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  • The Rape Of Dinah Series

    Contributed by Stephen Todd on Apr 1, 2004
    based on 64 ratings

    When we take God’s justice into our own hands it is easy to become more concerned with our revnge than God’s righteousness.

    Genesis 34 February 8, 2004 I feel that I should almost begin this message with one of those little announcements one sees on television all too often these days. The following program contains scenes which may be too graphic for younger audiences. Viewer discretion is advised. The following more

  • An Atrocity (Judges 19)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Mar 20, 2025

    How could such an atrocity occur in Israel? Could Christians commit atrocity? Let's look at Judges 19.

    Should we make excuses or mourn the atrocities committed by humanity? Can any barbarity be more gruesome than that recorded in Judges 19? Did these events begin with a man's attempt to reconcile with his lover? In those days, when there was no king in Israel, a certain Levite was sojourning more

  • Prayer Program To Reverse The Effects Of Past Rape, Attempted Rape, Sexual

    Contributed by Babatunmishe Oke on Mar 3, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    This is an excerpt from the Pastor's book on Rape and Molestation. The book can be found on

    This chapter is a mega-chapter and it is a do-it-yourself DELIVERANCE program to attack the issues of negative effects of rape and attempted rape, assault, and molestation. STEPS TO DELIVERANCE There are six basic steps to deliverance from rape situations; 1. Identify the issues that have come more

  • Gibeah Punished (Judges 20)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Mar 21, 2025

    What can we learn from the punishment of Gibeah? Let's look at Judges 20.

    Did all of Israel punish the people of Gibeah because of their atrocity? Will that kind of activity be tolerated in the kingdom of God? Let’s look at Judges 20. What was Israel’s reaction to the news of the atrocity in Gibeah? Then all the Israelites were united as one man, from Dan in the north more

  • Adultery Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jul 11, 2022

    Adultery is extramarital sex considered objectionable on social, religious, moral, or legal grounds. Although the sexual activities that constitute adultery vary, as well as the social, religious, and legal consequences, the concept exists in many cultures.

    Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5:27-30 (Adultery) Jesus states, "Whoever looks on a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery." Adultery Matthew 5:27–30 — The New International Version (NIV) 27 "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.' 28 more

  • Genesis Chapter Thirty-Four Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Jan 17, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    These are thoughts on Genesis Chapter Thirty-Four. In his work, "What does every Bible chapter say..." John Hunt gives an overview of each chapter of the Bible. It is my intention to do the same thing here.

    GENESIS CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR OVERVIEW Overall what is happening in this chapter is that Dinah, the daughter of Jacob and Leah, is raped. Daniel Whedon (1889) – Genesis 34 In this chapter we observe the first bitter fruits of Israel’s contact with the heathen. Thomas Coke (1801) – Genesis more

  • Genesis 34 - Caveat On Depravity - The Rape Of Dinah Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Aug 2, 2017

    Immorality no longer lingers in the shadows. Violence and lawlessness no longer seek to hide around corners. How do we respond to the cultural depravity around us when it touches our lives?

    Genesis 34 – CAVEAT ON DEPRAVITY Immorality no longer lingers in the shadows but openly parades in the streets in the guise of normality. Violence and lawlessness no longer seek to hide around corners but carry knives and guns and bombs shouting out their chanted slogans in the guise of more

  • How To Avoid Rape? By: William R. Nabaza Of

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Feb 13, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    How To Avoid Rape? by: William R. Nabaza of

    How To Avoid Rape? by: William R. Nabaza of Genesis 34:1-2: (Contemporary English Version) Dinah, the daughter of Jacob and Leah, went to visit some of the women who lived there. She was seen by Hamor's son Shechem, the leader of the Hivites, and he grabbed her and raped her. more

  • The Silent Series

    Contributed by Kevin Hall on Feb 24, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Expository sermon of Sexual Abuse with regards to those who keep silent about the abuse or know of it taking place and doing nothing

    “The Perversion of Love” The Silent II Sam 13:20-22 And her brother Ab′salom said to her, “Has Amnon your brother been with you? Now hold your peace, my sister; he is your brother; do not take this to heart.” So Tamar dwelt, a desolate woman, in her brother more

  • David Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 11, 2022

    David is described in the Hebrew Bible as a king of the United Monarchy of Israel and Judah. In the Books of Samuel, David is a young shepherd and harpist who gains fame by slaying the giant Goliath, a champion of the Philistines in southern Canaan.

    David This article provides an overview of David's remarkable life, from his beginnings as a shepherd to becoming King. David King of Israel Reign c.?1010–970 BCE Predecessor Ish-bosheth Successor Solomon Born c.?1040 BCE Bethlehem, United Kingdom of Israel Died c.?970 BCE Jerusalem, more

  • The Abused Series

    Contributed by Kevin Hall on Feb 24, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Expository Sermon dealing with Sexual Abuse and victims of Rape, Molestation and Incest

    “The Perversion of Love” The Abused • This morning I want to preach a sermon to shed a different light on why Jesus came to die on a Cross for sin! II Sam 13:6- So Amnon lay down, and pretended to be ill; and when the king came to see him, Amnon said to the king, “Pray let more

  • The Enabler Series

    Contributed by Kevin Hall on Feb 24, 2016

    This is sermon series is a 3 part Expository Sermons that deal with the issues of Sexual Abuse and how the Church needs to respond.

    “The Perversion of Love” The Enabler II Sam 13:1- Now Ab′salom, David’s son, had a beautiful sister, whose name was Tamar; and after a time Amnon, David’s son, loved her. 2 And Amnon was so tormented that he made himself ill because of his sister Tamar; for she was a more

  • Revenge Or Justice? (Genesis 34)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jul 15, 2024

    Do we seek justice or revenge? Let's look at a case study in Genesis 34.

    Do we want true justice or is our motive really revenge for wrongful acts? Should we fight every wrong in the world or sometimes wait on God for justice? Let’s look at justice and revenge in Genesis 34. What did Shechem do to Dinah? Did he want to marry her afterwards? Dinah, the daughter of more

  • Parents, Protect Your Children Series

    Contributed by Mel Shepherd on Jul 1, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    How is David going to respond the fact that his daughter has been raped by his own son?

    Series: “How Can I Best Love My Family?” Sermon Two: “Parents, Protect Your Children” Text: 2 Samuel 13 Introduction: Well, we’re analysing David’s weakness in an effort to love our families better. And I said this last week today we’re going to address our need as parents to protect our more

  • Genesis 43 Series

    Contributed by Tom Owen on Aug 6, 2009
    based on 1 rating


    Well we’re at a point in the story of Jacob where everything’s going great for him. He’s gained a family and riches, he’s been reconciled to his brother Esau, and he’s settled down in the city of Succoth for a few years. He then decides to move a little further into the promised land and settles more