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  • Heaven Invades Earth - Pentecost!

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on May 21, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    This is a sermon that focuses on Pentecost and asks three questions - 1. Did you know Heaven Has Invaded the Earth? 2. Has Heaven Invaded Your Earth? 3. Is Heaven’s Invasion Still Happening In and Around You?

    Scripture: Acts 2:1-4; Mark 1:9-11; Mark 15:33-38 Title: Heaven Invades Earth – Pentecost INTRO: Grace and peace this morning! All three of our scripture passages have one major thing in common; they all speak of an invasion. Each one of them speaks of a time when Heaven invaded Earth and more

  • Halleluiah, What A Savior! Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Sep 22, 2023

    What do you think about the message of the cross? Maybe the message of the cross has been foolishness to you. Today you can be saved as a result of the message of the cross and the power of God.

    Springtime is a wonderful time of the year. It is amazing to see a seed sprout into a plant. There are flowers with brilliant colors. The design gives a message that there must be a designer. Whether it is a plant, a flower, an insect, stars, or the human body God has revealed himself and how more

  • The Passion According To Mark.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Oct 23, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    The Beloved Son was forsaken, but only for a season, that all might come in.

    THE PASSION ACCORDING TO MARK. Mark 14:1-72, Mark 15:1-47. I). THE PREPARATION. Mark 14:1-11. 1. The Plot to Kill Jesus (Mark 14:1-2). The first thing that we notice as we enter into this passage is that it was the LORD who was setting the timetable for Jesus’ death. It was "the feast more

  • The Day God Died Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Nov 27, 2023

    Mark's version of the crucifixion of Jesus is concise and focuses mostly on the people who witnessed the crucifixion and their response to it. We too must respond to the crucifixion of Jesus and it is something that we must do daily.

    Introduction A. I want to begin with a true story about a girl named Donna and a boy named Felipe. 1. Donna Ashlock and Felipe Graza were high school freshman in a small farming community near San Francisco. 2. Felipe was infatuated with Donna and considered her his girlfriend. 3. He would often go more

  • Let's Make A Deal

    Contributed by Mitchell Leonard on Apr 1, 2023

    A sermon for adults on Palm Sunday

    Mark 15:15-37 4/2/23 As a little kid there was a game show that would come on and my mama would sometimes let us watch it. It was hosted by a fellow named Monty Hall. The show was called, “Let’s Make a Deal”. From what I’m hearing there’s NEW Let’s Make a Deal with Wayne more

  • From The Cross To Resurrection

    Contributed by Jenny Franklin on Apr 8, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    An integrated gospel account of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, including His suffering on the cross, His death and burial, and His resurrection. Prophecies fulfilled and scripture references for “What Happened Next” are also included.

    Journey to Calvary As the chief priests led Jesus away to be crucified, he fell beneath the weight of the cross. His back was torn and bleeding. He was weakened from blood loss. They grabbed Simon, a Cyrenian who was coming out of the country, from the crowd and forced him to pick up the cross more

  • How A Roman Centurion Became A Believer

    Contributed by David Owens on Apr 10, 2023

    The Roman centurion had a front row seat in the trial and crucifixion of Jesus and all that he saw and heard led him to concluded that "Truly this man was the son of God." In this sermon, we consider what led him to that conclusion and how it can lead us to the same conclusion.

    A. Once there was a Sunday school teacher who had given her class an assignment to read Isaiah chapter 9. 1. The next Sunday, she asked the class how many had remembered to read the chapter and every hand went up. 2. “Wonderful!,” she said, “And I’ve got a piece of candy for everyone who can more

  • Jesus And The Cross In Mark Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on May 15, 2023

    Jesus endured the cross, despising the shame (Hebrews 12:2) He surrendered his mortal body according to John 10:18, Just as he said: “No one takes [my life] away from me, but I lay it down of my own free will...” The cross is not a religious symbol but an instrument of death.

    Mark 15:34-37 Jesus and the Cross in Mark Introduction: According to Mark, the "theology of the cross" (theologia crucis) is the only way to achieve glory by way of rejection and the cross as explained in the divine parabola in Philippians 2:5 by Apostle Paul. Mark is silent about the more

  • The King Forsaken

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Sep 14, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus is the King of the Jews; Christ the King of Israel. The Beloved Son is forsaken, but only to provide us with THE way of escape.

    THE KING FORSAKEN. Mark 15:1-39. After the Sanhedrin had delivered Jesus to Pilate, the first thing that Pilate asked Jesus was, “Are you the KING OF THE JEWS?” Jesus answered, “Thou sayest” (Mark 15:2). Beyond that, Jesus refused to answer any of the accusations brought against Him by His more

  • From Cheers To Jeers

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Mar 29, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon for Palm Sunday, Year B

    March 28, 2021 Hope Lutheran Church Rev. Mary Erickson Mark 11:1-11; Mark 15:1-47; Philippians 2:5-11 From Cheers to Jeers Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. Fads come and go. They’re here today and gone tomorrow. Their memory more

  • The Mount Of Calvary – The Necessity Of Trust (8/12) Series

    Contributed by Eduardo (Eddie) Fernandes on Oct 12, 2020

    In times of trouble we need to trust God. When we don’t understand, when everything is falling apart, when we don’t see a way forward, we need to confidently believe He is still on the throne. Despite much disappointment and pain we hold on to hope because we are condemned to victory!

    Message by Eddie Fernandes Introduction (Click intro title) The message I am about to preach today couldn’t have come at a better time. I am convinced God knew what I would be going through and He inspired this series many months ago knowing this message would coincide with my situation and a more

  • The Final Hours Of The Lord Jesus -From Golgotha To The Grave (For Now) Series

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Jul 19, 2021

    The Lord Jesus is in His last moments of agony and pain, both physically and spiritually as He completes His mission of redemption for fallen humanity. It looked on the surface, however, like a victory for his enemies and the devil as He died and was placed in a borrowed tomb, or so it would seem.

    (Adapted from an outline by Mark A. Copeland) Following a night and morning of torture, ridicule, and mockery, Jesus was taken away to be crucified (Mark 14:53-15:25). For six long, horrendous, cruel hours He hung on the cross, and to add insult to injury, He heard the continuing mockery more

  • The Mystery Revealed

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Jul 28, 2021

    At the time Adam and Eve were sent out of the garden, a mystery was unleashed. God's words to the serpent, the woman, and the man answered some questions, but raised others that would not be answered for a very long time.

    Note: I have developed a set of PowerPoint slides for use with this sermon. If you are interested in the slides I will send them to you by Email. Email your request to me at and be sure to enter "Easter Slides" in the subject line (otherwise I am likely to overlook more

  • From Tragedy To Triumph Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Mar 17, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Easter: Jesus’ death and resurrection gave us the gift of salvation and eternal life. But what else did it accomplish? It gave us the promise of renewal and transformation in our everyday lives and over our trials and troubles.

    Easter is upon – the day when we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – and at Easter time we wish to hear why the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus is significant to us. We want to hear of the hope that we no longer have to be condemned to an eternal spiritual death, more

  • Good Friday Service-With Readings

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Apr 11, 2022

    This is a good Friday Service with acting parts for 3 individuals or they can be read dramatically as part of a sermon

    Good Friday Service Luke 23:26-49 Mark 15:16-41 Candle Lighting Opening Prayer Here I Am To Worship (Song) NARRATOR (One) So here we are today to worship. Today we join in with our brothers and sisters around the world to remember to remember what may have been the darkest hour in more

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