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  • Message 9 - 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5:9-11 – Exalted In Christ In Order To Encourage/Comfort One Another Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Dec 30, 2022

    This is a very important practical message about building others up and walking correctly with the Lord. We look at the tenses of salvation in the exalted position the Lord has raised us to. Let us encourage and comfort and build up, that we might honour God and serve Him with a pure heart.

    MESSAGE 9 - 1 THESSALONIANS CHAPTER 5:9-11 – EXALTED IN CHRIST IN ORDER TO ENCOURAGE/COMFORT ONE ANOTHER [A]. THE CHRISTIAN’S EXALTED POSITION {{1Thessalonians 5:9 “God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ 1Thess. 5:10 who died for us, that more

  • A Needed Break Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Apr 2, 2003
    based on 35 ratings

    This is the 9th study in the study "Intimacy". This study looks at the importance of couples spending time together.

    A NEEDED BREAK Song of Solomon 8:5-14 The longer a couple has been married the easier it is to fall into a “rut”. Everyone falls into routines. Sometimes a couple needs to take a little vacation and get away from all of the routine. That is where we find Solomon and the Shulamite. Let’s more

  • Sailing, Speaking, And Sleeping In Church

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 22, 2010

    Eutychus raised from the dead. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Acts 20:1-12: • In 1 Corinthians 15:32, the apostle Paul makes a cryptic, • Yet incisive reference to his time in Ephesus: “I fought with wild beasts at Ephesus” • That was his description of the frenzied riot he and his companions, • Had just endured in chapter 19 verses more

  • An Announcement From The Women.

    Contributed by Melvin Shelton on Aug 7, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    Jesus has now been crucified and the 11 disciples are together. Wonder what they are thinking?

    An announcement from the women. Matthew 28:7 08/06/03 Jesus has now been crucified and the 11 disciples are together. Wonder what they are thinking? We really cannot know for sure but from a previous study of the life of Peter we can have a pretty good guess about what he is thinking. No doubt more

  • The United State Of Christianity

    Contributed by Troy Mason on Aug 23, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    A communion sermon and a call for Christians to unite and join together in the body of Christ

    The United State of Christianity Acts 2:42-47 Introduction: ILLUS Lucy/Linus – We are in a spiritual war and we need to be united. I. Devotion – “they devoted themselves” A. Strong words – awe, joy, glad, sincere B. This promoted UNITY under the headship of Jesus Christ. 1. This was a unified more

  • Prayer Partnerships

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Sep 25, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    One of the key needs in churches today is for the congregation to partner together in prayer

    Prayer Partnerships Selected Passages September 21, 2002 Introduction I. The Power of Prayer A. San Francisco General Hospital study 1. Cardiology Dept. – Dr. Randy Byrd a.) Patients were divided into two groups 1.) 192 patients were in the Prayed for group 2.) 201 patients were in the Not prayed more

  • Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Jul 1, 2001
    based on 24 ratings


    BIG IDEA: APPRECIATE AND PROMOTE EVERY OPPORTUNITY TO WORSHIP THE LORD TOGETHER WITH THE PEOPLE OF GOD INTRODUCTION: OT context = Jerusalem as the center of worship with the Temple as the House of God; Dispensational approach will see Jerusalem again prominent in the context of worship in the more

  • Knowing God

    Contributed by Todd Riley on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 47 ratings

    In the next month or so we are going to be doing a study on God together.

    In the next month or so we are going to be doing a study on God together. I havenít yet decided all that we will study about Him because I have so many choices. In fact, that which we can learn together about God is overwhelming in its scope. For example we could consider passages of scripture that more

  • Team Ministry Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Glenn Newton on Jun 20, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    A message challenging the church to join together as a Team to accomplish the Great Commission.

    "Team Ministy" Pastor Glenn Newton 8-20-2000 TEXT: ECCLE. 4:9-10 ECC 4:9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! This morning, I want to talk about more

  • Teamwork Series

    Contributed by John Harvey on May 17, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    The church is gifted to work together to accomplish the purposes of Christ in our community.

    “Teamwork” May 20, 2007 “God has given gifts to each of you from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Manage them well so that God’s generosity can flow through you. 11 Are you called to be a speaker? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Are you called to help others? Do more

  • Who Are We? Series

    Contributed by Adrian Warnock on Feb 17, 2007

    We are a Gathering of people, called together by a team of leaders to be ‘in God’..

    Who are we? A Gathering of people, called together by a team of leaders to be ‘in God’ V1 Paul never worked alone but as a team The very word church means a gathering and you cant have a gathering of one! God our Father, and Jesus (together with the Holy Spirit in v5) are and always were a more

  • When Believing Is Not Enough Series

    Contributed by Roger Thomas on Jun 14, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    Believing and belonging must go together for a growing effective Christian life.

    When “Believing” Isn’t Enough Matthew 7:13-28 Dr. Roger W. Thomas, Preaching Minister First Christian Church, Vandalia, MO Introduction: Frank could be your next-door neighbor. He’s a decent hardworking guy. He doesn’t have any glaring faults as far as you know. Of course, his wife might more

  • "Intentional Faith Development"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jul 11, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    As followers of Jesus Christ, we mature in faith by learning together in community.

    Galatians 5:16-26 Matthew 13:31-33 “Intentional Faith Development” My freshman year of college, I made the decision to give my life to Jesus Christ. I remember the moment so well. I was walking down the sidewalk in the evening and in my mind and heart I was wrestling with God. I knew, that more

  • Fellowship Of The Cross

    Contributed by Donald Minshew on Jul 17, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Parallels the idea of the Fellowship of the Ring with the fellowship of believers who walk together

    Introduction: Big events - New production of the Fellowship of the Ring. JRR Tolkein-Oxford scholar; contemporary and friend of C.S. Lewis. Created a fantasy world. Fellowship of the Ring - a group of 9 diverse individuals, four races united in a common cause. A deeper fellowship pictured in more

  • A Wedding Sermon

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Jul 29, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    Three habits in a marriage that give you a fighting chance of staying together

    Wedding sermon Unfortunately, I can’t use my usual wedding story, because Adam and Sarah heard it at Debbie and Paul’s wedding in Dymchurch in June this year. So I had to find something new. Story: Richard Daly was Mayor of Chicago for 21 years between 1955-1976. He was a rather forbidding guy more

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