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Sermons on pride and anger:

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  • "The Bigger The Ego, The Harder The Fall"

    Contributed by Ken Harris on Feb 15, 2009
    based on 12 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to motivate the hearers to affirm to others that miraculous things occur in the lives of believers when they humble themselves, but pride (and a bad attitude) will cause them to spiritually crash and burn.

    2 Kings 5:9-14 (ESV) Proverb 16:18 (MSG) 15 February 2009 U.S. Army Chaplain (MAJ) Ken Harris Fortress Chapel F.O.B. Sykes Tall-afar, Iraq BIG IDEA: Humility will cause miraculous things to occur in the lives of believers, but pride will cause them to spiritually crash and burn. more

  • Anger Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 9, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    All sin is deadly but the Seven Deadly Sins are some of the biggest problems we can find ourselves in. Anger makes the list of the seven deadly sins because for centuries people have witnessed its destructive power and influence.

    We are continuing our teaching series devoted to the Seven Deadly Sins. In his autobiography, Number 1, famous New York Yankee manager, Billy Martin told about hunting in Texas with the legendary, Mickey Mantle. Mickey had a friend who would let them hunt on his ranch and the two decided that would more

  • "Please Make Things Right With........" Series

    Contributed by Brad Henry on Jul 28, 2014

    We have no problem accepting forgiveness from God but why is it so hard for us to then forgive others?

    The Ultimate Decision July 28, 2014 I saw this article on the front page of MSN and it brought to mind the battle of Good VS Evil. MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - A Wisconsin girl stabbed 19 times in a murder plot allegedly hatched by two classmates to win favor with a fictional Internet character has more

  • Anger

    Contributed by Carl Allen on May 5, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.

    Anger Matthew 5:21-26 Introduction I love baseball. But let me tell you about one particular game of baseball that I’m glad I wasn’t part of; in the spring 1894, when the Baltimore Orioles came to Boston to play a routine baseball game. But what happened that day was anything but more

  • "Cancer Awareness"

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Oct 17, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    WE are looking at sin as a cancer in the text we encounter the cancer of pride, selfishness, anger , and Pharisee Scribe type spirit.

    “Cancer Awareness” Mark 10:35-45 A. In the text There is the cancer of Pride Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you.’ When you come into your kingdom we want to set in the place of power and authority B. Cancer of selfishness 38But Jesus said to them, ‘You do not know what you are more

  • Pride Series

    Contributed by Joseph Rodgers on Nov 14, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    Teh 4th message in a sermon series on the seven deadly sins.

    Virus: Hidden Infections of the Spiritual Life Pride – Lk. 18:9-14 Review: We’re halfway in a series on the (7) deadly sins entitled Virus. The obvious question is why (7) and why deadly? The list was created by theologians in the Middle Ages. They studied the Bible for attitudes and more

  • Symptoms Of Pride

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Jul 26, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Eight symptoms of pride are discussed.

    Proverbs 18:12 5-10-15 For the last couple of weeks, we have been talking on the subject of humility. I feel the Lord would have me continue that theme today. Why all this talk about humility, because humility is the ticket to your future. There are some places in God that you can only enter if more

  • Dealing With Anger

    Contributed by Patrick Agbonkpolor on Jan 20, 2021

    Anger is one of the works of the flesh which has a devastating effect on people. Redemption through Christ can help you deal with this emotion.

    TOPIC: DEALING WITH ANGER TEXT: EPHESIANS 4:26-27 "Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil." Dealing with the emotion of anger is a complex and challenging issue that confronts us every day. Anger is short of just one letter more

  • The Sneakiness Of Pride Series

    Contributed by Kevin Evans Tay on Aug 8, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Pride can be sneaky. It can affect you in a very subtle way without you noticing it. We are going to learn from the Life of King Uzziah about the issue of pride.

    THE SNEAKINESS OF PRIDE INTRODUCTION: • Welcome back to the House of God and welcome to those of who you are tuning in online. • Today we’re in the third part of the series I called it SOP. • I talked about the Source of Perseverance three weeks ago. • And last week, I talked about the Sacrifice more

  • The Lost, The Loving, And The Livid

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Mar 19, 2015

    This is a sermon based on the parable of the lost son and how it reflects on todays church.

    Let me begin today with a story about a youngster. His mom died during his birth so his father was the family he had. He and his father were very close. But as the youngster grew older, he became a bit rebellious. He began disobeying his dad. One day he traveled to far from his father’s more

  • Stumbling Blocks Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Feb 7, 2016

    The story of Edom can become our story and their stumbling blocks within can become ours

    “Stumbling Blocks to God” Obadiah 1:1-21 An old American Indian tale recounts the story of a chief who was telling a gathering of young braves about the struggle within. "It is like two Stumbling Blocks s fighting inside of us," the chief told them. "There is one good dog who wants to more

  • No Compromise On Pride Series

    Contributed by David Petticrew on Mar 16, 2004
    based on 86 ratings

    A look at Daniel 4, where we learn not to be proud, we also see the difference between false humility and real humility.

    Introduction Story has been told of a lion who was very proud and decided to take a walk one day to demonstrate his mastery over all the other creatures. He strutted his way through the forest until he came across a bear, ‘WHO IS THE KING OF THE JUNGLE BEAR? ‘Why of course you are mighty lion’. He more

  • Killer Instinct (Anger) Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Nov 7, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    Anger is a powerful sin that destroys relationships and adversely affects our relationshipo with God. God invites us not only to control our anger, but to be transformed by the Holy Spirit.

    Proverbs 29:11, James 1:19-21 “Killer Instinct” (Anger) INTRODUCTION Many of the seven deadly sins appear to be harmless at first glance. Pride can be downgraded to simply having an “attitude.” Envy is such a common “sin,” that can’t be all that bad, besides it is what fuels our economy. more

  • The 7 Deadly Sins: Old Tricks

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 15, 2014

    The is nothing orginial about our enemy. He uses the 7 basic sins to distract God's plan. We know to do good? Envy, excessiveness, desire, pride, laziness, anger, greed...

    THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Text: James 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. Today we are hearing about the SEVEN DEADLY SINS. I thought it might be a good STUDY to look at the 7 DEADLY SINS IN THE BIBLE. Sin is more

  • Pride Series

    Contributed by Tyler Edwards on Apr 16, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    One of the keys to a Godly life is understanding the nature of sin and the danger it poses in our Spiritual lives.

    7 Deadly Sins Series July 20, 2008 Pride Not all sin is created equal. While all sin is equally offensive and wrong in the eyes of God they are not all equal. There are some sins that some people will never deal with in their lives. There are people who are so full of encouragement that they more

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