
Summary: The significance of giving to the poor, and its relationship with being thankful to God is found in Matthew 6:1-4.

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GIVE TO POOR - Matthew 6:1-4


The Lord is good; his love endures forever. I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. This evening, I would like to share the significance of giving to the poor, and its relationship with being thankful to God. We would meditate from Matthew 6:1-4. Giving to the Poor must be:

A Sacred event,

A Sincere act, and

A Secret one.

Definition of Poor in this sermon: I am using POOR as a representative word for People living with poverty and categories of widows, neglected, downtrodden, differently-abled and even-aged who need some financial help. We are not going to dwell on the receiving but more on the givers and giving.

1. Sacred Event

Gospel according to Matthew: The first gospel Matthew has many excellent teachings for humanity. Jesus Selected men who would be his followers. He wanted to instruct his helpers and assistants to do their work intellectually and efficiently, so he set the guidelines to follow as rules and regulations. It is also known as ‘The ordination address of the twelve’. ‘The manifesto of the King’, ‘The Magna Charta of the KOG’, and ‘The Compendium of Christ’s Doctrine’ are few other titles given by early fathers and commentators.

In Psalm 112: 1-5, we read that the one who fears the Lord delights in the commands of God. He is gracious, compassionate, generous and just. Generous means kind. He is kind to the poor. So he is blessed. His children are mighty. Wealth and riches are in his house. Light dawns for him in Darkness.

Prophet Habakkuk interpreted it as “The just shall live by his faith” (Habakkuk 2:4). The acts of Just is redefined here as being mindful of the poor and giving attention to them.

Deuteronomy 15:4-11 express the heart of God. In v. 4 God desires ‘there should be no poor among you, but because of the evil nature and wickedness of the human race, in v. 11, God said, ‘there will be always poor people in the land’. So, in v. 7. God commands, ‘Do not tight fist your hand to the poor.’ We live in a very busy world and have no time even to look around. God reminds us to think about the welfare of the poor and needy.

Psalm 112:9 says, ‘They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor, their righteousness endures forever.’ Giving to the poor is righteousness. Giving to the needy is considered an act of Righteousness (Mathew 6:1-4). As that of believing the promises of God by Abraham (Genesis 15:6). The wells spring up when they pump up the water. The same way the giver becomes a great reservoir of blessings of God. That is giving to the poor (2 Corinthians 9:9).

The sacred plan of God is to reach the poor through rich believers. Albert Barnes comments: The Surplus and overplus in believers hands are designed to divide and to meet the needs of the unfortunate, the weak, the aged, the imbecile, the infirm, who have “not” enough. It is the “treasury” of God - the “reservoir” where that is gathered which is to be distributed for the needs of the helpless and the dependent. The overplus belongs to God and must be appropriated as God shall direct.

Jewish Rabbi Isaac taught: “One who gives a small coin to a poor person obtains six blessings, but one who addresses him with words of comfort obtains eleven blessings.” That is eleven blessings found in Psalm 15 and Six blessings found in Isaiah 33:15. Commentator Ellicott says “It is frequent and customary actions” of the believers to give to the poor and needy.

2. Sincere Giving

Poor: Greek uses two words as Penes and Ptochos. Penes describe a man who has to work for his living i.e., autodiakonos(man serves his own needs with his own hands) and have nothing superfluous. Ptochos describes total and miserable poverty. Now Jesus used in his teaching saying blessed is the man who is penes and ptochos.

Whereas the Hebrew words for poor are ’ani and ebion. Poor had gone through four stages: poor has no influence or power, no help or prestige. Therefore becomes downtrodden and oppressed. Therefore, he has no earthly resources, hence he puts his trust in the Lord(Ps.34:6, 35:10, 72:4, 107:41). But Jesus was not speaking on economical poverty. If he speaks then the countries or cities which are living in poverty are blessed. Jesus never said that ‘blessed is the city which has more slums’. But Jesus taught them despite having all the economic stability, political power if you are poor in spirit, if you have complete trust in God, then you are a Blessed person. Then you will become a citizen of the KOH.

It was the custom for great persons, princes and governors to go for the public procession through their favoured province and asked for playing the trumpets before them to give alms. The alms were scattered a large quantity of gold and silver, whereby they gained the goodwill of the poor ( Bible).

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