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  • Communion What Does It Really Mean?

    Contributed by David Radcliff on Apr 22, 2017

    The words of the Apostle Paul still ring true today. We are continuing to pass on the service of Communion to commemorate the death of Jesus and celebrate the new covenant that he bought for us through His blood. This morning as we prepare our hearts for

    COMMUNION WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? I Corinthians 11:23,26 The words of the Apostle Paul still ring true today. We are continuing to pass on the service of Communion to commemorate the death of Jesus and celebrate the new covenant that he bought for us through His blood. This morning as we prepare more

  • The Lord's Table

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Nov 29, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    To see the Lord’s Table as a life-giving experience and to understand the benefits made available to a believer through our Communion with the Lord.

    Talk about- Communion, Lord’s Table, Lord’s Supper To benefit from Communion- must be seen as more than a ritual- it is a life-giving experience. Communion- fellowship, partnership, participation. Can also be seen as communication … He speaks, we listen, we speak, He listens. To understand more

  • "What Then Shall I Do With Jesus?"

    Contributed by Scott Chambers on Mar 26, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    An overview of the trials of Jesus

    The plot of Harper Lee’s novel “To Kill A Mocking Bird” revolves around the courtroom trial of an innocent black man unjustly accused of raping a white woman. In spite of his innocence and in spite of the valiant efforts made by his attorney, Atticus Finch, the fate of the defendant, Tom Robinson, more

  • Our Scapegoat

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Jan 5, 2003
    based on 158 ratings

    Two innocent goats, and one sacrifice--one to receive what we deserve, the other to carry our sins away.

    “Our Scapegoat” Leviticus 16:6-10, 20-22 Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts A “lame duck” President met with his successor in the Oval Office. Near the end of the orientation, he presented the incoming leader three numbered envelopes, with specific more

  • Then And Afterwards Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Aug 30, 2011

    This brief study of Joel is intended to awaken the church to an understanding of prophetic literature and to prepare our hearts for the day in which we live (adapted from Joel Rosenberg’s Epicenter conference and Mike Bickle’s series on Joel).

    Joel Pt 6 Then and Afterwards Introduction/Review Continue with our study of Joel- look at v2.18-32. Chap 1- locust plague- God’s judgment Chap 2- military invasion- God’s judgment Chap 1/2- God calls for a corporate response Begin our study today in Luke and Acts. Lk 24.49, Act 1.8, 12-15, Act more

  • "Follow Him"

    Contributed by Ronnie Knight on Nov 10, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    We have made discipleship into what we endeavor to become for Christ rather than what Christ endeavors to make us for Himself. This sermon should challenge each hearer to follow Jesus and let Him make them into what He wants them to be.

    We live in a world of the “self-made” and the “self-proclaimed”. We ring this mind set into our Christianity. We make discipleship into what we endeavor to become for Christ rather than what Christ endeavors to make us for Himself. In our efforts to believe, belong and become we spend for to much more

  • On The Way Road To Death

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Mar 15, 2018

    The trial of Jesus.

    ON THE WAY ROAD TO DEATH Matthew 27:1 When the morning was come, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death: 2 And when they had bound him, they led him away, and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the more

  • The Standard Of Grace Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Apr 29, 2003
    based on 322 ratings

    If you and I want to have relationships that last for the long haul, then we must be willing to extend forgiveness to others. Here’s another way to say it: In every relationship you have, you will constantly be called on to forgive and to ask for forgiv

    The Standards of Grace I heard about a man who really loved dogs. He devoted his life to them ­ he read about them, studied them, and even gave talks about them to other dog lovers. One day he decided to pour a new sidewalk in front of his house. His neighbor watched from his window as he more

  • Kingdom Parables 4 Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Jul 25, 2018

    Message 4 of 5 exploring the parables of the kingdom

    Chico Alliance Church Pastor David Welch “Parables of the Kingdom” Part Four Review Through the summer we have examined some of the parables of Jesus. Parables are stories made up out of practical everyday happenings that graphically illustrate some spiritual truth vital for kingdom more

  • Will Yahweh Be A Big God, For You? (Exodus 9:1-12) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Dec 31, 2021

    When we were kids, we knew the right answer, and lived the right answer. Now, though? Yahweh is The One Who Decides What Happens Next.

    Let me start this morning, by asking two questions. These aren't rhetorical. Feel free to answer: Up to this point in Exodus, what plagues have we seen? (1) The Nile, and every body of water, turn to blood. (2) Frogs, everywhere. (3) Flies. (4) Gnats. And when we focus on Yahweh, what more

  • God Treats His People Better (Exodus 11:1-10) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Jan 9, 2022

    God doesn't treat all people the same. Also, bonus discussion of OT slavery-- it's not what you think.

    The last few weeks, I've found myself struggling with the relentless nature of God's plagues. I don't really even have words to explain how working through this has affected me. But when you find yourself thinking about the plagues off and on during the day while you work, and then more

  • Discipleship Part 2: Jesus Process Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Mar 5, 2011

    This message focuses on the three steps Jesus took to develop His disciples.

    Discipleship Part 2: Jesus’ Process Scripture: Matthew 7:24-27; 16:24; 9:37-38; 10:1-5; 16-20; 22; John 6:53-66 Introduction: Last week in part one of this series I gave you Webster’s definition of disciple which included the two key words pupil and follower. As a pupil, we are more

  • Sermon 3: Jesus’ Trial And Torture Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Apr 9, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The trial & torture of Jesus reveal the extent to which Jesus was willing to go to carry out the plan of redemption, and teach rich doctrinal truths about the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus for our sins. This sermon explores those truths, and imagines a retrial of Jesus today.

    Sermon 3: Jesus’ Trial and Torture 82 Hours: Countdown to the Resurrection Chuck Sligh Preaching April 7, 2019 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation is available for this sermon by request at Skeleton outline, the idea of a retrial for Jesus, and some other elements are borrowed more

  • It Is Over! Series

    Contributed by Kenneth Squires on Jun 6, 2003
    based on 50 ratings

    God is looking forward to your arrival to be with Him. Eternity is your destiny and heaven is your home. Since you are going home, let me tell three things you need to know about going home.

    In was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit.” When He had said this, He breathed His last. more

  • The Final War And Judgments Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Jun 14, 2018

    Message 26 in our exposition of Revelation exploring the final war and judgments.

    The Revelation of Jesus Christ “The Final War and Judgment” Rev 20:7-15 Review I. Prologue II. Messages to the churches III. Last days G. Marriage of the Lamb 19:7-11 H. Return of Christ 19:12-22 I. The MILLENNIUM 20:1-6 Jesus appeared to John with a message concerning the final days of more

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