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  • Welcome! Series

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Sep 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    As much as the church is about serving one another, it's even moreso about serving the world in Christ's name! If we are really being hospitable and welcoming in the way that Christ teaches us to be, we would extend those acts we do for one another out in

    Have you ever thought what the church would look like if we really, and I mean really, ministered the way Christ calls his followers to minister? You know, if we did things the way Christ did. It's possible we wouldn't even have church buildings! We would just be out in the world, preaching and more

  • Favoritism Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jun 17, 2011

    WE must guard against this subtle sin, it can do a lot of damage.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Have you noticed that in life there are sins that we really do not give much thought to? • We understand big ones like, murder, stealing, etc... You can add to the list. • There are sins that are a little more subtle. On the surface they do not really seem to cause much more

  • Make A Stand For Christ Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Dec 16, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Take a stand for Christ. It is a challenge because the world is flowing in the opposite direction. But each time we make a stand, we are bearing testimony that our faith is real.

    God wants peacemakers in His church. God wants to peacemakers in the workplace. God wants peacemakers in this world. • If you are a child of God, you are a peacemaker. We are not called to be peacekeepers but peacemakers. • All of us must seek to make peace, to help others make peace, and help more

  • The Miracle Of Christmas Series

    Contributed by Jason Pettibone on Feb 27, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The greatest Miracle of Christmas

    Resource - Christmas Is Not Your Birthday, Mike Slaughter, Abingdon Press, 2011 The Miracle of Christmas There is a lot of miracle talk around Christmas! Somehow, even the most cynical persons among us find reason to hope for miracles! Even serious people are willing to talk about the appearance more

  • Smyrna, Mail Call Series

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Sep 24, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    One of seven sermons on the churches of Asia Minor to encourage believers.

    Smyrna, You’ve Got Mail! Revelation 2:8-11 Revelation 2:8 And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive; 9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they more

  • Christ The King

    Contributed by Ron Hietsch on Nov 2, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The kingdom of God does not take shape in the physical world. It exists in the hearts and minds of believers who inhabit earthly countries and kingdoms. Unlike earthly kingdoms it is eternal.

    November 25, 2012 Last Sunday of the Church Year -- Christ the King -- Series B Grace mercy and peace from God the father and Christ Jesus our Lord. Text Daniel 7:13-14 ESV I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the more

  • Pass The Biscuits Series

    Contributed by Jerry Owen on Oct 1, 2016

    trusting God when you can't see the way.

    PASS THE BISCUITS 1 KINGS 17:8-16 God instructs Elijah to go to Zarephath. While at Cherith, each day Elijah sat by his brook and watched it dry up. He may have wondered if God had forgotten him. God has not. Before God had even sent Elijah to Cherith, God already knew that the brook would dry more

  • Rich People, Right Treatment

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Jan 23, 2018

    Masters and Servants

    RICH PEOPLE, RIGHT TREATMENT (JAMES 5:1-6) Grammar Bible (English) Tatabahasa Alkitab (Indonesian) Biblia de Gramática (Spanish) Gramatika Bibliya more

  • Really Blind Faith

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Mar 5, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    A talk on God's sovereignty, and how He can use any situation to accomplish His will.

    Text: Heb 11:20, Gen 27:1-40, Title: Really Blind Faith, Date/Place: NRBC, 3/4/12, AM Opening illustration: Background to passage: Last Sun night we looked at Abraham’s life of faith with all its highs and lows, and the encouragement that it gives to the Christian. The next verse more

  • Facing Impossible Task, Big Shoes To Fill

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 16, 2014

    We are walking through some very heavy valleys. The rip tides are dangerous. God will help us to accomplish His plan, we must trust and walk by faith.

    I CAN'T DO THIS? BIG SHOES TO FILL? THIS IS AN IMPOSSIBLE JOB... I CAN'T By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. In the ocean, along the coast lines that are TERRIBLE CURRENTS called RIP-TIDES. Others call these "SNEAKER WAVES." These waves are dangerous because you can not always see them. more

  • Ten Commandments: Don't Steal Series

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Jan 9, 2019

    WHAT is stealing? WHY should we not steal? HOW can we keep from stealing, and do good? Practical, relevant, without being heavy-handed.

    DON’T STEAL—Exodus 20:15 You go out for the evening, and when you get home and walk in the door, something doesn’t seem right. In the next room, the TV is missing, along with valuable electronics. Or maybe it is not your house. Your purse is gone, or you get a text showing new charges on your more

  • Sacrificial Giving

    Contributed by David Mende on Aug 1, 2018
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus doesn't say that the poor widow gave more than anyone else. Rather, he says that she gave “more than all.” But why did Jesus say that she gave more than all? I would be delighted if you could rate this sermon and give brief feedback.

    INTRODUCTION (SECURE ATTENTION) & BACKGROUND OF THE PASSAGE: PRAY before starting the sermon. ILLUSTRATION: {There is an old story about a king that was coming to visit a certain land. The people in the land were so excited that a king would grace their little village with his presence. They more

  • Pray Practically Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jul 9, 2024

    Pray Practically focussing on Luke 11:3 (Material adapted from Bob Hostetler's book, The Red Letter Prayer Life; chapter 8 of the same title)

    HoHum: In the days of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, the Roman army was trapped by the wild tribes of Germany in high mountains where there was no water. The soldiers were choking to death when the Miletine Legion, which was largely Christian, asked if they might pray. When they knelt to pray the more

  • Not Ashamed Of The Gospel Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Aug 3, 2024

    The news about Jesus Christ is the only good news. It brings joy on the earth. It gives life on the earth to its fullness and the eternal life. Every time the gospel is read, preached always it has power to redeem, restore and revive human soul. Preach the gospel.

    Text: Romans 1:16-17 Theme: Not Ashamed of the Gospel   Greetings: The Lord is good and his love endures forever.   GENERAL INTRODUCTION:  The theme verse of the Epistle to Romans is “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who more

  • The Christian's Duty To Government

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Nov 26, 2019

    How should we as Christians relate to the secular powers? This is not an easy question to answer, but we must struggle to find one.

    A Christian’s Duty to Government Romans 13:1-10 Jesus was once tempted with the question whether it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar. The Pharisees had carefully collected both Herodians who supported paying taxes to Rome and Zealots who thought that paying taxes to Caesar was treason against the more

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