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  • Preparing To Build - 4 Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Falwell on Aug 8, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Consulting the Blueprints before Buying the Nails!

    Preparing to Build, Part 4 Consulting the Blueprints before Buying the Nails! Today we continue our series, PREPARING TO BUILD…SEEING THE VISION…LIVING THE DREAM! This series is focusing on what we need to do to prepare our lives and to prepare our church for what God has in store. We are so more

  • Preparing To Build - 5

    Contributed by Jonathan Falwell on Aug 8, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Seeing the Vision . . . Seeing the Cross

    Preparing to Build - Part 5 Seeing The Vision…Seeing The Cross We continue our series today…PREPARING TO BUILD, SEEING THE VISION, LIVING THE DREAM. We started this series on July 8 for the purpose of getting ready to see God move in our lives and our church. We chose the builder, we talked more

  • Preparing To Build - 6 Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Falwell on Aug 14, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Counting the Cost

    Preparing to Build, Seeing The Vision, Living The Dream-Pt. 6 Counting The Cost Today, we continue our series. Today, we move forward in seeing the vision. In seeing what it is that God can do and will do in our future. We’ve been talking now for the last five weeks about Preparing to Build, more

  • The Heavenly Preparation For Judgment Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Jul 10, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    So now the 7th trumpet blasts forth its judgments. And the judgments come fast and furious. Why? Because they are the very last judgments. God has decided to end human history.

    We are going to start tonight with a little review to bring us up to date. The number seven continues to pop up throughout this book. There were the seven churches. Then we studied the seven seals. Then the seven trumpet judgments. But when the seventh trumpet blasted, an amazing thing more

  • Preparing For Palm Sunday

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Mar 19, 2010
    based on 7 ratings

    This year how have we been preparing ourselves for Christ if He would show up at our door just as He did on this day show up at the door of Jerusalem?

    Opening illustration: A little boy was sick on Palm Sunday and stayed home from church with his mother. His father returned from church holding a palm branch. The little boy was curious and asked, "Why do you have that palm branch, dad?" "You see, when Jesus came into town, everyone waved Palm more

  • Preparing For The End Times

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Feb 15, 2019

    We should all be living as if Christ was coming back today.

    Preparing for the end Times 1 Thessalonians 4:16-5:15 Introduction- We have been looking at the work of Christ in our lives. We know that He desires everyday to be a part of our lives and make us more like Himself. We are not perfect and He is not done with any of us. Each day, we should have more

  • Prepare For The Day Of The Lord

    Contributed by William Baeta on Nov 7, 2014

    “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour”. (Matthew 25:13)

    Theme: Prepare for the day of the Lord Text: Amos 5:18-24; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; Matt. 25:1-13 A common problem in the world is that of procrastination. Procrastination is simply defined as putting off what needs to be done or hoping to do tomorrow what should have been done yesterday. It is waiting more

  • Prepares My Table Series

    Contributed by Monte Brown on Nov 18, 2014

    Our lives are like coffee cups and there are basiclly three types of coffee cups, which one are you.

    Psalms 23:5 Monte T. Brown Prelude As we continue our series “The Lord is My Shepherd,” we come to verse five of the 23rd Psalms. Where we find four parts to the fifth verse; 1. You Prepare a Table Before Me 2. In the Presence of My Enemies 3. You Anoint My Head with Oil 4. My more

  • Preparing To Meet The Master Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Aug 6, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Much had changed since Naomi and Ruth left Moab for Bethlehem. Ruth had found favor in the eyes of Boaz, but yet she lacked security for the future. She made preparations for a meeting that would change her future.

    Preparing to Meet the Master Ruth 3:1-6 We can’t begin to imagine the excitement Ruth and Naomi must’ve felt at this time. Moab had dealt very bitterly with them, leaving little hope for the future. Upon returning to Bethlehem, God had shown Himself mighty in their situation and was more

  • Lent: A Ritual Or Preparation

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Mar 22, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Evangelical Congregations do not observe the practice of fasting during Lent. But is there meaning beyond the ritualistic nature of the Lent season? How are you preparing to meet the resurrected Lord of the Easter?

    Lent: A Ritual or Preparation? We are part of an evangelical congregation and hence many of us do not observe the Lenten season as done in the mainline churches. But many of you who have grown up , or are used to the ways of the mainline churches will certainly remember the Lenten season. Those of more

  • Preparing For Kingdom Challenges

    Contributed by John Dobbs on May 9, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    What can the church at Antioch teach us about outreach?

    Preparing For Kingdom Challenges Acts 13:1-3 Introduction The Church was born into challenging times. Not long into the book of Acts the persecution of Christians takes a deadly turn when Stephen is stoned. Acts 8:1-4, NLT A great wave of persecution began that day, sweeping over the church in more

  • Prepared For Answered Prayer Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Jun 18, 2018

    Message 4 in our exposition of Nehemiah observing Nehemiah's personal preparation for the time when God would answer his prayers.

    Chico Alliance Church "Prepared for Answered Prayer" REVIEW We have been reading the diary of a devout Jew employed in exile as cupbearer to the Persian King Artexerxes. Even though Nehemiah had probably never seen Jerusalem or knew many people in the city, they were on his heart because they more

  • Preparations For God's Voice Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Jul 23, 2018

    God called Moses to prepare the Israelites for God's presence and words!

    Please open your Bibles, the Word of God, to Exodus 19……. Next week, we will study Exodus 20, the 10 Commandments given by God to His chosen People! We will read today in Exodus 19 the preparation for handing down those precious Laws from God. It was preparation not only to hear the laws but to more

  • Preparing Today For Tomorrow

    Contributed by Bright Adeyeye on Dec 6, 2019
    based on 2 ratings

    The future begins now. Every journey begins with preparation.

    PREPARING TODAY FOR TOMORROW "So Jotham became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God." 2 Chronicles 27:6. The future begins now. Every journey begins with preparation. Adequate preparation will always receive glorious manifestations. To prepare is to be ready. It more

  • Prepare His Coming Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Dec 1, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Although we do not know the precise day and hour of Christ's coming, in "Preparing for Christ's' Coming" we must be: 1) Alert (Matthew 24:37–42) and be 2) Ready (Matthew 24:43–44).

    Matthew 24:36-44. [36]"But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. [37]For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. [38] For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying more

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