reach different people. Let’s more

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