Sermon Series
  • 1. A Shepherd Worth Following

    Contributed on Oct 10, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus is the Good Shepherd to Whom we can entrust ourselves

    Introduction: We have a problem this morning. How many of you have ever raised sheep? How many of you have ever lived near sheep? How many of you know very little at all about sheep? That’s our problem. You see, to really appreciate the point of Jn10, we have to know something about more

  • 2. Who's Your Daddy?

    Contributed on Oct 10, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    According to Jesus, a person’s actions and attitude will demonstrate who he has as father.

    Few pictures from our family history speak more of family camaraderie than those of my dad with his 5 boys. I wouldn’t want to minimize Mom’s significance for a second, or fail to point out that my dad always said, “I have 5 sons, and each one of them has a sister!” But there’s something about more

  • 3. What Happens When The Camera Turns On You?

    Contributed on Oct 10, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    There must come a time of godly division when we accept or reject Jesus. John, in this part of his gospel, is pushing his readers to consider their belief about Jesus.

    You may remember this Sunday as the Sunday that Church was no longer safe. (Use video camera). Once in a while, for special occasions and things, we have video taped our worship time and there has been a camera on my face up here. What would happen if we took the focus off the front of the more

  • 4. If You Had Been Here

    Contributed on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Effectively bringing people to life in Jesus will take commitment, compassion, and conviction like that of Jesus. - based on raising of Lazarus

    It was just 2 weeks ago that our parking lot out here was filled with emergency vehicles. There was a fire truck, ambulance, and police car. Even the St. John’s helicopter landed out there! That was all part of the fall kickoff for the children’s ministry. I appreciate the people who serve in more

  • 5. Unreasonable Worship

    Contributed on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This look at Mary at the feet of Jesus will show how giving Jesus extreme worship doesn’t fit worldly thinking but it always fits Godly devotion

    I’m not sure exactly when they started – it may have been back before the time of Christ. I’m not sure how Mt. Dew seemed to become the drink associated with them. But I am relatively sure that we’ll have “extreme sports” in some form or another for the rest of history to come. Extreme sport: more

  • 6. Desert Survival

    Contributed on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Will look at this teaching from Jesus to show how acceptance of the death of Jesus in place of our own is the bread of life that all men ought to crave for, not reject.

    I was a Jr. High student from CO. We were visiting Artesia Christian College, near Carlsbad, NM. They told our group that we were going to take a desert hike – that it would be fun. So, we piled into vehicles and drove south to the Chihuahuan Desert. You know, from an air conditioned car, the more

  • 7. Life's Lessons On Faith

    Contributed on Dec 31, 2007

    Peter’s walk on the water. Life’s lessons on faith teach us to trust a Lord Who has life under control.

    A farmer had a neighbor that was just absolutely negative, no matter what. If it was raining, the farmer would say to his neighbor, "Boy, look at it rain, God’s sort of washing everything clean." The neighbor would say, "Yeah, but if it keeps up it’s gonna flood." Then the sun would come out and more

  • 8. Why Should I Believe It?

    Contributed on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    A look at how Jesus backed all of His claims with overwhelming evidence that demands our obedience.

    They’d been giving me fair warning. If I didn’t get my clergy ID badge made for the hospital, I’d be sorry. Then, I showed up at Freeman for someone’s surgery. It was getting close to the last few minutes of opportunity to visit her beforehand. I arrived at the window and asked where she was. more

  • 9. Making The Jesus Connection

    Contributed on Dec 31, 2007

    Listening to Jesus’ words about the way He relates to the Father can help us understand the way we’re supposed to relate to the Father, and to Jesus

    ding-dong! I went to answer the door. It was a Saturday morning. There on the porch stood a young man carrying some brochures. “Hello. I’m from a group that is concerned about our treatment of the environment. Do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?” OK. “Are you troubled by the more

  • 10. The Man Took Jesus At His Word And Departed

    Contributed on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Real belief in the power and character of Jesus takes us past human limitations

    Every once in a while, God does it to me. I can’t anticipate it. That would ruin the whole effect. No, it’s not in my planner for the day. It has to come out of the blue. But, just the same, I can count on it to happen. Has He done it to you? You know, have something happen that wakes you more

  • 11. When You Walk Away From The Well

    Contributed on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    A look at the scene at the well to help us have Jesus’ heart for the lost, understanding about God’s desire for worshippers, and insight concerning peoples’ reaction to the Gospel.

    Souvenir. It’s from French, for “memory.” It’s an object a traveler brings home for the memories associated with it. Something you keep to help you remember where you were. In my office, I found I have several: a rock that is a fossil from our place in Hillsboro; Mickey Mouse clock from more

  • 12. Whoever Believes In Him

    Contributed on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 21 ratings

    From this look at John 3:16 this message simply communicats how saving belief in Jesus is God’s cure for our condemned state

    Antonia Stradivari had made a vow: “Other men will make other violins, but no man shall make a better one,” that has remained true. He died in 1737 as the world’s greatest violin maker. To this day, no violin can match the rich tone of a Stradivarius. His conviction: “God needs violins to send more

  • 13. You Must Be Born Again

    Contributed on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Entrance into a saving relationship with Jesus must involve a re-birth

    We have a few expectant mommies in our church family right now. They’re going through a lot of preparation and anticipation, so I wanted to share a little excerpt from a Dave Barry article to help us get started out this morning… From “The Pain of Childbirth”: The key to avoiding drugs, more

  • 14. What Matters Most To Jesus

    Contributed on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    a sermon about decision-making. Often times, in the “gray areas”, we simply need to decide what things in life are most important to God. We need to straighten out our priorities.

    I want clear instructions. Here are some examples of instructions that, for one reason or another, weren’t made very clearly: • “Do not sit in chair without being fully assembled” • “Please take time to look over the brochure enclosed with your family” • at a private school grounds: “No more

  • 15. Have You Found What You're Looking For?

    Contributed on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    The world is searching for answers, and Jesus is the greatest answer to their search.

    Over 20 years ago, before the iron curtain fell, there was a movie called “Red Dawn.” It portrayed the overrunning of the US by a communist invasion in the first few minutes. The rest of the movie follows the lives of some who are part of “the resistance” in occupied America territory. It was an more

  • 16. Preparing The Way For The Lord

    Contributed on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    People are best prepared to receive Jesus when His servants are helping them to prepare

    Last month, we paused to honor our graduates here. For each one of those young men and women, there are some stories of moms and dads giving each other high fives, lots of smiles, lots of sharing of joy. A lot of teachers had a hand in that diploma. We have many of you in our congregation. more

  • 17. God Explains Himself

    Contributed on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    God, being too high for man to understand, has explained Himself by becoming a man and dwelling among us. An intro to a series in John.

    James Cash Penney was a teenager working in a grocery store in Hamilton, MO. He enjoyed the work and was planning on making it his profession. One day, he came home and laughingly told his dad how the owner of the store was mixing lower quality coffee with the better quality coffee and selling it more