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  • The Good Sam Series

    Contributed by Dale Miller on Mar 23, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermons deals with Jesus teaching concerning, who is my neighbor, how do i deal with him.

    MUB FATHERS DAY 2006 LUKE 10;25-29 25On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 26“What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?” 27He answered: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and more

  • Uncle Sam

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jul 9, 2013

    A sermon on Romans 13:1-7 talking about the responsibility of government toward their citizens and talking about the responsibility of citizens toward their government (Material and seed thoughts from Dr. Jack Cottrell's commentary on Romans)

    HoHum: The origin of Uncle Sam probably began in 1812, when Samuel Wilson was a meat packer who provided meat to the US Army. The meat shipments were stamped with the initials, U.S. Someone joked that the initials stood for “Uncle Sam”. This joke eventually led to the idea of Uncle Sam more

  • Good Sam Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on May 3, 2012

    A study of the Gospel of Luke 10: 25 – 37

    Luke 10: 25 – 37 Good Sam 25 And behold, a certain lawyer stood up and tested Him, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” 26 He said to him, “What is written in the law? What is your reading of it?” 27 So he answered and said, “ ‘You more

  • The Introduction - Patch Series

    Contributed by Jeremy Farmer on Oct 23, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    Attitudes. We’ve all got them, and we’ve all seen them. What do you do when you have a bad one? Jeremy offers three practical steps.

    We live in a world littered with bad attitudes. You’ve seen the people before, they like to make you feel bad, they love to make others feel miserable. Check this video out. Sadly, some people need the patch. They can’t figure out how to say the right things…EVER, and all they do and say is be more

  • The Pumpkin Patch Gospel

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Oct 31, 2010
    based on 69 ratings

    Based on the Pumpkin Patch Parable. This sermon is great for Halloween or Harvest time or when the kids are in service.

    The Pumpkin Patch Gospel Slide Welcome to Family Sunday. I love family Sunday’s. I love seeing our youth up here leading us in worship and our kids able to come in and worship with us and for believing kids to participate with us as we commune together with the Lord. It is exciting to be more

  • Nick And Sam Meet Jesus

    Contributed by Ralph Juthman on Feb 28, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    An evangelistic message with a narrative style

    Nick And Sam Meet Jesus John 3:1-4:26 By Pastor Ralph Juthman INTRODUCTION: Who doesn’t love a story? The impact of the story is made more real when it is a true one. It is even more relevant when the story involves people like you and me. This morning I want to tell you about two people who more

  • Simple Sam And Heapin' Harv

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Mar 2, 2017

    Sermon focused on contentment.

    SIMPLE SAM AND HEAPIN HARV LUKE 12:13-21 #SpiritualDisciplines INTRODUCTION I want to introduce you to two people this morning. They are two people who approach life in very different ways when it comes to money, material things, and financial habits. First, we have Simple Sam (it can be more

  • Its Your Pea Patch

    Contributed by David Dailey on Feb 7, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    Standing your ground spiritually

    Have you felt like you have resisted the devil so long you don’t know if you can resist anymore? That having done all to stand, you have stood, but don’t think you can stand much more? Have you started praying, God, I don’t care if I overcome, just let me survive? I think most of us have reached more

  • Lessons From Patches And Wineskins Series

    Contributed by Rick Finitzer on Aug 11, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    The New Wine of Salvation bring true and lasting joy. If our wineskins are going to burst it should be because of our Joy spilling out into the world that Christ has made a difference in our heart and life.

    LESSONS FROM PATCHES AND WINESKINS Mark 2:18-22 “Cynthia and I are into Harley-Davidson motorcycles. I know, I know... it doesn’t fit our image. Who really cares? We stopped worrying about our image years ago. We should be ashamed of ourselves? We aren’t. We should be better examples to the more

  • Mighty Men And Their Pea Patch

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Sep 30, 2015

    David's last words are powerful as he teaches the lesson of the lentil field. It is time to take your stand and be counted faithful to the little field before us. You can make a difference when others chose to run.

    I WILL STAND FAITHFUL IN MY PEA PATCH! PAY ATTENTION TO THE LAST WORDS... By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. ( I buy a bag of LENTILS at the local grocery store. I discuss value, price, worth --- Lentils are in the pea, split pea family of plants...) Psalm 68:1 (KJV) Let God arise, more

  • Going Through A Rough Patch Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Mar 27, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 3rd sermon in the series "The Songs Of A King". How do you handle difficult times?

    Series: The Songs Of A King [#3] GOING THROUGH A ROUGH PATCH Psalm 142:1-7 Introduction: Have you ever just had a really bad year? You know, the year that everything breaks down and nothing seems to go right? We all have had rough patches and David is no exception. The year 1060 A.D. was more

  • #12 Parties, Patches And Wineskins Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Mar 16, 2020

    This message describes Jesus' response to the Pharisees because His disciples did not fast. The Pharisees opposition stemmed from a defense of the status quo. Jesus came to smash the status quo and create something new and superior.

    #12 Parties, Patches and Wineskins Series: Mark March 15, 2020 Chuck Sligh Several ideas and illustrations for this sermon were adapted from David Dykes’ sermon on, Old Whiners or New Wineskins. TEXT: Mark 2:18-22 – "And the disciples of John and of the Pharisees used to more

  • Doctors, Bridegrooms, Patches And Wineskins

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Sep 30, 2023

    This is an expository message on the ministry of Christ.

    Title: Doctors, Bridegrooms, Garments and Wineskins Script: Mk. 2:16-22 Type: Expository Where: GNBC 10-1-23 Intro: Dr. Kent Keith said in the paradoxical commandments, “People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish more

  • What Shall We Do? Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jan 31, 2025
    based on 2 ratings

    What was it about what Peter preached on Pentecost that cut his audience to the heart and prompted them to ask "What shall we do?" And what can we learn from what he said that can help us be more effective about sharing our faith?

    We just read a sermon by the Apostle Peter - a sermon he preached on the day of Pentecost - and it was so powerful that about 3000 people responded by asking: WHAT SHALL WE DO? And then they repented of their sin and were baptized into Christ. Their future was changed because of what Peter said. more

  • Diverses Notes 2 Sam 24

    Contributed by Créteur Fabien on Sep 24, 2007

    Ce chapitre est directement relié au chap 21, qui nous parle de catastrophes naturelles, comme jugement de Dieu, à cause de notre péché. On retrouve ce texte dans 1 Chron. 21/1-14. Voyons donc ce recensement : l’un des problèmes est de voir que l’on voit

    Diverses notes sur 2 Sam 24. Ce chapitre est directement relié au chap 21, qui nous parle de catastrophes naturelles, comme jugement de Dieu, à cause de notre péché. On retrouve ce texte dans 1 Chron. 21/1-14. Voyons donc ce recensement : l’un des problèmes est de voir que l’on voit Dieu exitait more

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