
Summary: This is an excerpt from the Pastor's book on Rape and Molestation. The book can be found on

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This chapter is a mega-chapter and it is a do-it-yourself DELIVERANCE program to attack the issues of negative effects of rape and attempted rape, assault, and molestation.


There are six basic steps to deliverance from rape situations;

1. Identify the issues that have come up with you emotionally and physically as a result of the rape.

2. Forgive yourself and your assailants, pray and get yourself right with God.

3. Break the curses and soul ties on you and your descendants as a result of the rape.

4. Cast out your demons; it is always more advisable to allow a knowledgeable minister of deliverance help you to carry this out.

5. Pray for healing for your soul and body.

6. Discipline your life by changing your way of thinking and acting.

Every form of healing starts with forgiveness. The Lord will not answer prayers if the victim has not forgiven the assailant.

Prayer OF Forgiveness

I forgive those who have abused me by rape, attempted rape or sexual assault. May God bless them with all spiritual blessings, especially salvation, bring them into all truth and meet all of their needs out of His Riches in Glory through Christ Jesus. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ: Lord, Master and Savior. I command the spirits to manifest, identify and reveal themselves. I command the families of rape, attempted rape and sexual assault to come out as your name is called.

List of Spirits

The following are spirits that may be afflicting that those that have been raped or molested:

Rape, Incest, Attempted Rape, Fondling, Helplessness, Embarrassment, Guilt, Rage, Shame, Devastation, Vulnerability, Confusion, Violence, Trauma, Frustration,

Humiliation, Withdrawal, Numbness, Loss of Emotions, Revenge, Pain, Sorrow, Depression, Sleeplessness, Overeating, Starving, Loss of Trust, Flashbacks, Can't Look

At Men, Paralysis, Stress, Lack of Sexual Desire, Powerlessness, Victim, Fantasies, Deadness, Craziness, Loss of Sexual Identity, Dirtiness, Sullied, Ruined, Spoiled,

Abandonment, Loss of Sexual Identity, Avoidance, Dissociation, Multiple Personality Disorder, Brutality, Domination, Loss of Control, Shock, Disbelief, Escapism, Loss of

Appetite, Rape Trauma Syndrome, Disorientation, Denial, Nervousness, Tension, Nausea, Bed-wetting, Murder, Killing, Pressure, Repulsion, Upset, Violated, Degraded, Threatened, Accusation, Judgementalism, Blame, Infidelity, Promiscuity, Crying, Inferiority, Worthlessness, Loss of Control, Fellatio, Anal Sodomy and all other related demons and their works.


Fears: Fear of Touch of Men, Fear of Breaking Glass, Fear of Bedroom, Fear of Elevators, Fear of Death, Fear of Sex, Fear of Parking Lots, Fear of Sudden Awakening, Fear of Ski Masks, Fear of Death, Fear of Being Alone, Fear of Crowds,

Fear of Diseases, Fear for Safety, Fear of Being Killed, Terror, Horror, Anxiety, Phobias, Panic, Fright, Nightmares

Major Effects

Emotional Shock, Disbelief, Embarrassment, Shame, Guilt, Depression,

Powerlessness, Disorientation, Retriggering, Denial, Fear, Anxiety and Anger.

Confessional Prayer of Forgiveness

When I was a child or adult, whether male or female, I forgive those who have committed sexual harassment, abuse, assault and violence against me, and have given me a sexually transmitted disease. I forgive those who have committed domestic violence against me by intimidation and physical abuse, especially as a woman. I forgive those for unwanted, deliberate and repeated sexual using sexually suggestive objects, signs, magazines, and pictures; unlawful sex discrimination and threats; forcible sexual activity, rape, fondling, incest, molestation, exhibitionism, sodomy, child pornography and prostitution; bribery, seductive behavior, indecent exposure; sexual touching, fondling and game playing; oral, anal and vaginal intercourse; sexual contact without consent; incest, attempted rape and unwanted sexual touch. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ

Prayers to Cast Out Demon Spirits

My Lord, Master, and Savior in the name of Jesus, I command the following unclean spirits to manifest, identify and reveal themselves. I command the families of sexual harassment, abuse, assault, and violence to come out as your name is called.

List of Spirits

The following are characteristics of sexual harassment - abuse - assault – violence. They are listed as unclean spirits:

sexual harassment, embarrassment, sexual abuse, emotional distress, fear of specific persons, regression, bed-wetting, thumb sucking, pain, short attention span, withdrawal, escape, substance abuse, nightmares, fear of going to bed, fear of sleeping alone, irritability, temper tantrums, loss of interest, injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder, forcible sexual activity, sexual contact, rape, fondling, incest, molestation, exhibitionism, sodomy, pornography, prostitution, seductive behavior, indecent exposure, sexual touching, game playing, oral sex, anal sex, tay sacks, spinal bifida, downs syndrome, mental retardation, emotional diseases, sexual assault, attempted rape, distrust, sexual intimidation, battery, murder, victim, helplessness, loss of control, domination, control, domestic physical abuse, slavery, trapped, despair and all other related demons and their works.

This chapter is a mega-chapter and it is a seven-day do-it-yourself program to attack the issues of negative effects of rape and attempted rape, assault, and molestation.

As I always write in all my books, prayers of deliverance are always better done It is better done with continuous fasting, (drinking water and eating fruits only for the period). If you are on medication and drugs then it is advised that you take your medications and follow your doctor’s instructions, including eating as recommended or as you desire! Jesus is the great healer, however, and there is nothing wrong with praying and believing for a total healing while casting out the demons of sickness during this program.

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