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  • Rise Up, Young Believers SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 12, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    A rallying cry for young Christians to stand up and make a positive impact in their surroundings.

    There is a call for Christian youths to arise and make a mark on their context. Today, we will explore the story of Josiah from the Bible and draw lessons for our own lives. Let us examine how we can respond to the challenges in our society and take our rightful place as young Christians. Josiah more

  • Grab Hold Of The Authority And Power Of God

    Contributed by James May on Aug 31, 2022

    We must have God's authority and power with us if we are to fight the spiritual warfare in these last hours. We need faith to reach out and take hold of God's promises like the Woman with the issue of blood who took hold of the hem of his garment.

    Grab Hold of the Authority and Power of God We live in a time when so many in the church have taken on the attitude of the people who lived in the Land of the Gadarenes in Luke chapter 8. I won’t go into the history of the land of the Gadarenes except to say that many of those who lived there more

  • Why Do The Seemingly Ordinary, Rise Up?

    Contributed by Steve Taylor on Jul 28, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever thought about those seemingly ordinary people that go above and beyond for causes that would change our lives? Why did they do what they did? Why do they care? What makes them so strong? How could they bear so much? Were they born that way?

    Have you ever thought about those seemingly ordinary people that go above and beyond for causes that would change our lives? • Why did they do what they did? • Why do they care? • What makes them so strong? • How could they bear so much? • Were they born that way? • Did they already know they more

  • Rise Up And Follow The Star / Epiphany

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Jan 4, 2013
    based on 78 ratings

    Just as the Wise Men, be ready to meet God in the midst of your everyday activities, then rise up and follow the star. What you believe should determine how you behave. Be willing to put feet on your faith; then rise up and follow the star.

    For those not familiar with an Anglican Service; there are four Scripture Readings before the Sermon. The Scripture Readings for this day were: Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-7.10-14; Ephesians 3:1-12and Matthew 2:1-12. Let us pray....... O Heavenly Father we thank-you for the gift of your son. Help us more

  • You've Got To Rise Up, To Get Up

    Contributed by Wm. Darryl Scott Sr D.d. on Oct 5, 2005
    based on 68 ratings

    The man at the pool asked for alms....but instead was given the opportunity to rise up from physical and spiritual deprivation.

    There are times in our lives when we need a "miracle", not simply for survival, but to continue the promised virtue of being overcomers. Have you ever needed a miracle from the Lord? We live in a world where wholeness,joy and happiness seem to be constantly threatened by the daily conflict and more

  • Let Us Rise Up And Build

    Contributed by William Morris on Feb 6, 2003
    based on 60 ratings

    Sermon used for Ground breaking service for new building.

    Sermon by: Dr. Todd Morris Text: Nehemiah 2:17-18; 4:6 Title: Let Us Rise Up and Build Date: January 5, 2003 Ground Breaking Abney Baptist Church Introduction: There is a plague in an old English Church that reads, “In the year 1653 when all things sacred throughout the land were demolished or more

  • Let Us Rise Up And Build

    Contributed by Darrell Jones on Mar 26, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    This message contains instruction for building up the local church that may be in need of revival. Apply To Infected Area.

    The background for this message comes from chapter 1&2 (1) The Proclamation Of The King. (Neh. 2:6). "It pleased the King to send me." (A) The Autority (a) The word of a king (b) He went out in the name of the King. (B) The Application (a) The World asks by what authority? (Acts 5:29.) (b) When more

  • "Rise Up O' Men Of God"

    Contributed by Mike Hays on Jun 15, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    God is moving upon the hearts of men all across America. Happy Father’s Day dads!

    “Rise Up O’ Men of God!” Ezekiel 22:23-30 God has placed within the heart, hands, and soul of men incredible power to heal or hurt, build up or tear down, comfort or crush, and serve or enslave. Throughout history we can see glaring examples of both extremes. When men decide to do more

  • Rise Up Its Time To Move

    Contributed by Ian Johnson on Aug 3, 2006
    based on 64 ratings

    God has been moving his bride forward since the day of Pentecost; there have been times of rest and times of moving forward. I believe that the trumpet has sounded! The time for camping has ended, its time to rise up and move forward.

    Numbers 10:5 “When you sound the trumpet to move on, the tribes on the east side of the Tabernacle will break camp and move forward. 6 When you sound the trumpet a second time, the tribes on the south will follow. You must sound short blasts to signal moving on. I believe that the trumpet has more

  • Rise Up O Men Of God Series

    Contributed by Roger Thomas on Feb 16, 2007
    based on 16 ratings

    Many wrongly conclude that church is for women and children. They conclude that it’s not manly to be religious. That idea is as false as anything can be. But that doesn’t keep many from believing it. I want to set the record straight by highlighting t

    Dr. Roger W. Thomas, Preaching Minister First Christian Church, Vandalia, MO Family Classics Series Rise Up, O Men of God 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 Today, we salute our Fathers. In the process, we want to honor all of our guys. This is a much needed emphasis in our day. Many wrongly conclude more

  • Let Us Rise Up And Build

    Contributed by Cleavon Matthews Sr. on Feb 5, 2010
    based on 34 ratings

    Motivational sermon to move forward in the work of the church.

    LET US RISE UP AND BUILD! Nehemiah 2:17-20 By Cleavon Matthews October 7, 2007 INTRODUCTION Nehemiah is motivated. Nehemiah is inspired. The urgency is because ‘the survivors who are left from the captivity in the province are there in great distress and reproach. The wall of Jerusalem more

  • An End Times Army Rising Up

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 6, 2021

    I'm a soldier. And as a soldier my job is to obey the orders of my commanding officer. My commanding officer is the Lord Jesus Christ. And he has commanded me in the great commission: To make disciples of all nations with the living gospel of His life, death, and resurrection.

    I'm a soldier. And as a soldier my job is to obey the orders of my commanding officer. My commanding officer is the Lord Jesus Christ. And he has commanded me in the great commission: To make disciples of all nations with the living gospel of His life, death, and resurrection. Then Jesus was more

  • Sermon # 42 - Time To Rise Up Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Jan 17, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    Jonah was seated in the wrong place waiting for God to pour out His wrath on the city of Nineveh. There were many others in the Bible who were in the wrong place like Jonah. If we are in such a place, God reminds us to rise up and go, to fulfill His purposes for our lives.

    We read in Jonah 4:5, “Jonah went out east of the city and sat down. He made a shelter for himself and sat in its shade, waiting to see what would happen to Nineveh.” (GNB) God sent the prophet Jonah to the city of Nineveh with a message. When Jonah preached, the people of Nineveh received the more

  • Rise And Shine

    Contributed by James May on May 8, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    Isaiah’s words ring true today just as they did in Israel. It’s high time to rise up and let the light of Jesus Christ shine out into a world of darkness.

    Disclaimer: Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. These sermons are original to the author and the leading of the Holy Spirit. While ideas and illustrations are often gleaned from many more

  • The Lord Is Calling For Intercessors To Rise Up And Stand In The Gap

    Contributed by Dr. Stanley Vasu on Nov 7, 2005
    based on 26 ratings


    THE LORD IS CALLING FOR INTERCESSORS TO RISE UP AND STAND IN THE GAP FOR THEIR PEOPLE TO BE SAVED FROM DESTRUCTION. ******************************************************************************************************************* 1.THE LORD WANTS US TO CRY OUT TO HIM IN TIMES OF DANGER AND more

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