  • David Mende

    Contributing sermons since Jul 8, 2009
David's church

David Mende
HYDERABAD, Telangana 500039
+91 9848004094

About David
  • Education: Dr. David Mende has completed Masters in Computer Science from Osmania University, Hyderabad. After receiving God's call, he went on to complete Master of Divinity from Southern Asia Bible College (SABC), Bangalore. He has a doctorate (DMin) from South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies (SAIACS), Bangalore.
  • Experience: After completing the Master of Divinity program (MDiv) from SABC, Pastor David has been serving as the pastor-teacher at El-Shaddai Assembly of God Church in Neredmet, Hyderabad since 2007. Also, he has been involved in theological training since the beginning of his ministry. From 2007 to 2013, he taught at Trinity Christian College (TCC), Hyderabad. Then, from 2007 to 2013, he taught at SABC, Bangalore as a full-time faculty member. Along with his pastoral ministry, presently, Pastor David teaches at SABC, Bangalore and Hyderabad Institute of Theology and Apologetics (HITHA), Hyderabad as an adjunct faculty member. He completed his Doctor of Ministry (DMin) from the South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies (SAIACS), Bangalore in 2017. He is married to Sis. Susan Mende who is also actively serving the Lord. They are blessed with a daughter, Karis Ruth Mende. The distinctive feature of Pastor David's ministry is Bible-centered and Christ-centered preaching and teaching.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Please give your valuable feedback on these sermons.
  • Family: Pastor David Mende is married to Susan, who is also actively involved in ministry and missions. They have a daughter, Karis Ruth.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Never preach without the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
  • Books that have had an impact: Why Revival Tarries, Desiring God
  • Hobbies: Reading Books
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: That Jesus is the greatest Treasure and we need to seek Him with all our being rather than merely seeking His blessings.
  • What I want on my tombstone: For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21).
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  • The Church's Response To Coronavirus Crisis

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    The Church is the agent of healing and hope in this world. This sermon talks about seven ways the Church can respond to this pandemic.

    Introduction Coronavirus has caused a lot of confusion all over the world. We get all kinds of fake forwards in different WhatsApp groups every day. And people are wondering how long this virus will last and they are wondering how to respond to this pandemic. Even several Christians are wondering more

  • Stay Awake!

    Contributed on Mar 24, 2020

    This sermon motivates, encourages, and challenges God's people to prepare for the second coming of Christ.

    Introduction A man by the name Harold Camping who was the president of the Family Radio Christian network claimed that the rapture and judgment day would take place on May 21, 2011. Further, he stated that the world would end five months later on October 21, 2011. His supporters claimed that more more

  • Father's Day: Fathers Who Imitate The Son

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    This world desperately needs fathers who imitate Jesus. This sermon describes seven ways in which earthly fathers must imitate Jesus. I would be delighted if you could rate this sermon and give brief feedback.

    A young boy was asked, "What's special about Mother's Day?" The boy retorted that "It's a day when mothers are treated like queens. They get a break from cooking as Dads take the family to a restaurant. And the mothers even get some gifts on that day." Then, he was more

  • The Blessings Of Speaking In Tongues

    Contributed on Apr 29, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    Even many Spirit-filled Christians miss out on the spiritual blessings of speaking in tongues. In this sermon, discover the seven blessings of speaking in tongues. I would be delighted if you could rate this sermon and give brief feedback.

    Introduction: A few months ago, I read an article on a website of The Guardian, a British daily newspaper. The article mentions that the chief leader of the Church of England (which has about 85 million members), Justin Welby, speaks in tongues every day as part of his 5 am prayer. When I read that more

  • The Abuse And Mockery Of Christ

    Contributed on Apr 16, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Though Jesus was mocked for claiming to be the King of the Jews, he is truly the King of kings and the Lord of lords and he is worthy to be worshipped as such. I would be delighted if you could rate this sermon and give brief feedback.

    Introduction The term ‘war crimes’ refer to the crimes that violate the laws of war. Examples of war crimes include the willful killing of civilians or prisoners, torture, taking hostages, rape, sexual slavery, using child soldiers, etc. In 1474, the Roman Empire held the first international war more