Jamie's church

Maranatha Fellowship Church
St. Albans, West Virginia 25177

About Jamie
  • Education: I have an undergraduate degree in Physical Education and a Master’s degree in Biblical History. I teach college courses at Maranatha Bible Institute
  • Experience: I taught school for 4 years before entering the ministry. Since coming on staff at Maranatha in 1999,I have been involved in youth ministry, children’s ministry, TV production, Radio broadcast producing, and media director. I became the associate pastor in 2001.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: May the Lord inspire you the way he inspired me through these messages. If you are not inspired by them, don’t use them. Remember, if it doesn’t inspire you it won’t inspire those you are preaching to!
  • Family: I have been married for 14 years. We have three beautiful children: Mary Elisabeth (12 yrs old) Natalie (10yrs old) and Matthew James (7 years old).
  • What my parents think of my sermons: Good
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: Prefers my teaching style of messages to my PREACHING style messages.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Don’t try to be anybody but yourself. The only shoes you have to fill are your own. If it doesn’t inspire you it won’t inspire the people to whom you are preaching.
  • Books that have had an impact: Leadership Game- Dr. Tom Mullins
  • Hobbies: I enjoy golf and water sports. I love to work out and play softball on our church team. I also enjoy watching my kids perform at their various intrests.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Jesus loves you, he has a plan for your life. There is something he has placed in side of you that is very important, be a winner. Become a Champion 4 Christ. It’s your destiny.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Falling off the stage into the front pew during a prayer in front of 1500 people.
  • What I want on my tombstone: The race is over. He finished his course.
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  • Re:fuel

    Contributed on Feb 4, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Sermon 2 of 3 in a series. Once we have correct focus and Jesus is our focus. Now we need to be re:fueled for the assignment. I put gas in my tank but after the car has been driven so far it needs re:fueled. That is the way it is in our Christian walk

    re: Sermon Series Part 2 re:Fuel Let’s Review- Jan 2008 Pastor cast a vision for this church. Date with Destiny a year of New Beginnings Last week we started our Re: Sermon series and we looked at re:Focusing We learned that our spiritual vision /focus was blurred Psalm 6:7 NLT We were more

  • Re:focus

    Contributed on Feb 4, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    We have lost our focus. Our spiritual vision is blurry. We need corrective lenses to re:focus. That corrective lens is PRAYER.

    re: Sermon Series Part 1 re:Focus The number 8 in the Hebrew is the number of new beginnings; the start of a new era. It really has a connotation that brings up the prefix re: to do again. Words from the Bible that denote a new beginning are words like re:surrection, reconciliation; more

  • The Tongue

    Contributed on Sep 20, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    We all need a new tongue. One that lifts up the Name of Jesus and doesn’t lie or gossip.

    The Battle of the Tongue Pastor Jamie Wright * May 2, 2007* Wed Night Controlling our tongue is one of the toughest battles we will face in our spiritual lives. Our words and our speech are to be glorifying to God and used to build up those around us. It doesn’t take people long to get a more

  • What To Do While You Wait

    Contributed on Sep 20, 2007
    based on 105 ratings

    Ever prayed and then waited on the anwser. What are we to do after we pray and we are just waiting on God to answer? This sermon peers into the upper Room as we learn from the disciples of Jesus what to do while we wait on Him!

    Intro: Hunters wait for the kill Pregnant women wait 9 months for the birth Patients wait on the doctor Husbands wait on their wives while they shop Teenagers can hardly wait until theycan drive Psalm 62:5 “My soul, wait quietly on God alone.” Waiting is not the absence of more

  • Jesus Has The Power To Provoke A Change

    Contributed on Sep 20, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Only Jesus has the power to change us. We all need a change. I am waiting on my change to come.

    I want to know can God change me. I am waiting on my change to come. Ever lived your life feeling like something was about to happen!! Just something at anytime! Today some of you got out of bed because you felt like something might happen here today. Ever been encouraged, optimistic, more

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