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Sermons on poor and needy:

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  • Welfare Of The Poor Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on May 26, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Poor are owners of Poverty. God commands to have concern for POOR, needy, widows, oppressed and aged. They are poor because they are deprived of their privileges, cheated, defrauded by the powerful. B How often we are disheartened to see how justice is denied to the poor and needy.

    Theme: Welfare of the Poor Text: Psalm 112:1-10 I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We praise God the grace given to all of us to cope up with Lockdown for more than 68 days. By the grace of God, we are privileged to participate in the online Sunday Services and more

  • Poor And Needy But The Lord God Takes Care Of Me

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Sep 12, 2017

    To show that money can't provide for us, or let us buy anything in this world, but the LORD GOD will take care of us.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you poor and needy? Yes, I'm poor of the world's money and yet rich in the LORD'S Mercy and LovingKindness and I need the LORD GOD desperately. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers/unbelievers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that money can't provide for us, or let us buy anything in this more

  • Poor-Ly Done Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 24, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    The people of Sodom cared nothing for the poor and needy, and this is one of the reasons Sodom was destroyed. Do you know why this lack of concern for the helpless angered God?

    OPEN: A woman wrote in Reader's Digest about the time when she 10 ten years old and she found a wallet. There wasn’t any money in it, just a paper with a phone number and address on it. But she knew how these things worked. She’d return the wallet to its owner and THEN she’d get a reward! She more

  • God Helps The Afflicted Series

    Contributed by Bobby Oliver on Sep 6, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    God is merciful; God is the Judge; God is mindful of the poor and needy; God is victorious

    TITLE: GOD HELPS THE AFFLICTED TEXT: PSALM 9:13-20 - We’re continuing our study through the book of Psalms. - We’ve already looked at the first part of chapter 9 and looked at some of the reasons why we can praise God. - We can praise Him because He is great, we can praise Him because He is our more

  • When The Hypocrite Man Helps The Needy They Make Known To All! Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jul 25, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    our good deeds should be motivated by a sincere desire to help others. Our responsibility to care for each other....

    1. Wicked and hypocrite Christian: our good deeds should be motivated by a sincere desire to help others. Our responsibility to care for each other, especially to care for the poor and needy among us, is all over the place in the bible. Many Christians want public recognition when helping the poor. more

  • Happy Are The Needy

    Contributed by George Yates on Apr 10, 2012

    It is when we truly realize how needy we are for God that we find happiness

    I. It is interesting how some people who went through the Great Depression can brag about how poor they were. A. "We were so poor when I was growing up that the mice that lived in our house always ate out." 1. "You've heard of powdered milk--we were so poor when I was growing up, we had powdered more

  • Serving Jesus

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Aug 4, 2019

    What good thing ought the church to be known for, but sometimes neglects? Let’s learn something that is a high priority for God, in Luke 12:32-48.

    What good thing ought the church to be known for, but sometimes neglects? Let’s learn something that is a high priority for God, in Luke 12:32-48. Part 1 Luke 12:32 “So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom. Jesus said to his disciples, more

  • Reassurances For The Needy.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Aug 26, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    "For the needy shall not alway be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever" (PSALM 9:18).

    REASSURANCES FOR THE NEEDY. Psalm 9:13-20. A personal petition seems to appear in the text with a startling suddenness: “Have mercy upon me, O LORD: consider my trouble” (PSALM 9:13a). Yet even in the midst of this anguish, the Psalmist remembers past deliverances, and addresses his petition to more

  • Give To Poor Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Sep 6, 2021

    The significance of giving to the poor, and its relationship with being thankful to God is found in Matthew 6:1-4.

    GIVE TO POOR - Matthew 6:1-4 Greetings The Lord is good; his love endures forever. I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. This evening, I would like to share the significance of giving to the poor, and its relationship with being thankful to God. We would meditate from more

  • Good News To The Poor

    Contributed by David Welch on Aug 4, 2018

    This message explores the Biblical admonition to minister to the poor.

    Chico Alliance Church Pastor David Welch “Taking Good News to the Poor” Evidence of God’s presence Introduction For some time now the issues concerning our partnership with Abraham’s house ministry to the community have been discussed and even debated among us. On this issue we have more

  • Revivals Of Hosea, Joel And Amos Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Sep 13, 2021

    Let's look at the revivals prophesied by Hosea, Joel and Amos.

    Let's look at the revivals prophesied by Hosea, Joel and Amos. 1) Hoseah’s Revival How is repairing a broken marriage like a spiritual revival? How can God love an unfaithful nation and Jesus love such a sinful Church? Hosea’s story of adultery, divorce and remarriage is heartwarming. more

  • Entertaining Angels

    Contributed by John Gaston on Feb 4, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Angels sometimes come in the guise of needy persons to test our compassion, greed, selfishness, and obedience to help the poor. We should be diligent to minister to those less fortunate: they might even be angels.

    ENTERTAINING ANGELS Heb. 13:2 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: AN EMAIL FROM GOD 1. One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the evil that was going on. He decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out. So he called one of His best angels and sent the angel to Earth for a time. 2. more

  • Chose To Live Mediocre Lives

    Contributed by Samuel M on Aug 5, 2024

    This generation's preachers live lavish lifestyles, and they help the needy and poor. Whereas the previous generation of preachers lived mediocre lives and supported the poor and needy. They chose to live mediocre lives because they could easily connect and relate to the poor and those in need.

    This generation's preachers live lavish lifestyles and houses, and they help the needy and poor. Whereas the previous generation of preachers lived mediocre lives and supported the poor and needy. They chose to live mediocre lives because they could easily connect and relate to the poor and more

  • Remembering God

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Nov 13, 2021

    On Remembrance Sunday we remember conflicts and we remember members of the armed forces who gave their lives. But above all, we need to remember God.

    Talk for Remembrance Sunday, 14 November 2021 Today is Remembrance Sunday. In the UK we observe Remembrance DAY on the 11th of November and we observe Remembrance SUNDAY on the second Sunday in November. On both of those days we REMEMBER members of the armed forces who gave their lives in the more

  • Give Generously To The Poor

    Contributed by James Dina on Nov 16, 2020

    A cup of water can quench the thirst of the poor, but a pack of food will turn their hearts to praise the Almighty God. Don't keep it all to yourself, give a portion to those that are in need.

    GIVE GENEROUSLY TO THE POOR "Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in the power of your hand to do so" (Proverbs 3:27) It is our duty to help those in need and to share what we have with the poor and needy (Hebrews 13:16); this favor is pleasing to Almighty more