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  • We Can Be Sure That Jesus Will Build His Church! - Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Aug 30, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Because: 1. He is the Christ (vs. 13-16). 2. This truth comes from God the Father (vs. 17). 3. Jesus is confident about His work (vs. 18). 4. Jesus has given us the keys to Heaven (vs. 19). 5. Jesus died on the cross for us (vs. 20-21). 6. The good news about Jesus is clear (vs. 21-23).

    We Can Be Sure that Jesus Will Build His Church! - Part 1 The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 16:13-23 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared August 30, 2022) BACKGROUND: *Please open your Bibles to Matthew 16. Today we will begin to focus on the sure truth that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is going to more

  • Jesus Sets The Highest Standards For His Students Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Sep 7, 2022

    1. We must say "no" to our selfishness. 2. We must carry our cross. 3. We must follow His footsteps.

    Jesus Sets the Highest Standards for His Students The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 16:20-25 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared September 7, 2022) BACKGROUND: *In Matthew chapters 14-16, Jesus Christ continued to prove that He is the Messiah promised in the Old Testament. With both His works and His more

  • Jesus Sets The Highest Standards For His Disciples Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Sep 26, 2022

    New version with information about Christians being in Christ. 1. We must say "no" to our selfishness. 2. We must carry our cross. 3. We must follow His footsteps.

    Jesus Sets the Highest Standards for His Disciples The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 16:20-25 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared September 26, 2022) (New version with information about Christians being in Christ.) BACKGROUND: *Today's message is about the high standards Jesus sets for His more

  • Kingdoms In Conflict Series

    Contributed by Stephen Colaw on Sep 29, 2022

    How we fight the battle will determine what war we win

    ME: Welcome Series Review Week 1: The nation is more divided than ever. Those who want power and money have been using fear to keep us divided. (If you do/don't vote for ____ you will lose your right to ____) That's nothing new. But the church has joined the fight and is using more

  • Learnings From Peter: Rewards And Suffering

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Jun 2, 2021

    The issue of pain and suffering is much known. Yet, we struggle to make sense of it or react to it the right way. Let us learn from Peter on how not to, and how to, address this issue.

    Learnings from Peter : Rewards and Suffering Past 15 or so months have been a series of struggles for many of us. It all started with the Wuhan virus and then it went through the cycle of restrictions to complete lockdowns to partial opening up to elections to the second wave to the complete more

  • Get Out Of The Way!

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jun 14, 2021

    Has anyone ever told you to get out of the way? Hopefully they said it a little more tactfully than that but we've probably all heard it at some point in our lives. One of the people that got in the way a few times was Peter. Let's see how he got in Jesus' way.

    GET OUT OF THE WAY! Has anyone ever told you to get out of the way? Hopefully they said it a little more tactfully than that but we've probably all heard it at some point in our lives. Usually this happens because someone is doing something or going somewhere and we are impeding their more

  • Peter & Follow Me”

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Oct 17, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    In October, we’re looking at a series of messages to get us ready for our Welcome Back series in November on Resetting Our Lives. Today’s message looks at the Simon Peter and brings up a very powerful truth, and one we need to fully understand, and that is, Jesus’s call to follow …

    GET READY FOR THE RESET “Peter & Follow Me” Watch: As you probably know by now, we are getting ready for our series on Getting Ourselves Reset, and to get us there, throughout this month we’re looking at those within the Bible that encountered more

  • When I Am Lifted Up -- The Importance And Power Of The Cross Series

    Contributed by Gordon Weatherby on Oct 22, 2021

    In this message Jesus emphasized the importance of the cross. This message sees he cross as the dividing line between the judgment of God for Sin, and the grace of God for those who are in Christ.

    WHEN I AM LIFTED UP --THE POWER AND IMPORTANCE OF THE CROSS. John 12:27-35 Gospel of John Series 2021 (Message # ) Greenmount and O’Leary Churches of Christ September 04, 2021 Video Link: INTRODUCTON: 1) Do you remember the words of some of those beautiful more

  • Character Changes Through Encounters With God Series

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Jun 20, 2022

    When we have an encounter with God several things change in our. We categorised them into three, Vision, Character and Relationships. In this part of the series we look at the Character Changes that happen when we have an encounter with God.

    Encounter with God Series Part 4 Encounter Changes our Character For a video version o this sermon visit Good morning. We are digging into the aspect of Encounters with God. In the first message on this series, we saw that there are four biblical perspectives on God more

  • Hurricane Against Sin And Redemption Through Christ

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 30, 2022

    Yes, Israel was exiled, but the long-deserved punishment would not last forever. So there is hope today in Christ.

    Thursday of 18th Week in Course Human beings tend to make a mess of their lives and their societies, simply when each one has the motto “look out for number one.” Because number one is the ego. I make decisions based on what will please me, regardless of what that does to anybody else. When more

  • The Cost Of Discipleship

    Contributed by Wala-Neh Labala on Aug 14, 2022

    What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and what will it cost you? In this sermon we learned that denying our selves, taking up our cross, and following Jesus, means letting go of self-preservation, self-determination, and self-identity.

    ********************************************************* THE COST OF DISCIPLESHIP Scripture Reading: “From that time on Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests, and scribes, and that He must be killed and on more

  • How The Devil Wants To Use You!!!

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 16, 2022

    There are two things we all will agree on in this congregation:

    (1) WE RECOGNIZE THAT GOD CREATED US Christians believe in CREATIONISM not in EVOLUTION. Why? One of the reasons is that evolution does not make any sense. Illus: Did you hear about the six year old girl that was sitting in a classroom? The teacher was going to explain evolution to the more

  • How The Devil Wants To Use You!!!

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 18, 2022

    There are two things we all will agree on in this congregation:

    (1) WE RECOGNIZE THAT GOD CREATED US Christians believe in CREATIONISM not in EVOLUTION. Why? One of the reasons is that evolution does not make any sense. Illus: Did you hear about the six year old girl that was sitting in a classroom? The teacher was going to explain evolution to the more

  • Rock Solid Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Apr 5, 2022

    Faithful people of every age have stood up and professed Jesus as their Savior and their Lord because of the foundation of their faith … the love of God as shown to us by His Son, Jesus Christ, becoming another stone laid atop many other stones.

    [Note: The title of this series is "The Stony Path." Each sermon has a theme or uses the image of a stone. As the people come into church, they are given a stone to hold during the service. At the end of the service, they are asked to place their stones at the foot of a wooden cross more

  • Going Beyond Human Sickness

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Jan 22, 2022
    based on 3 ratings

    Where do you go when your mind is broken, you feel empty and without a sense of purpose, incapable of finding any joy in your life? You seek a cure from the Great Physician Jesus whose demand to deny self and follow Him is a yoke that is light in His sustaining grace and strength!

    Going Beyond Human Sickness Matthew 11:28-30, 16:21-27 Online Sermon: What do you do when you get sick? For many of us our first response is to look for an “over-the-counter” solution to see if we can find a cure for whatever ails us on our own! I more

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