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  • Rediscovering The Joy Of Christmas Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Dec 19, 2009
    based on 20 ratings

    Christmas declares, “Joy to the world, the Lord has come.” God’s desire is that we would experience the good tidings of great joy proclaimed by the angels 2,000 years ago.

    REDISCOVERING THE JOY OF CHRISTMAS OPENING THOUGHT: Christmas… is it really the most wonderful time of the year? • Many people find this season stressful and depressing! ILLUSTRATION: Typical of last minute Christmas shoppers, a mother was running furiously from store to store. Suddenly she more

  • Excessive Celebration Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Jul 7, 2015

    2000 years ago, one greater than Lincoln, stood up and made a proclamation of freedom. Our job is to bring the freedom that our King has proclaimed to bear into every life.

    Excessive Celebration I. Introduction Flags fly. Penalties are assessed. Props are used. Sharpies. Teammates. Imaginary cameras. Choreographed antics. All fall in the category of excessive celebration. We are in the middle of a season of celebration as a nation. We celebrate our collective more

  • Word And Spirit Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jan 14, 2012

    The Holy Spirit acts in the human author of Scripture so that every word is inspired and true; the Holy Spirit also acts in the proclaimer and hearer so that the word can be efficatious in human life.

    Monday of 2nd Week in Course 2012 Verbum Domini Word and Spirit The anointing of Saul as king of Israel was one of those pivotal moments in salvation history that set Israel on a whole new course, and not an altogether good one. We see Samuel, one of the great saints of the OT, filled with the more

  • Reflection

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Mar 13, 2012

    Jesus' cleansing of the temple graphically proclaims that the temple was no only needed. Jesus is the the temple and with the Holy Spirit in us, we become a temple. God is among his people, bringing in his kingdom.

    John 2:13-22 “Reflection” INTRODUCTION I have always found the scene of Jesus cleansing the temple puzzling, if not troubling. It seems so out of character for Jesus. Certainly, he has shown anger before at the hardheartedness and judgmentalism of some people, but he has never more

  • Team Work Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Aug 7, 2012

    Blessed by God and anointed by the Holy Spirit the Church--the Body of Christ--is called to develop its strength, coordination and endurance in order to lovingly and boldly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Ephesians 4:1-16 “Team Work” INTRODUCTION Once we got past the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics, with the Queen skydiving out of a helicopter and Mr. Bean playing with the London Symphony, our focus has been on the athletes. We had been awed by their strength, coordination and more

  • Only Grace Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Jun 17, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Many claim to have the truth, but Paul proclaims that there is only one “gospel—good news” and that is God’s love and grace in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

    Galatians 1:1-12 “Only Grace” INTRODUCTION One of the greatest movies of all time—at least for the critics—is “The Wizard of Oz.” We all know the story of Dorothy and Todo, her dog, who want to get home to Kansas. They are joined by a scarecrow who wants a more

  • Do Your Best

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Oct 9, 2013

    Paul tells Timothy you need to do your best at proclaiming the Gospel, practicing endurance, avoiding arguments, rightly dividing the Word, and pursuing purity I order to win souls.

    Do your Best 1. First Paul tells Timothy that you have to do your best A. Do your best at presenting yourself as one approved by God 2 Timothy 2:15. Do not be ashamed, but rightly explain the word of truth. B. Paul tells Timothy to do your best at being an more

  • Thanksgiving

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Oct 4, 2018

    For the fact that Mother Josephine proclaimed that I was good for nothing, thank you. For the sarcasm of the Mother Superior: her harsh voice, her injustices, her irony and for the bread of humiliation, thank you.

    Thanksgiving What did one turkey say to the other when they saw the Pilgrims? They look nice. Maybe they’ll have us over for dinner. Our company gives out Thanksgiving turkeys to retired employees. All they have to do is stop by the plant to pick them up. A few days before the holiday, a retiree more

  • Complete Obedience Matthew 2

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Dec 19, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    When the Child of Bethlehem is born in us, the Spirit of Obedience takes up residence in our hearts. The greatest way for us to proclaim the Truth of that child is to live a life of abject obedience to God.

    One Christmas Eve, A father made all his 5 children sit in a circle and placed a toy in the middle. He told them that the most obedient kid will get this toy as an EXTRA Christmas gift this year. The youngest child asked, “what is obedience?”, the father replied the one who listens to more

  • King Jesus

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Apr 3, 2013

    The message of Palm Sunday is that Jesus presented and proclaimed Himself as King of Israel. He was hailed as King that day. What does it mean to be under a King? Do we live as His subjects?

    The message of Palm Sunday is that Jesus presented and proclaimed Himself as King of Israel. On this day we remember His “Triumphal Entry” into Jerusalem. He was hailed as King that day. He is the One who declared: “All authority, in Heaven and on Earth, has been given to more

  • Hope In The Redeemer Job 19:25 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Apr 29, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In Job 19:25, Job proclaims a steadfast belief in his Redeemer amidst profound suffering and loss. Let us unpack this verse and discover the transformative truths it holds for us today.

    Hope in the Redeemer Job 19:25 Introduction: Today, we explore a profound declaration of faith and hope from the book of Job. In Job 19:25, Job proclaims a steadfast belief in his Redeemer amidst profound suffering and loss. Let us unpack this verse and discover the transformative truths it holds more

  • Blessings Of The Freedom Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Aug 26, 2022

    According to Prophet Isaiah, anointing leads to preaching, anointing helps to bind up the broken-hearted, and anointing motivates to proclaim the good news to the captives. Anointing releases the prisoners from the darkness.

    Theme: Blessings of Freedom Text: Isaiah 61:1-11 Introduction: The first and foremost larger prophetic book of Isaiah reveals the Secret of Freedom is the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. The anointing is the empowerment of a new life, and new vision. This is the prophecy about the work of Christ more

  • The Flow Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Aug 2, 2022

    The focus of this sermon is on Jesus proclaiming at the last day of the Feast of the Tabernacles that soon Living Water (i.e., the Holy Spirit) will be flowing to the people, and whether that the promise is still applicable to us today.

    Good morning. Did everybody get a bottle of water when they came in? Don’t you think that was nice of us to give you water? How many of you would have preferred an air conditioner? We are going to take an offering right now for the air conditioning. Actually, the good news is we have more

  • Christs Mission - Our Mission Series

    Contributed by Brian Williams on Apr 20, 2023

    We have the privilege of proclaiming God’s salvation to those who are in desperate need of it. We have the privilege as a church to equip and prepare people for the mission that Jesus has for them.

    From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, we walked through the journey of Jesus from Bethany, the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, to the Garden of Gethsemane, to the trial with the religious leaders & Pilate, to His cross, His death, burial, and finally His resurrection on Easter Sunday. Jesus was more

  • Preventing Heart Loss Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Dec 27, 2024

    To prevent heart loss, declare Christ and demonstrate Christ as you depend on Him.

    Mrs. Shank from Olathe, Kansas, talks about a hot summer day when she was sitting near an open window sewing and keeping an eye on her three grandsons playing outside. “Let's play cops and robbers,” said Mike. “I'll be a robber!” Terry and Melvin wanted the same role, so they needed more

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