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  • Saul And The Witch Of Endor Series

    Contributed by Jeremiah Menyongai on Sep 5, 2016

    When you rebel against God, you bear the consequences. Unbelievably, here is King Saul with so much potential in the beginning now bowing down to a foul spirit, but he will not bow down to God. This is a message for young people as well as the adults.

    SERIES: DAVID - A MAN AFTER GOD’S OWN HEART: PART 10: SAUL AND THE WITCH OF ENDOR 1 SAMUEL 28: 3 Now Samuel was dead, and all Israel had mourned for him and buried him in his own town of Ramah. Saul had expelled the mediums and spiritists from the land. 4 The Philistines assembled and came more

  • Saul And The Medium Of Endor Series

    Contributed by Todd Catteau on Jul 18, 2023

    Saul sinks to new lows as he consults the medium of Endor.

    Today we will be in 1 Samuel 28 The chapter begins with two announcements 1. Samuel has died 2. Saul has taken action against the mediums in the land. By expelling “mediums and spiritists,” Saul had obeyed Pentateuchal law (Lev. 19:31; 20:27; Deut. 18:10–11). So, good for Saul. After the two more

  • Saul And The Medium Of En-Dor Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Oct 25, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    First Samuel 28:3-25 shows us the final hopelessness of a person who continually disobeys God.

    Scripture We concluded our study last time at 1 Samuel 28:2, where Achish decided that the Philistines were going to war against Israel, and he made David his bodyguard for life. Then, 1 Samuel 28:3 begins the incident about Saul and medium of En-dor. The geography indicates that the author of more

  • Saul And The Witch Of En-Dor Series

    Contributed by Bret Hammond on Sep 30, 2016

    There are a lot of strange stories in the Bible. But, like everything else, they are God-breathed and profitable (2 Timothy 3:16-17). What can we learn from the strange story of Saul and the witch of En-Dor?

    INTRODUCTION A. My daughter Grace and I have a love for movies - watching movies is one of our favorite things to share 1. Thankfully- Grace has good taste - watch a lot of good ones 2. She even loves to watch my old favorites - Indiana Jones, Goonies, Princess Bride 3. It's great to get to more

  • King Saul Consults With A Medium At Endor Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Apr 18, 2023

    Saul seeks the counsel of Samuel by seeking out a witch in the city of Endor

    In first Samuel 28 we see that David and his 600 men are hiding out in the land of the Philistines. King Saul has stopped looking for David, because he’s left the country, but now, things are changing. The Philistines are again gathering for war to invade Israel. Now the only mention we get of more

  • The Woman Of Endor And Familiar Spirits

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on May 23, 2023

    This message takes a somewhat detailed look at First Samuel 28, the record of King Saul's interaction with the woman who has a familiar spirit.

    In 1978 or 1979, I was told about family members driving to Nashville – I’m from Tennessee – to see a lady because there were things going on in their lives that they didn’t understand. They had been praying but it seemed to them that God was silent. So they went to see this lady, who shared some more

  • Bread Of Death

    Contributed by Sweep Adams on Oct 19, 2001
    based on 78 ratings

    Deals with Saul and the witch of Endor

    The Bread of Death Intro; Bread, a life-sustaining food source, consumed, broken down by the body, and made energy. But there is another bread, the bread of life, which is sustaining to the soul. I perceive Jesus gives this bread of life, yet also I believe everything has its contradictory. Thus, more

  • When God Is Silent

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on Nov 10, 2002
    based on 118 ratings

    Lessons from Saul’s visit to the witch of Endor

    When God is Silent I Sam. 28:3-19 INTRO.: There was a time just after the terrorist attack on Sept. 11, 2001, when we were unable to communicate with our son in NY and his family. There were a lot of others in the same position. It is terrible to be out of communication with those who are important more

  • 1st Samuel 28:3-20 Saul And The Witch Of Endor

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Apr 20, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Was the spirit that was supposedly summoned up by the witch of Endor really the deceased Prophet Samuel, or was it a demon? There are many different opinions on the matter; my personal opinion is that it was a demon.

    1st Samuel 28:3-20 SAUL AND THE WITCH OF ENDOR 4-20-13 Was the spirit that was supposedly summoned up by the witch of Endor really the deceased Prophet Samuel, or was it a demon? There are many different opinions on the matter; my personal opinion is that it was a more

  • Saul!

    Contributed by Robert Cox on Sep 17, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    From Blessed to Cursed!!!

    1 Sam 15:1 Samuel also said to Saul, “The LORD sent me to anoint you king over His people, over Israel. Now therefore, heed the voice of the words of the LORD. 2 Thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘I will punish Amalek for what he did to Israel, how he ambushed him on the way when he came up from Egypt. more

  • Saul Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on Nov 6, 2022

    Before he became king, he was just a man in search of his father's donkeys..................

    November 05, 2022 The story of Saul begins in the 8th chapter of 1st Samuel. Being old, Samuel appointed his 2 sons, Joel and Abijah, to take his place. Unfortunately, Samuel’s sons were pretty terrible: They did not walk in his ways, they took bribes and perverted justice {1 Samuel more

  • The Death Of Saul Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Nov 22, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    First Samuel 31:1-13 shows us what happens to one who is unfaithful.

    Scripture First Samuel and Second Samuel were originally written as one book. Somewhere along the way, perhaps because of its length, the Book of Samuel was divided into two. First Samuel essentially deals with the life of Saul, and Second Samuel deals with the life of David. So, as First Samuel more

  • David In Saul’s Camp

    Contributed by John Gaston on Sep 8, 2022

    We see another magical moment when David walks with God and ventures into the impossible. God gave David Saul’s spear-scepter and the king's source of anointing. This was a prevision of what David was later to gain as King.

    DAVID IN SAUL’S CAMP 1 Sam. 26:2-25 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. I was thrown out of the break room of my Walmart yesterday. They asked me what I was doing there. I told them, “I’m on a break.” 2. They said, “But you don’t work here!” I said, “I just finished using the self-checkout, so clearly more

  • Can We Talk To The Dead? Series

    Contributed by Marty Baker on Mar 13, 2002
    based on 137 ratings

    This messages addresses the culture fascination with psychics. It is based on the OT Story of Saul and the Medium of Endor.

    Can You Talk to the Dead? Dr. Marty Baker Stevens Creek Community Church Church of God Augusta, GA 1 Samuel 28:1-25 March 3, 2002 Introduction: Movie Trailer from "Dragonfly". Do you believe that you can talk to someone who has crossed over to the other side? A Washington Post Weekly more

  • 7 Reasons For King Saul’s Downfall Series

    Contributed by Sam Jo on Oct 20, 2024

    King Saul, the man who started off so well but fell off so hard, it’s like he tripped on his own crown! Saul's story is a classic example of how things can go wrong when we stop listening to God. He had so much potential, yet he ended up as a cautionary tale.

    Today, we’re going to talk about King Saul, the man who started off so well but fell off so hard, it’s like he tripped on his own crown! Saul's story is a classic example of how things can go wrong when we stop listening to God. He had so much potential, yet he ended up as a cautionary tale. more

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